Grand theft auto

Chapter 11

Dream watched George carefully, as the boy squinted one eye shut and lined up his bow. He was biting his bottom lip as he concentrated, and his nose was slightly scrunched.

"Got it!" George shouted when he let the arrow fly, and his focused expression switched to joy, eyes crinkling with the smile. He turned to Dream, beaming and waving in the direction of the arrow he shot. "Did you see?"

"I did." Dream said, looking over at the now-dead fox, an arrow through its head. It was clean, quick. He looked back at George who now had a mocking look on his face.

"Told you I'd get it first try." George teased, before walking over to the dead animal. Dream shook his head with a smile, before turning back and crouching by Sapnap.

"How's your head today?" He asked. Sapnap shrugged, examining some of George's arrows as entertainment. His head was still bandaged like a mummy, despite the fact the bleeding had stopped. Dream was taking any chances and Sapnap didn't seem too bothered.

"Better again today. Still a headache and I'm a little dizzy but I think I can walk today." Sapnap said.

"Are you sure? We can wait another day if you need it." Dream said.

"I'm sure. We haven't moved in three days. And not to mention the couple days before you even found me. We need to get to the safe haven before we have any more injuries. I mean seriously, Dream. Your arm looked bad when George changed the bandage yesterday." Sapnap said, gesturing at Dream's bicep.

"It's not that bad. It was the first day but it's fine now." Dream almost self-consciously touched his shoulder.

"I don't want any of us to get any more stitches. We need to get out of this stupid forest and to North Carolina." Sapnap said. George walked back over, letting go of the dead fox he was dragging with him.

"I am not skinning it. I'll throw up." George said, mouth in a frown and nose scrunched. His hands were out in front of him like he was contaminated. "I killed it. You cook it."

"I could have easily killed it. You just wanted the praise." Dream said, standing back up. "You killed it, you finish the job." He raised a single eyebrow.

"That's not fair." George scoffed, glaring at Dream, eyes narrowing. George had so many facial expressions. All on display without his mask. Dream noticed them all.

"I think it is. If you think you're so good at hunting, then I bet you think you're so good at cooking too." Dream said, slight smile hidden by his mask.

"I am good at it but that's beside the point. I killed it, now you have to do something." The only problem with being able to see George's face, was that he had now taken the bandage off her cheek. The knife that had sliced him in the hollow of the tree had left a scar running from the bridge of his nose to his ear. Dream felt a little sick every time he looked at it. It was his fault it's there. It was still new, red, raw. Not bleeding now, of course, but still fresh.

"What if I don't?" Dream cocked his head to the side, eyes glistening in amusement.

"I'll make you." George gripped his bow.

"I'd like to see how you'd do that." Dream raised his eyebrows again.

"Jesus fucking christ. I'll skin the stupid fox if you both just shut the hell up." Sapnap snapped, reaching for the bag and tugging out the dagger. "Dream, start the goddamn fire."

"Alright." Dream gave in and started exploring for sticks.

"What! Just like that? Why do you listen to Sapnap and not when I ask!" George whined.

"Because its funny seeing you mad." Dream hummed.

"Funny? You think me being angry is funny?" George stormed after Dream.

"Hilarious." Dream met George's eyes once before bending down to grab more sticks.

"You're such an asshole." George scoffed, and stuck his foot onto a large branch Dream was about to grab.

"I need that." Dream lifted his head, looking up at George who still had his foot on the branch.


"You're such a brat." Dream shook his head, looking back down to tug the branch away, but failing.

"But this is funny." George mocked him. Dream looked back up at the boy, eyebrow raising in amusement.

"Is it?"

"Yes." George lifted his chin. Dream slowly stood up, relishing in the fact he was taller than George when at full height. George kept his chin up though, fierce eyes meeting Dream's.

Dream just looked at George for a few moments, not breaking eye contact. George stared back in anticipation, waiting for some kind of witty response sure to make him more angry. Dream had plenty he wanted to say. But that scar caught his eye again.

He just smiled behind the mask, sure that his eyes reflected his grin at George, before turning away and looking for different sticks.

George just scoffed, but didn't say anything else. He let Dream be after that, knowing he'd won whatever game it was they seemed to be playing. They had been playing it for days now. This back and forth making each other react. Dream found it amusing. And oh so easy to rile George up. He disagreed on anything Dream said, like he was hoping to start a fight.

