A little bit of hope

Chapter 18

Drista liked her sword. Technically it was her Dad's, and technically she stole it but she likes it all the same. What Drista doesn't like, is sleeping in trees. It's boring, and sleeping is difficult anyways.

That's how she found herself wondering around on the ground while her Mom still slept, looking for food or berries or something that was remotely edible. They were running low on food.

There was a gas station nearby, and she knew it had to have been raided at this point but what if there was something left? What if it hadn't been checked at all? It could be a gold mine, could keep her and her Mom alive for longer, until they found Clay.

Her Mom had made the decision not to go yesterday, but she was currently asleep, and Drista was good with her sword so she decided to go herself. She knew it would be fine, she hadn't heard any zombies the entire night.

She was quiet as she walked to the station, eyes peeled and sword up. The sun was just starting to rise, so there was a bit of light but it was still quite dark. There was no sound anywhere though, and as she looked through the windows, not a single sign of movement.

She was still cautious as she opened the door, sweeping her sword and eyes around, ears open and breathing quiet. She wasn't the first person in here, clearly. The place was a mess, but maybe there was still something useful. She placed her feet carefully, not wanting to make any unnecessary noise as she checked each aisle. The longer she went with no movement, the more confident she felt she was alone. No humans, no zombies.

She eventually let out a breath, and lowered the sword slightly, now choosing to look around for anything useful. She wanted to get out of here and back to Mom before she woke up.

By some miracle, there were some bags of chips and even some bottled water hiding in the mess. She put them in her bag and continued searching, feeling quite proud of herself and the successful raid.

Until there was a loud crash just outside, and her heart stopped. She lifted her sword again and ran to the window, looking around for whatever it was. She couldn't see anything, and there was no other noise.

Suddenly, there was a smash to her right, and she screamed as the door fell forward, and a zombie entered the room. She backed up, nearly tripping. It started running at her, and she swung the sword with a yell, digging it into the creatures side. It screeched and stumbled, and she knocked it over. Once it was down, she sliced through its neck with a shout, and quickly ran backwards from the corpse.

She looked up in time to see two more zombies enter, and Drista began to regret her decision to come alone. Look, she is technically a child, but she's not a kid anymore. Her Mom still protects her like one, but Drista can hold her own, ok? She can. She will. But she was a little scared. Maybe more than a little. And her only exit was blocked by both zombies. They chased her, and she chose to run. She can't kill them both at the same time, not when they are so close together. She wouldn't get the chance.

She weaved in and out of aisles, trying to at least get them separated, or make a clear space to run to the exit. It worked, for the most part. The zombies had gone down different aisles, and she managed to get one on its own. She jumped on top of the counter to get a better angle to cut off its neck when it finally got close enough.

But just as she decapitated it, it had grabbed her ankle and tugged, and she was swept off her feet, her head landing against the counter before falling onto the floor with a thud. She groaned, and could feel blood trickling down the back of her head.

The room was spinning, but she looked up just in time to see the second zombie standing over her. She couldn't grab her sword in time, she only just opened her mouth to scream. But before the zombie could attack her, an arrow was suddenly lodged through its head, and the zombie froze. It was followed by a human hand coming around its neck and slicing through with a large dagger.

The black blood spurted forward, landing on Drista's face and into her open mouth. She spluttered and coughed, but could taste the vile liquid as it ran into the back of her throat.

The zombie fell to the side, and now standing above her was a human man with a blue face mask covering the lower half of his face. He was panting, and when he looked down at her, his eyes changed from determination to shock, and they softened. He crouched in front of her.

"Drink this." He said, handing her a flask of water. She took it, and rinsed out her mouth, spitting onto the floor before swallowing a mouthful. She was panting, and could still feel the horrid taste on her tongue. "Get up. You disturbed them. Come on." He held out a hand, and she took it, trusting this stranger. She knows she shouldn't, but he did just save her life and give her water. She grabbed her sword as he helped her up.

The room was still spinning, and she nearly fell back down, but he circled an arm around her and helped her stumble to the exit.

"You're so young, are you alone? What's your name?" He asked. Drista coughed once.

"I'm not that young." She scoffed, but the bite was lost in her tone from how disorientated she was. "My Mom is that way." She pointed a lazy finger towards the edge of the forest.

"Drista!" There was a voice in the distance.

"That's her." Drista coughed again. "And that's my name." Her Mom came sprinting over, immediately taking her from the guy and into an embrace.

"You scared me. Don't do that. Are you ok? What happened?" She was clearly distressed. Drista was too tired to speak. She might throw up from the taste of the zombie blood.

"She hit her head. It's bleeding." The man had a British accent, and Drista vaguely registered it. British accents were cute. Pity this guy was definitely too old for her.

