We can rest soon

Chapter 13

The boy was pacing in the hallway, a hand on his face, debating what to do. Should he tell him what he did? Should he wait until the group came back?

"Quackity?" Karl poked his head out from around the door, eyebrows furrowed. "I could hear you pacing, what is it?"

"Um." Quackity tugged at his beanie as if it were his hair. "I need to tell you something."

"Yeah? Do you want to come in?" Karl offered, opening the door wider. Quackity nodded and entered the room, beginning to pace again. Karl's room was not flashy. There was hardly any decorations. Not that there was much option for shopping in an apocalypse. Karl's bed was unmade like he'd just been sleeping in it.

The only interesting thing in the room, was a single photograph in a frame on a stool by the bed.

"Why don't you sit?" Karl offered the bed.

"No. But you might want to." Quackity said. Karl looked at him curiously, but sat down on his bed.

"Q, what is it? What's happened? Have we lost someone? Is it Tina? She usually visits me every couple days but it's been a while. She got bitten didn't she." Karl looked panicked.

"No! No." Quackity stopped him. "Tina's fine. Well... I guess I don't really know if she is."

"Quackity." Karl's eyes widened. "What happened?"

"Look, you've been really really down recently. I'm just really worried so I thought maybe I could just help a bit." Quackity said, pulling off his beanie completely and holding it in front of him, fiddling with it.

"You can't help with this." Karl whispered.

"It's about him. How you don't know what happened. You got given hope when that random lady told you something and now you haven't left your room."

"She said the sword was taken from the house." Karl said softly, eyes beginning to glisten. "He could have gotten out. But I'll never know. That's the worst part.

"I know." Quackity swallowed. "I thought maybe I could try and bring you closure. That lady wanted it too."

"Closure? You... what did you do?"

"I sent a mission to Orlando. With the address and a copy of that photo. To see if they could find him anywhere." Quackity nodded at the picture frame. The picture that Karl had only shown to him out of trust.

"You..." Karl just started at him, breathing heavily. "Who'd you send?"

"Tina, Foolish, Punz, Skeppy." Quackity mumbled.

"All of them?" Karl gasped out, hands grabbing the blanket.

"It was just to see if they could find anything. They'll be back soon. They took the car."

"Our one car?!" Karl stood up, and began pacing himself now. "Quackity what-"

"I just thought-"

"You sent four people to Orlando to search for a boy who is more than likely dead!" Karl shouted. "He is gone. He is lost. There is no point. I will never see him again. You have wasted a pointless mission looking for a ghost. You put four of our vital team, our friends in danger for what? Because I'm a little sad? Guess what, Quackity! We're in an apocalypse! Everyone we know and love is dead! Everyone is sad!" He furiously wiped his eyes.


"Get out. And tell me the second they get back. Don't come see between now and then." Karl said pointing at the door with a shaky hand.

"I'm sorry."

"Out." Karl repeated, lip wobbling. Quackity just nodded, and left, gently closing the door behind.

Karl collapsed on his bed the second he did, trying not to cry. He reached out for the photo by his bed and brought it closer to his face.

Two smiling boys in a pre-apocalyptic world.

Dream did his absolute best to keep George awake, terrified that he had some sort of concussion or brain bleed and wouldn't wake up.

"And you're favourite colour?" Dream asked, stroking George's hair.

"Blue." George mumbled. "Bl-oooo." He looked his head and smiled slightly, eyes still closed.

"Blue." Dream smiled. "Why?"

"Cause I- can seeee it." George blinked his eyes open a few times.

They had bandaged his head now. Dream got Sapnap to stop driving so they could assess the gash and if it needed stitches. They decided it didn't, and then Sapnap had the horrible job of trying to shave down George's hair just around the gash so they could put a bandage right over the cut. Dream tried his best to clean the blood out of his hair, and off the seat, and of course off his own hands.

George was a bit loopy, tired and in pain. But he was fine. Dream made sure of it. He was responding, and his focus was a little bit off, but he was there.

They were close to Greenville now, and Dream felt his nervousness and anticipation slowly grow. The Haven was close. The issue was finding it once they reached the city. They didn't know much. Was it underground? Was it big? Small? Maybe it was just a few people in a house. Maybe it was an entire built civilisation in a bubble. Dream didn't know what to expect, or what to look for.

"Dude, I gotta take a shit so bad." Sapnap said, stopping the car and grabbing the bag in the front seat and pulling out the toilet paper.

"Have fun." Dream snorted as Sapnap dashed out of the car.

Dream looked back down at George, who had his eyes open and staring at him.

"Hi." Dream smiled, stroking back his hair. George smiled back.