Dream didn't know why George played. Dream played to see his facial expressions change. And his nose scrunch. And his lips pout, and his eyes glare at him. He didn't know why George did.

"I have an idea. And it's stupid." Sapnap strolled back towards the large boulder Dream was sitting upon. George was on the ground, pacing and complaining that he should get the seat while Sapnap pissed because he was the one who killed that fox yesterday and gave them the protein they had been desperately needing for ages. Dream just sat there quietly, eating a nut bar and watching George pace with amusement.

"Of course it'll be stupid." George turned his annoyance towards Sapnap now, and Dream frowned slightly. George was facing away, looking at Sapnap instead.

"You'll be on board." Sapnap pointed at George. He then looked at Dream. "You will not."

"Well then no." Dream said, trying to read Sapnap and guess what he was going to say.

"I need you to hear me out before you say no." Sapnap had his hands out like he was defending himself from a wild animal. Dream just raised an eyebrow.

"What is it." George demanded. So demanding.

"Ok, well, you know that group of humans you said you saw at the gas station, and how they had a car..."

"No." Dream slid off the boulder and picked up his sword and bag again. George took this opportunity to sit on the rock instead.

"You don't even know what I was going to say." Sapnap groaned.

"I do." Dream glared at him. "George, get up. We're moving again."

"No, I want to hear Sapnap's idea first." George said. Dream glared at him now as well and it was George's turn to grin back.

"It's a great idea." Sapnap said.

"No, let's go."

"What's your wonderful idea Sapnap?" George asked with a smile.

"Well, dear George. You told me about that group of humans that were at the gas station with you both, and what they said. You said they were looking for some guy on behalf of some people to check if he's alive. By that logic, that group will be returning to where they came from after finding him." Sapnap said.

"Right." George blinked, and Dream hated how he could see the gears turning in George's brain as he tried to figure out where this was going.

"Well, I doubt there are many working gas stations left to fill up a car. My guess is they'd have to stop there again on their way back to wherever they are going. My idea -and it's a great idea- is to steal their car and drive it to North Carolina to find the Haven!" Sapnap grinned.

"Like I said. No." Dream huffed.

"That would be so much better than walking. We have so far to go." George said, eyes lighting up at the idea.

"Exactly. And you said you know which city the Haven is in, but cities are huge. Searching for it could take forever on foot. We need the car." Sapnap said.

"No. Sapnap." Dream said again, jaw tensing.

"Dream, I know what happened last time. But there's no cars on the road. It won't happen again, and it really will be faster. We all have injuries and we will probably only encounter more danger if we keep walking." Sapnap said.

"I said no!" Dream shouted, and turned around, walking away. His arm hit a tree he didn't know he was that close to, and his stitches erupted in pain.

And then his head did too. His head hurt so bad, and he couldn't see. There was blood in his eyes, and his face hurt. There was a smell of burning, and someone calling his name. "Dream!" He could feel himself being pulled along the floor, sticks and rocks scratching his entire body. There was an alarm going off too, somewhere in the distance. Or maybe it was close. He couldn't tell. Everything felt slow and heavy. "Dream get up, I can't carry you. Please." It was Sapnap.

"Dream." A warm hand on his shoulder, and Dream's head snapped up. He was on his knees, grasping his arm, and breathing heavy. He looked up at Sapnap who was staring at in in worry. He dropped to his knees beside Dream and gripped both his shoulders. "Dream, talk to me."

George had appeared next to them too, standing and looking just as concerned. His concern wasn't just in his eyes. It was on his whole face, lips frowning slightly and eyebrows pulled downwards.

His scar was redder today. Somehow. Dream made him clean it this morning, but didn't bandage it. It was right there, angry and glaring at Dream. Reminding him he put that there.

"What's wrong?" George asked, and Dream shook his head.

"I don't want to drive again." He looked at Sapnap, who nodded. "I can still smell the smoke."

"I know. Last time was a freak accident. The car full of zombies that had only just been turned and had access to a car full of petrol. That won't happen again, Dream. Zombies are older, and there aren't many working cars. If we do drive, it won't happen."

"It scares me." Dream said, voice a little soft.

"I'll drive." Sapnap said, squeezing his shoulders. "You don't have to be behind the wheel. George can drive too, right, George?" Sapnap looked up at the boy who's eyes widened slightly.