"Drista, oh my God." Her Mom put a hand on the back of her head. "We need to get that bandaged."

"I found some chips." Drista mumbled.

"Thank you for helping her." Her Mom said to the man.

"Is it just you two?" He asked, and Drista felt her Mom nod her head. "Listen, I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard there's a safe place. It's in Greenville, North Carolina. It's a safe haven."

"Is that where you're going?" Drista's Mom asked.

"It is. I can take you both there." He said, and Drista looked at him. She could only see half his face, but his brown eyes were watching them both, eyebrows showing his concern. Maybe it was because Drista was young. Maybe it's because Holly was older. Maybe it's because they were women. Maybe he was just a kind soul. Whatever it is, he wanted to help them.

"I appreciate that. But..." Drista's Mom hesitated.

"We're looking for my brother." Drista filled in, and he looked at her. "We won't stop."

"I see." He looked at them with pity, like having hope someone is alive is sad.

"Are you alone?" Drista's Mom then asked. The guy nodded.

"Yeah. Have been this whole time." He sounded sad. "I would join you both but I am going straight to North Carolina. I've got nothing else."

"I understand. Maybe you'll find some others to join you on your journey."

"Perhaps. It's hard to trust anyone nowadays." He said carefully.

"Well, thank you. For saving my daughter. Maybe we will meet you at that safe haven one day." Holly said.

"Yes. And good luck finding your son, your brother." He looked at Drista. "I hope to see all three of you there."

"What's your name?" Drista asked, and the man hesitated.


"Well. Don't die, George."

"He's ok? Clay's alright?" Drista ran to her Mom the second she entered the room. Holly sat down with a sigh.

"Yes, he's safe. He's ok."

"What's wrong?" Drista sat down next to her.

"Do you remember that boy that saved you? In that gas station from the zombies."

"The British guy. George, was it? Wait that's the same George as the one with Clay and Sapnap?" She gaped at her Mom.

"Yes. Him, Sapnap and Clay have been together for a while, travelling to the Haven. I think Clay is in love with him but... well..."

"Wait back up." Drista held up a hand. "Clay's in love? I thought Sapnap said they just liked each other, and maybe kissed."

"I suppose I don't know for sure, but by the way he's looking at that boy, I'd say so." Holly smiled, slightly sadly. "George has been bitten."

"Oh." Drista whispered. Oh, Clay can't handle that. He would not survive it. If he loves this boy, like their Mom clearly thinks he does, Clay will be in pieces. "He was the one who told us about this place." She swallowed. "That's not fair he didn't make it."

"Well, that's what I want to talk to you about." Holly gripped her hand. "He's still alive, fighting the infection. It's progressing very slowly and Bad, you know Bad, he thinks there may be a way to help."

"How." Drista's eyes widened. A cure. It wasn't possible. No one's done it, and with the amount of snooping she's been doing since she's gotten here, they haven't even gotten close.

"It was Clay's idea. An anti-venom. They think George has some antibodies that know how to fight. It's not enough, they need more."

"How is that possible." She's never heard of anyone surviving a bite, not even being able to fight it. This George guy, the British man. He must be some kind of freak. It's gotta be the English genes.

"They think it's because one time some zombie blood got into his eyes." Holly said, and oh, that makes much more sense than the British thing. "They need antibodies from people who have come into contact with the blood in a certain way."

"Through the eyes?" Drista scrunched her face. She's never had blood in her eyes thank goodness.

"Through any mucous membrane."

"Mucous what now."

"There are some in your eyes, and your lungs, stomach." She looked at Drista. "And your mouth."

"I'll do it." Drista stood up, and her Mom grabbed her arm to sit her back down. "It's been in my mouth, I've swallowed it. I can save him? I can save George?"

"It depends on George's blood type. But yes, with your permission and mine, you can donate some antibodies that may help."

"Well let's go."

"One second." Holly said, watching her daughter carefully. "There's five people in this Haven who have recorded that they have contact with the blood this way. There's a chance no one has a compatible blood type as George. I don't want you to get your hopes up."

"I know. But we have to try. George saved me. And if he means that much to Clay, then we have to try." Drista said, nodding with a determined look on her face.

"I know." Holly gripped her hand. "And we will."

"And George's blood type?" Karl asked anxiously, watching as Bad worked around his makeshift lab. He had already drawn blood from three of the candidates, all of which Bad made gloomier and gloomier.

"A-. Goodness, did that muffin have to be negative?" Bad gestured widely at the blood samples. "All three of them are O positive. The most common blood type, and it's not compatible!"

"Who's left?" Karl asked nervously.