"Hi." George looked at him. His eyes were a little droopy and unfocused. "You're pretty." George mumbled. Dream laughed, a light blush on his cheeks.

"You must be looking at a mirror then." Dream teased and George laughed, bringing a hand up and lazily swatting Dream's cheek.

"Stupid." George said, still just looking at Dream. "I wanna kiss again."

"Do you?" Dream smirked, glancing out the window, glad to see Sapnap was not in sight.

"Now." George demanded.

"Not now." Dream gently brushed George's cheek. "When you're better, if you'll let me."

"Nothings wrong with me." George blinked up at him.

"You have a concussion and lost a bit of blood." Dream smiled gently.

"Do you not like me now?"

"You're such an idiot." Dream laughed, and then leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss against George's forehead, letting it linger for a moment. When he pulled away, he looked into George's eyes. "I like you a lot."

"I don't believe you. You'll have to do that again." George pointed at his forehead. Dream chuckled, and kissed him again. George was grinning when he pulled away.

"Believe me now?"

"No. Another."

"So demanding." Dream kissed his cheek this time, and George's smile grew more loopy.


"I think that's enough. Sapnap will be back soon." Dream said gently.

"Ohhh." George nodded. "Can't let Sapnap get any kisses."

"Exactly." Dream laughed. It's not that he wanted to keep this from Sapnap. It was that he didn't entirely know what this was. Right now was not the time to discuss him and George. They were so close to the Haven, that is their goal.

"They are my kisses." George glared up at Dream.

"All yours." Dream whispered back, tracing his hairline.

"That was the fattest shit I've ever taken." Sapnap said loudly as he pulled open the front door of the car and jumped in the seat.

When they passed into Greenville, Dream felt his nerves grow. He had the map in one hand and the other in George's hair, who was currently asleep. It made Dream nervous, but George probably needed the rest.

"I think drive towards the city centre." Dream said, eyes flicking between the map, George's calm face, and outside the car at the abandoned city.

Sapnap didn't respond, and Dream furrowed his eyebrows as Sapnap took a left. The city centre was the other way, and Dream knew Sapnap knew that.

"Sap?" Dream's voice was soft.

"I have to, Dream." Sapnap's voice was pained, driving onwards, not looking back at Dream. "I just need to see."

Dream swallowed, and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. He knew where Sapnap wanted to go. He knew what he was hoping to find, hoping to see.

"Please don't break your heart."

"I just..." Sapnap shook his head. "I just need to see his house."

"Alright." Dream's hand never left Sapnap's shoulder as they drove in silence. Dream was prepared for the worst.

Sapnap was looking for Karl. And there might not be any Karl to find. It's been months, and anything could have happened. He could be dead. He could have turned into a zombie. They don't know. And they likely never will.

The house was empty. That was obvious from the front. Broken windows, broken door. Blood. The blood was dark and black and concerning how it was on the exterior of the house. Dream kept his hand firmly on Sapnap's shoulder, for fear he might leave the car to check.

"Okay." Sapnap said quietly, and then started the car again. Dream squeezed his shoulder.

"Hey." Dream's voice was gentle. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about." Sapnap's voice was tight.

"Karl." Dream whispered. "We can talk about him, you know. We haven't at all."

"I don't think I can." Sapnap's voice broke. All Dream could do was rub his shoulder. They've lost so much in this apocalypse. Their lives, their friends, their family. They were extremely lucky to even find each other, and get this far.

Sometimes it was easier not to think about what's been lost.

They continued driving, this time in silence. Dream had one had on Sapnap's shoulder now, the other still in George's hair gently brushing it. They had their windows down to listen outside, but the city was eerily quiet. Not a zombie in sight, and that was somehow even more terrifying.

"Don't you think we should have seen a zombie by now?" Sapnap whispered after a while. Dream swallowed, looking around out the window. "They should have heard the car."

"Let's not jinx it, hey." Dream settled on a nervous laugh. Nervous, because even though there was no creatures to attack them, Dream still felt like they were being watched.

"Do you know what we are looking for?" Sapnap asked. Dream shook his head. He had no idea. He was hoping it would be obvious. It was weird driving on abandoned roads, with abandoned buildings and houses and broken cars and dead trees.

Dream was staring at the college they were passing, when some movement caught his eye and his hand squeezed on Sapnap's shoulder.

"I saw something on the left." Dream said, and Sapnap slowed down.


"I don't know." Dream stared intently at the building, hoping to see something again. His heart was racing, and he subconsciously held George a little tighter in his lap.

A sharp blade was pressed against Dream's throat and his eyes widened as his breath hitched.