"Uh, yeah. Of course." George said, laughing a little. Dream squinted at it. That wasn't a genuine laugh. He knows George's genuine laugh and that was not it.

"The quicker we get to North Carolina." Sapnap brought his attention back. "The quicker we can get our injuries looked over, and we can stop bloody running from everything." Sapnap said.

Dream nodded. He hated running. It felt like they'd been doing for years. It felt like they would have to forever. He wanted to stop. He wanted to rest. He wanted to breathe.

"I think hijacking a car is a little more difficult than you've considered." Dream swallowed and chuckled nervously, looking at Sapnap who snorted.

"Duh. That's why I need you on board to help us plan out the crime."

"It's not a crime if there's no police." George said. Sapnap looked up at him with a grin.

"I'm glad we kept you." He looked back at Dream. "Aren't you glad we kept him?"

Dream looked at George, who was smiling slightly at Sapnap's comment, cheeks a tad pink.

"Nah." Dream said with a hidden smirk, and George turned even more red with anger.

"This is stupid. It's been days and we could have reached the Haven by now!" Dream said, pacing back and forth outside the gas station.

"Really?" George asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. But we could have made progress!" Dream said, throwing his arms up in the air. "We've been sitting at this stupid gas station for three days and it's pointless! We don't know when the humans will drive by, if they will stop, if they are even coming back the same way, or if they haven't already passed! This is a waste of time and we should go." Dream said, stopping and turning to glare at both Sapnap and George. Sapnap was leaning against the wall and George was sitting on the floor, using his dagger to trace on the dirt.

"We need the car, admit it Dream. Even if we reach bloody North Carolina and the city where the safe haven is, we don't know the address. We can't walk around aimlessly forever."

"Well we can't just sit here forever either!" Dream groaned.

"Looks, it's been nearly two weeks since you guys saw the humans. They were looking for a person somewhere in the state of Florida so wherever they were going, we know the search would take a while because, like I've said, cities are huge. I have faith they'll be back."

George sighed, and tugged on the face-mask he was wearing. It was scratchy on his scar and hot. He didn't want to wear it, but it felt safer with what they were going to do. Their plan to steal the car.

They've assumed there are at least 4 people in the car. 5 if none of them died and they somehow found the person they were looking for. They had a plan, and it relied heavily on the humans caring for one another.

"I'm tempted to just walk myself and I'd probably find the Haven before you ever even find a car." Dream said.

"Can you quit the whole threatening to leave thing. It's getting old." Sapnap said. George nodded, a little less joking and Dream silenced himself. He resumed pacing, swinging his sword by his sides.

He had glanced at George a few times, noticing him fiddling with the mask a lot, picking it off his cheek every so often.

"You can take it off, you know." Dream said out of blue, and George looked up, confused. "The mask. You don't have to wear it."

"Well we aren't killing the humans and if they follow I don't want them to know my face." George said, eyebrows furrowing. They all had masks on.

"I know, but right now. They aren't here. I can tell it's bothering your wound." Dream walked over and crouched in front of George, reaching out to gently tug the blue down. It got caught on the scab slightly since it was sticking to it and George winced. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It's barely a wound, just healing is all." George shrugged, looking away from Dream, avoiding eye contact.

"It shouldn't be there at all." Dream reached out and let his thumb rest gently on George's cheek, beneath the scar, examining the cut.

It had been days, and it was still red and angry. Swollen, and hot. Dream knew it was a bit infected but there wasn't much they could do. They just had to hope it fixed itself. At least it was small, but it was probably throbbing a bit. Look, George's cheeks were a little red.

"Are you feeling ok?" Dream moved his chin so George could look at him properly. "You're red. Are you feeling sick? Is the infection-"

"I'm fine." George pushed Dream's hand away and stared back at the ground.

"I just want to make sure it heals properly. It might not even scar. I might not even be able to see it." Dream wanted to pull George's face up again to get another look, but George looked up by himself, glaring now, face still red.

"I don't know why you're so obsessed over it scarring. It's my face, not yours."

"What? I just-"

"You just what? Are worried about my face? We are in the middle of the apocalypse and we all have worse injuries. Are you worried I'm going to look ugly with a scar, is that it? Your hoping it's not going to scar so you don't have to see it." George threw Dream's own words back at him.

"That's not what I meant. Of course not, I just don't want you to not be able to recognise yourself in the mirror. Because it's hard sometimes." Dream said, a little softer at the end.