"Drista, and Foolish." Bad was hitting his forehead now. "Foolish should be here in a second." He muttered, moving the blood away.

"Surely one of them is compatible." Karl said nervously.

"We better hope so. How are you holding up?"

"Not great. But Sapnap's worse. And Dream." Karl said. It was strange, because he only ever knew Dream as Clay. But here Sapnap was, calling him Dream left right and centre and it's caught on. It became quite clear to Karl that Dream seems to prefer it.

"I'm going to try my best, for all of you." Bad said. "I can't promise this will work, but I will try."

"Hannah said George doesn't have long left before he turns." Karl swallowed. "An hour, she said, before it's taken over his body."

"Centrifuging the plasma from the blood will take fifteen minutes. Purifying the antibodies will take at least half an hour." Bad said, turning away and getting himself ready to take blood. "I need ten minutes to extract blood from a donor."

"There's no way to speed it up?" Karl asked desperately.

"Bring Drista and Foolish here as soon as possible." Bad mumbled. "I'd rather Foolish over Drista being compatible."

"Why? Does it matter?"

"She's a sixteen year old girl who is on the brink of being underweight. She's still growing, needs the iron, and is quite likely to faint." Bad shook his head.

"Will it be unsafe?"

"No, she'll be ok. She could get iron deficient pretty easily, it can take months for the body to replenish iron, and she may feel quite lightheaded and sick for a little bit. But she'll be fine. I'd still rather take it from Foolish."

"I heard my name." Foolish came strolling in. Karl dragged him to the seat and sat him down.

"Right, hold out your finger." Bad held out his hand, and Foolish obeyed. Bad pricked his finger and return to the table. Foolish stared at his finger with wide eyes.

"No one told me I was going to be stabbed."

"Did no one tell you what this was for?" Karl asked, grabbing a band-aid for Foolish because he was still staring at the bead of blood.

"I was just told to go visit Bad." Foolish frowned, and let Karl bandage his finger.

"Well? Is he compatible?" Karl asked, watching as Bad swirled the blood around on a little card without responding.

"Where did we even get all this medicine stuff?" Foolish looked around curiously.

"When we took this university as a base, they had labs and equipment. Meant for students to learn obviously. But proved useful for us." Karl explained, watching as Bad stared at the card.

"And may I ask why you've decided to stab me." Foolish said, staring at the tiny bandage.

"Apparently you've ingested zombie blood?" Karl questioned him and Foolish scrunched up his face.

"Oh. Yes. That... was not my proudest moment." He shuddered. "Got caught off guard while opening a granola bar. Didn't realise the zombie's blood got on it until I nearly finished the whole thing wondering what that awful taste was, and Punz pointed out that both my hand and the bar were black."

"What is wrong with you?" Karl blinked at him.

"I've been told a lot of things."

"Oh you absolute muffin!" Bad exclaimed, throwing the small stick he was holding with the blood. "You're AB positive! What is wrong with you!"

"Er... is that bad? Am I going to die?" Foolish asked.

"Not a single person can take your blood unless they are also AB positive." Bad turned around. "Get out of my sight. You disgrace me." He held up a hand as if he didn't even want to look at Foolish.

Bad was usually a very kind soul. Open, caring, there for anyone to lean on. He's always free to chat, and happy to make you smile. Stressed out Bad is scary, Karl thought, as he watched Foolish rush out of the room. Stressed Bad was mean.

"Oh. Bye Foolish." Drista said, watching as the man ran away. She turned around to look inside, and Holly arrived next to her. "What the hell did you say to him."

"Language. Sit." Bad said, waving to the chair. Drista gave Karl a look, before obeying.

"I take it no one else is a candidate." Holly asked Karl softly, standing next to him. They both watched as Drista's finger got pricked and she only winced a little bit.

"Yeah." Karl swallowed, approaching with a band-aid. Drista was usually one to fight anyone who tried to do things for her, or treat her like a child. But she let Karl bandage her finger, eyes too focused on Bad who was stirring again.

"What'll happen if I am a match?" Drista asked.

"He'll need to take your blood. It shouldn't take longer than ten minutes." Karl said.

"You might feel a little faint during it or after." Holly said, walking over to grab her hand. "We'll get you a steak to eat afterwards. And some sugar, maybe a juice-box." She squeezed her hand.

"That's it? Just a little dizzy?" Drista asked.

"That's it."

"Yes!" Bad clapped his hands and spun around, immediately grabbing some new gloves, and pulling his tray of sterile needles and a bag towards him. "O negative. You're compatible."

Karl wanted to sink to his knees in relief. One step closer to saving George.