"Stop the car." The order was made to Sapnap, who already had his hands off the wheel, a similar dagger at his own throat. He pulled out the key, holding it up to show they had stopped.

Dream didn't dare swallow or move his head. He was looking out the opposite window and couldn't see who was holding him at knife-point.

"Where are they." A man growled. Dream took a shallow breath, feeling the dagger press into his skin.

"Who?" Dream breathed out.

"The people you stole this car from." Dream's head was roughly turned around to face their attackers. The man at his window wasn't wearing a mask, and it made Dream very conscious of the fact his face was out in the open as well. The man's long brown hair made him somehow more menacing.

"Alive. In Georgia." Dream said calmly. "We didn't hurt them, we just needed the car."

"All four of them alive?" The blade pressed harder.

"Yes. All four. Unharmed." Dream said.

"I'm going to kill you." The man said, teeth bared and light eyes furious.

"Please. We needed the car to get here. We've heard there's a Safe Haven. We need help. He needs help." Dream desperate lifted George's head up, cradling it.

"There is no Haven for people like you." The man who had the blade to Sapnap's throat said. "We only allow those who can be prove they are trustworthy to be let in."

"I can't tell you. Not until you prove to me you aren't a threat."

Tina had said those words, the girl he had left abandoned in another state.

"They were part of the Haven?" Dream whispered. The fact there even is a Haven at all has been barely a celebration in his mind, not enough time to realise they'd made it. There was a knife to his throat.

"Damn right they were. You fucking imbeciles." The man pressed his knife harder against Sapnap's throat who inhaled deeply.

"Language." The man with Dream hissed. Dream blinked at that. It took him by surprise. Caring so much about swearing in comparison to everything else in this world.

"I'm sorry we left them there. We were desperate. It wasn't with ill intent. We would have killed them if it were. We just needed the car. We just wanted to get to the Haven. We didn't know they'd be apart of it." Dream said.

"You can't prove they aren't dead." The man flared his nostrils. "You could have killed them." His voice broke ever so slightly and Dream noticed his hand was slightly shaky.

"We will go back." Sapnap said. "We will go back and pick them up and bring them back here to prove it. To prove we are trustworthy. Will you let us in if we do?"

The two men looked at each other. Dream swallowed nervously. They finally made it but they fucked up their chances. He really did not want to have to drive all the back to Georgia. Finding the four humans they left would be impossible. They may have strayed from the road, they could be dead.

"You find them. Bring them back. If any one of them has even a graze then you are all dead." The man said, flipping his dagger in his hand.

"Can you treat him first?" Dream asked, holding George. "He has a head injury. If someone could just look and make sure-"

"You really think you're in a position to be asking for things?" The second man said.

"Please." Dream whispered.

"No. You showed no humanity towards our friends. Why would we show any to you." The one at Dream's window backed up, glaring at Dream.

"We are sorry." Dream wanted to cry. They had finally made it, to the Haven that they weren't even sure existed. Still were unsure where exactly it even was. And they were being turned away for a mistake they made.

"You bring them back." The dagger was pointed at him, shifting between him and Sapnap. "Sam, come on." The second man stepped back, still looking at the both of them.

"Go now. We will wait until you've left the city." He said. Sapnap obediently put his key back in the car and drove off before another word was said. Dream watched the two men as him and Sapnap drove away. They were staring at the car and talking intently.

Dream and Sapnap didn't speak until they were out of the city. Just a tense silence, where Dream was still holding George tightly.

"Dream?" George mumbled, and Dream looked down, seeing the boy's eyes flickering open.

"Hey." Dream said, a hand coming up to cradle George's cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy." George said, rolling closer into Dream's lap.

"I know, I'm sorry. Do you want some water?" He asked, and George nodded weakly. Dream fumbled for the bottle and helped sit George up so he could take a sip.

"How far are we?" George asked, wincing as he looked outside the window. He seemed better. Slightly off, and disoriented, and he was swaying slightly. But the rest had done him well.

"We um..." Dream didn't quite know what to say. It made his own heart sink when he thought about it.

"We found the Haven. They didn't let us in because we stole this car from their friends." Sapnap said with a sigh. Dream realised he missed seeing Sapnap's face. He was staring ahead and still had the mask over his mouth.

"What?" George's eyes widened, as he leaned into Dream.

"Yeah. We have to go back and find the group we left at the gas station." Dream explained, brushing some of George's hair out of his face.

"Oh no." George mumbled, and Dream laughed slightly. Oh no indeed. "How long will it take?"

"Same amount of time it took to get here." Sapnap sighed. "Probably like 6 or 7 hours. Thank goodness we don't have to factor in traffic."