"Maybe I already don't recognise myself in the damn mirror! Maybe I don't care what happens to my face because I already no longer feel like me! Maybe it doesn't even matter because zombies don't care about scars! I don't care about my looks. There's no reason to, we're in an apocalypse. There's no one around to impress." George stood up now, gripping his dagger and walking away. Dream looked at Sapnap who had a perplexed expression on his face too. The boy just shrugged.

"George, wait." Dream sighed, standing up and following George as he walked around the building. "George, please let me explain."

"Explain what?" George stopped and turned around with a glare.

"I just..." Dream swallowed. "I don't want to see your scar. Because it's my fault you have it. That wound on your face is there because of me. Because I left you, and I wasn't there to protect you, and you were hurt because of me. It reminds me that I failed you, and hurt you, and you were injured in the process of my stupidity."

George stood there, staring at Dream, face unchanging despite his face mask being pulled down his neck and all his wonderful expressions on display. If he showed any.

"I hate looking at the scar and seeing how I've failed you. It wasn't even the first time, and I'm scared it won't be the last."

George finally sighed, face relaxing.

"You didn't throw the knife, Dream." George said calmly.

"I may as well have." Dream mumbled. "The scar doesn't make you ugly, George. It doesn't change you, or how I see you, or anything about you. I don't look at you and see an ugly scar. I look at you and see all the ways I might fail you."

George took a few steps forward and pulled Dream into a hug, arms wrapped around his torso. Dream hesitantly wrapped his arms around George as well. This was weird. And not at the same time. They haven't hugged like this. It was nice. And a little awkward. But warm.

"I want you to look at me and see me." George stepped back slightly, looking into Dream's eyes. "Not the scar at all."

"It's so bright though." Dream said, looking right at it.

"It'll get better. It'll fade." George's eyes scanned over Dream's face mask. "Scars do." He imagined Dream's mask lowered, seeeing his scar. It didn't change Dream's face, he was still beautiful with the scar. "Does mine really look that ugly?" George asked in a small voice.

"No." Dream grabbed his hands. "It's not ugly, it's just there. You're beautiful with and without it George."

George's cheek went even more red, and he felt the heat. He pulled his hands away from Dream to tug his mask up over his face, hoping it covered his blush. Dream just chuckled and reached out to gently pull it back down.

"Don't hide."

"Well don't say things like that." George looked at the ground.

"What? That you're beautiful?"

"Stop." George gritted out.

"Guys!" Sapnap's voice interrupted them, and they both turned back, immediately jogging over to Sapnap who had his axe up, looking far away. "There's the car."

Dream spun around, looking in the distance and seeing a car approach, it was far enough away that they couldn't see the people inside.

"Find your positions. Go." Dream ordered, and he himself ran around the side of the gas station. Sapnap ran over to the restroom block, where they had all been sleeping the past few nights. George had the job of hiding by the pump. He was the smallest, and had to move quietly and out of sight around the pump once the car pulled up.

Dream had his sword up and ready, looking at George who had his dagger in his hand, and his bow pulled around his shoulder. It was close-range, the dagger would be more useful.

The car pulled up, and Dream's nerves skyrocketed. It was definitely the same car, the same ute. They had all the windows down just like they had hoped. He could see it was full, and he took a few deep breaths, watching George crouching out of view, looking at Dream, waiting.

The doors opened and two guys stepped out, both instantly stretching and complaining about he ride. Dream noticed how young they seemed, possibly even around their age. A girl who was sitting in the front passenger seat also opened her door, but she just stretched her feet out and didn't get up.

"Nah I gotta pee so bad, move Foolish." One of the guys sprinted over to the restroom, right past Dream who shrunk away so he wouldn't see him. The other guy just laughed and continued to stretch his arms now.

"How much longer?" He asked, and the girl just laughed.

"You will not stop asking that. Fill up the car will you? Skeppy's complaining about getting out of the car." She said, gesturing over her shoulder at the man in the driver seat who had his head against the wheel.

Dream made eye contact with George and nodded, and George stood up, immediately stepping up to the driver's window and pulling the man's head up, putting the dagger against his throat.

Dream walked out, sword up and pointing at the standing guy, who paled when he saw Dream, putting his hands up in the air.

"Oh my God." The girl got out of the car, looking at the boy behind the wheel and turning to look at the one Dream had his sword pointed at. "Please don't kill us."

"We don't want to kill you." Dream said, walker closer to the pair. He saw the driver gulp as he looked down at the dagger to his throat. None of them dared move.

"Give me the keys." George said, other hand out. The driver obeyed, handing them to George.

"My name is Tina." The girl said slowly, initial shock turning into something more calm. "We are just moving through the state. We have food if you need something. We can point you in the right direction-"

"Stop talking." Dream ordered, shaking slightly. She did. "We want the car. So what's going to happen, if you don't want us to slit your driver's throat, or kill the man in the restroom, then you'll all be quiet as you walk into the gas station."

"Please, we can help-"

"I said quiet." Dream threatened, walking closer so the sword was pointed at her chest. "We've killed humans. We will do it again."

She just nodded, and then looked at the other man, who was standing there looking horrified. She gestured for him to go inside and he did, without taking his eyes off the scene.

"Skeppy next." The girl said confidently, pointing at the driver.

George looked hesitant, but stepped back and opened the door for the driver, who slowly got out, a hand over his neck.

"We aren't a threat." He said to George, who pointed his dagger at him again, using it to gesture to the gas station.

"Can we please keep our weapons? You said you don't want to kill us, leaving us here defenceless is a death sentence." Tina said, looking calm as she looked at Dream.

"What are your weapons?" He asked, watching carefully as George escorted the man to the door of the gas station.

"Two axes, 6 daggers, a mace, and..." She hesitated for a moment. "A handful of grenades."

"Grenades?" Dream's eyes widened. "How'd you get your hands on those?"

"I can't tell you. Not until you prove to me you aren't a threat." She said, eyeing him.

"Well I am one. You can keep the axes, 3 daggers, and the mace. We want half the grenades."

"Grenades." George said, eyes a little horrified.

"Ok." Tina said with a nod.

"We will leave them on the ground while you are all in the gas station. You can get them once we leave."

"I need our med bag." Tina said.

"You're bartering on your life and your friend's lives right now, you know that?" Dream said through gritted teeth.

"I want to live. This is what I need to do that." She smiled ever so slightly, and Dream didn't like it. She actually seemed really nice, sweet. He couldn't kill her despite the threats. He probably couldn't kill any of them, unless they were killing him or George or Sapnap of course.

"Do you have antibiotic cream?" Dream asked.

"Yes, you can have it. Tell me where Punz is and if he's ok."

"He's in the restroom. Tied up, gagged. My friend is with him and under orders to kill him if I say so."

"Let me grab the kit and give you the cream." Tina said, stepping towards the car.

"No. Tell us where it is."

"In the glove compartment." She said.

"George." Dream nodded at him, and George walked over, grabbing out their bag. He opened it up and his eyes widened.

"Where'd you guys get all this?" He asked, rummaging through it.

"I'd tell you. If I thought you weren't a threat." She eyed Dream's sword again.

"We only need the antibiotic cream." Dream said. George looked at him, begging eyes. "We don't need the other shit. Let them keep it."

"Fine." George grabbed out a tube. "Why do we need this."

"Your cheek." Dream said, and then looked back at Tina.

"What? That's it?"

"It's infected."

"It's tiny. It's harmless."

"It can get worse, and spread. You could get a fever."

"It's barley even infected!"

"It's red and swollen and hot." Dream sighed. "It's infected."

"Its not that bad."

"No, he's right. You could get sepsis." Tina said with a shrug.

"Thank you!" Dream waved his hands at her.

"Jesus Christ." George dropped the bag on the floor. "Let me fill up the car and then we can go." He huffed, walking around the side of the car to do just that.

"Right. Well. Go inside now." Dream said to Tina. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Not until I see Punz is ok."

"He's fine. Just go inside."

"No. He's my friend. You understand that, right? If he's bound and gagged, he's harmless. Just bring him here." She said.

"We will bring him out before we leave. Not before." Yes, the humans are all weapon-less. But to survive this long you have to be smart and creative. Dream knows there's broken glass inside. He knows they aren't completely defenceless.

"If you don't, you will not be driving away." She steps closer, letting the sword press against her chest.

"Fine. And if you come out of the station before we leave, George will shoot him with his bow and arrow." He says, and she stares at him a little longer, before slowly walking towards the gas station, not taking her eyes off Dream. He watched her go inside, and the other two guys pull her in for hugs, talking to her and asking questions. She just kept watching Dream.