"But then we have to come all the way back." Dream said through gritted teeth. "With 7 people in a five-seater pickup truck."

"Now you mention it. How exactly are we planning to do that?" Sapnap asked, voice a little high with nerves.

"Well, um. We do have the tray in the back." Dream said slowly.

"No." George punched his chest weakly. "No no."

"Not you." Dream assured him. "And whoever we put back there will be safely secured."

"I don't want to do this drive again." Sapnap sighed. "I'm sick of never ending roads."

"I know. But once we pick them up, and bring them back to Greenville, then it's all over." Dream said. "At least we know the Haven is real." He smiled.

"It's real." George echoed back, curling in to Dream sleepily. "Now you don't have to slit my throat."

"I was never going to kill you, George. Even if you lied." Dream said softly.

"I feel like being killed by you would have been better than your disappointment." George's voice was just soft, and tired. Dream wanted to kiss him, but didn't want to explain that to Sapnap.

"You could never disappoint me." He kept a hand in George's hair.

The sun was setting. They had been driving the entire day, aside from stopping here and there to relieve themselves or even a little lunch break for Sapnap. They all held their breath when they passed the area of the highway where they were attacked, but they drove through with no issues.

George was sitting up at this point, leaning his head against Dream's shoulder because leaning back would hit his wound against the headrest.

They were nearing the gas station. Still several miles off but it was close. It was at this point where Dream was on high alert to see any signs of human activity or movement.

"At what point will we stop for sleep?" Sapnap said, stifling a yawn.

"I don't know if we should stop." Dream whispered. Last time they did, it ended horribly. And they were so close to the gas station they had to find them.

"Dream..." Sapnap's tone changed suddenly and Dream sat up. "What's that in the distance..?"

Dream leaned forward in the seat, knocking George off his shoulder unintentionally, who just whined.

In the distance were a few dark figures standing in the middle of the road. They were getting bigger, and Dream urged Sapnap to slow down.

"That's them." Dream wanted to laugh in relief. "Oh thank God."

"Something is wrong." Sapnap said nervously, and Dream stared harder. Something was wrong, because between two of the figures was one of them being pulled along, an arm around each side.

"Shit." Dream muttered.

They got closer, and all the humans on the road stopped moving, staring at the car. Tina was at the front, and she held up the mace as they approached slowly.

It was Skeppy, the driver, who was injured. When they stopped walking, the other two guys lowered him to his knees for a moment, still holding him up because he seemed barely conscious. There was blood trickling down from his forehead.

Dream got out of the car, hands up, and slowly approached. There was several yards between them. Tina looked menacing, with pure anger on her face and her grip tight on the mace.

"Look..." Dream started slowly. "We aren't going to hurt you. We came back to pick you up."

"Did you now." Tina scoffed, jaw tensing. "How thoughtful." Skeppy groaned in the background and it made Dream wince.

"We're sorry for leaving. We were desperate for a car."

"Cool." Tina's gaze was icy.

"Let us drive you back to North Carolina. To the Haven."

"Oh, so that's why you returned." She let out a sharp laugh. "They didn't let you in, did they."

"Look, I know we are shit people, and this is just as selfish as us leaving you the first time, but please just let us drive you back. He needs the help." Dream gestured to Skeppy.

"I honestly have no trust left to give." Tina looked like she wanted to cry. But she also looked like she would never let a tear fall. "It feels like getting in that car is only going to end badly."

There was an echo of a screech in the distance and they all spun around to the noise. Punz and Foolish picked Skeppy up again.

"Tina, there's more. We need to go. We can't carry him forever." Foolish said. Tina swallowed, looking back at Dream. There was a few cuts and dirt on her own face. She looked extremely conflicted.

"Where's Sapnap?" She asked.

Dream blinked at that, and then looked behind him at the car.

"Driving." He said simply.

"Fucking..." Her free hand pulled at her own hair. "Jesus. Who turned you away from the Haven?"

"Some guy called Sam, and the other had long hair?" Dream said.

"Did he language any one of you at any point?" Punz asked.


"They don't know what he looks like." Tina huffed, looking at the other boys. "Fuck. Ok. We'll come. But you drive. Sapnap is in the back seat with me at all times." She said, pointing a finger at Dream.

"Why? What about him?" The screeches were less echoey but closer, and everyone was growing on edge.

"I would have explained before." She started storming towards him, teeth gritted. "But I no longer care enough. You don't get to know now. I'm too... angry." She looked angry. She somehow looked extremely sweet at the same time. Still furious, though. "Sapnap sticks with me at all times. Got it?"