"George, are you done?" Dream asked.

"Nearly." George said, still on high alert, looking around. "Go through their weapons."

Dream went to the back of the ute, untying the tarp and pulling it off. They weren't joking about the mace.

Dream picked it up. It was heavy, and fascinating. He knew he had to put it down before Sapnap saw it. He'd trade it for his axe immediately and Dream couldn't let that happen. It would take too long to learn a new weapon, it's weight, how to control it. He dumped the two axes as well, and pulled a crate towards him. He took off the lid and his eyes widened. There was about 8 grenades and he just stared for a moment.

He didn't really know how to use them, and just the thought that they have the capacity to blow up made him nervous. But nonetheless, he pulled them out one by one and placed them very carefully on the ground with the other weapons. He kept 4 in the box, and closed the lid again. He'd rather not think about it.

He couldn't find the daggers, so he looked in the car. There were some in each door of the car, and he collected them all, before dumping half of the floor and shoving half in the glove compartment.

"Done." George said, putting the pump back. "Should I go get Sapnap?"

"Yeah, and bring the guy back too." Dream said, walking around to the passenger side of the car, looking back at the gas station. He couldn't hear them, but he could see they were all talking and watching him. It made Dream nervous.

"Dream, a little help?" George said from afar after a minute, and Dream looked over to see him pulling a man with him, who had his hands tied behind him, and Sapnap's face mask tied in his mouth to stop him from speaking. Punz, his name was. He was desperately trying to talk, and run it seemed. Even with George's dagger pressed into his side, Punz wanted to run.

"Where's Sap?" Dream said, meeting them and pulling the man forward until he fell on his knees, and held the sword up.

"Pissing. He said to start the car." George said, and then held the keys out.

"I'm not- I can't-" Dream swallowed nervously, eyeing the keys.

"Now might be a bad time to mention that I actually don't know how to drive." George said a little sheepishly.

Dream looked back into the gas station, and saw all three humans glaring at him, watching the sword that he had pointed at Punz. Tina's look was the most terrifying. It scared him more than he couldn't see their hands.

"Ok. You." He looked at Punz who was trying to yell at the gas station. "Look at me." Dream poked him with the sword. He did. "If you get up before we drive away, George is going to shoot you from the car with his bow and arrow. He does not miss."

Punz nodded solemnly.

"We need to go. I've pissed them off too much." Dream said to George, grabbing the keys and trying not to run to the drivers side of the car. He chucked his sword in the backseat and switched on the car. It came to life, and Dream felt his hands shake slightly.

George got in next to him, and they waited for a moment. Dream nervously watched the gas station, but none of them got out, and Punz didn't stand up. It seemed like he was trying to communicate with them though.

Sapnap came out of the restroom, and jogged over, swinging his axe.

"Woo!" He cheered when he saw Dream and George in the car. "We got the car, let's go baby!" He happily ran to the backseat and swung it open.

"Let's go now please." George said. Dream flexed his hands over the wheel. "Dream, they are coming out!"

"Ok." Dream put the vehicle in drive.

"Wait!" Tina's voice rang out and Dream panicked. George pulled out his bow, lining up an arrow, and Dream gassed the car, letting it pick up speed quick as he pulled out onto the road without even checking his mirrors.

"Did-did you shoot?" Dream asked, pale.

"No. I couldn't." George pulled his bow back inside. "She wasn't holding anything and they all looked bloody terrified."

Dream looked in the rear view mirror, seeing Tina run out onto the road. She stopped, staring them down as they got further and further away. Dream swallowed, attention going back to what's in front of him.

"Why'd she run out?" Dream asked. "I gave them all the stuff she asked for. The weapons, the med kit, and Punz was perfectly fine."

"I don't know." George said, sinking slightly in his seat.

"They were young." Sapnap commented from the backseat. "Our age maybe. The Punz guy was freaking out the whole time, and I felt almost bad. He kept trying to take his gag off."

"It's weird, isn't it? Seeing people like us in the apocalypse." George said.

"Maybe in another life we could have known them. Met them." Sapnap said quietly.

"Whatever other life that is..." Dream looked back at the mirror, the gas station and Tina now out of sight. "I feel like it would have been nice."


Dream behind the wheel. What could go wrong this time.