"Whatever. Fine. But there's another. George. He's in the backseat with a head injury. He can't lie back, and needs to be monitored." Dream said, still confused about the whole Sapnap thing.

"Right. Ok. Well, easy." She swallowed. "Two in the tray. You and Punz. Foolish will stick in the backseat with the two injured."

"No." Dream tensed up. "I'm not leaving George."

"Fine. He goes in the tray with you."

"Us being in the tray to begin with is what got him injured!" Dream shouted. There was movement in the trees. "We don't have time to sort this out. Sapnap's driving." He ran back to the car, and got in the back, pulling George onto his lap.

"What's happening?" Sapnap spun around. The engine was still running, and he looked panicked as the humans approached the car as well.

"They are coming with. It's going to be cramped." Dream swallowed, holding George tight, and cradling his head carefully on his shoulder.

Tina opened the front door and ushered Foolish in, helping Punz lift Skeppy in as well. There was the most amount of room in the front seat, it made sense for two to sit there. Skeppy was completely knocked out through, slumped against Foolish.

Tina ran around to the back of the truck and threw her mace beneath the tarp before her and Punz ran to the backseat, clambering in and slamming the door shut.

"Oh fuck not again." Sapnap threw the car into reverse and immediately started driving. Dream looked out the window and saw several dozens of zombies running and screeching along the road and out of the forest from the right.

Dream held George extra tight, not wanting him to hit his head again, this time on the window.

"We had lost them for a bit." Punz gasped out. "Must have heard the car." Sapnap spun the car around suddenly and everyone banged into each other in the backseat. Except George. Dream made sure he wasn't hit at all.

"We need fuel." Sapnap muttered, looking at the dashboard. "I have to turn around at some point."

"No point. We blew up the station."

"I'm sorry, what?" Dream said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"We spent the day planning how we'd get back to NC, and were attacked by zombies, and had to climb the gas station. We camped on the roof for the night because we didn't want to do anything rash with no moon for light. We had the grenades you so graciously left us." Tina gave Dream the stink eye. "Blew them up today and jumped down. The explosion made Skeppy fall off the roof. He hit his head."

"How long ago was that?" Sapnap asked.

"Like an hour. We heard more zombies in the distance. They probably heard the explosion. We haven't had time to stop and properly check Skeppy." Punz was rummaging through his bag and passed a few things to Foolish in the front seat, who attempted to bandage Skeppy's head.

Dream chewed on his lip.

"We were told to bring you back unharmed." He said. Tina turned and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Failed that, didn't you."

"There's another gas station we can stop at that's fictional. It's in a few exits. Do you think we can make it?" Punz asked.

"I hope so." Sapnap grimaced.

"Alright. Dibs not filling up." Sapnap sighed as they pulled up next to the pump. "And I need to stop. I can't drive anymore. I will make us crash if I don't sleep. Can anyone else drive?"

"I can't drive stick." Tina grimaced. "Punz isn't allowed to drive."

"Why aren't you allowed to drive?" Sapnap turned back to look at Punz with judgment.

"It's his fault we've lost two perfectly working vehicles." Tina rolled her eyes.

"It was not my fault." Punz defended himself.

"We're in the process of fixing up some more cars at the Haven. This is the only functional one at the moment, and our one way to get back home. I'm not risking him driving." Tina said, and then turned to Dream. "You drive. We saw you drive away from the gas station."

"He's not driving." George grumbled, lifting his head to glare at her.

"Why not." She asked.

"None ya business." George said, leaning into Dream. He brushed his hair out of his face.

"I'd rather not." Dream said softly.

"Right. Fine. Whatever. Foolish?" Tina sighed.

"I guess I can drive. Hate it though." Foolish sighed. "Someone's going to have to take my spot." He gestured to Skeppy who was slumped against him, blacked out.

"I will." Punz offered.

Sapnap, Tina, Punz and Foolish all got out of the car. Sapnap filled it up while Tina kept guard, and Foolish helped organise Skeppy and Punz in the front seat. Skeppy was mostly conscious for the drive surprisingly, but he didn't speak much throughout. He just groaned sometimes, or mumbled to Foolish about something "bad". Dream thought he must be concussed too.

"I've had enough." George sighed into Dream.

"Of what?"

"Everything. I just want to rest."

"You can sleep." Dream pushed back his hair.

"No, I don't want to sleep. I want to stop. I want to stop running and driving and walking and talking. I want to rest." He whispered.

"We can rest soon." Dream whispered back as a promise. "We're nearly there."

Next few weeks are chaos for me so apologies in advance if I'm a little off schedule.

"We can rest soon"
Sure, Dream. Sure.

Twitter: @ LottiaraT