George's body had grown cold. It was gradual, changing from the fever he used to have, to where he is now. Dream had laid down beside George in the bed, holding him tightly, and he noticed the temperature change first hand.

He had also stopped the mumbling in his sleep. He was still twitching, but it was less frantic. Dream could feel the boy slowly slipping away from him and as much as he tried to cling on, it wasn't working.

The black veins nearly covered him. It broke Dream's heart to look at them. He was hoping maybe this was just a nightmare and they'd wake up somewhere in the middle of the forest instead. Not exactly when things were easy, or better. But back when George was at least ok. Back when he was still George. But Dream knew this wasn't a dream, because his body was trying so hard to pull him under, but he refused. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't leave George. He promised he wouldn't.

"Dream." Sapnap whispered, and Dream felt slightly guilty about the lack of attention he's given his best friend. "You're shivering."

"I'm fine." Dream gritted out, holding George tighter. It was like holding an ice pack. His skin was freezing to touch, but he refused to let go.

Sapnap didn't respond, just got up and reach for a blanket on another bed. All while still holding George's hand. He laid the blanket over Dream and George and tried to tuck it as close to them as possible.

"Thanks." Dream's voice broke and he nearly did as well.

"He's going to be alright." Sapnap said softly. "I know it."

"The Doctor s-said-" Hannah gave them an hour. Dream knows there's not long left, but he refuses to look at the clock.

"Screw her. George is a fighter. Every single time he's gotten close to death he's somehow bloody made it. We found him nearly dead and he was fine. He blew himself up and somehow survived. He's not letting some stupid bite win." Sapnap said, and Dream met his eyes.

"I never told him I-" Dream's voice caught and he squeezed his eyes shut. "He said he-said that-" His breathing wheezed and Sapnap stood, reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. Don't do that. Breathe." Sapnap's voice was firm but calm, and his hand was grounding. Dream took a few deep breaths before letting out a sob.

"He said he loved me." Dream shook his head. "I never got to say it back."

"Oh." Sapnap rubbed his shoulder. "Dream, you didn't need to."

"But I-"

"I know. You love him. It's so obvious, in the way you even look at him. And I know you hadn't exactly told me, but it was obvious. And if it is obvious to me, how much you love him. Then George knows to. He knows in the way that you're holding him right now."

"I didn't say it. I-I barely said anything." Dream sobbed.

"Well, when he wakes up, you can tell him then." Sapnap said and Dream shook his head, pressing a shaky kiss against George's cold temple.

"What if he doesn't." He whispered against George's skin like a secret.


"He begged me." Dream let his forehead fall against George. "He didn't want to be a monster. And he was in so much pain and I still couldn't let him go. I'm so selfish."

"But he might-"

"I didn't know then." Dream sobbed. "I didn't know he'd fight it. All I knew was I couldn't let him die. Not yet. All I knew was I had to hold him and he had to live." He looked at the black veins covering George's face. "He didn't want to be a monster."

"He's not."

"Not yet. But..." Dream closed his eyes. "If they don't find a cure, and George's time is up. I have to kill him before he turns. He wanted to die human. He wanted me to kill him."

"But he's..." Sapnap's voice was watery, and his eyes were tearing up. "But he's still here."

"I know." Dream squeezed George tighter. "But I don't know much longer he will be."

Sapnap had to look away after that, to not fall apart. They were at the Haven, and they were supposed to be safe. They were supposed to rest. But here they are, in a small recreation of a hospital, hoping with everything they've got that George will make it. He was the one who knew of this place. He was the one desperate to get here, and he's the one who may not even get to stay. It's not fair. None of it is.

"Hey." Karl entered slowly, as if moving too quickly or being too loud would somehow break one of them. He sat down next to Sapnap and grabbed his free hand. "So, Bad's making the anti-venom now."

"What." Dream sat up, eyes wide, arms shaking as they clung to George's limp body. He hasn't twitched in a while. Dream's been too aware of it.

"They found one match." Karl smiled, and then wiped his face. "It's Drista."

"Drista-" Dream shook his head, a sob coming up his throat before he could stop it. "She-she's here? She's alive? Where is she? I-"

"She's fine, just had a pint of blood taken from her so she's quite woozy and resting, but she's alright." Karl gave Dream a smile. "She's allowed to come see you later. I offered to get her in a wheelchair to bring her, but she said she wants your undivided attention and not when you're simping over some guy."

Dream let out a wet laugh, tears streaming down his face. His little sister was alive, and safe, and still a pain, clearly. And he was so relieved. His Mom and his sister both made it, and he doesn't know what he did to get so lucky. He looked down at George, and his smile fell, but he held him tighter. George has to survive now. He has to.

Hannah and Niki walked in some time later, and Niki came over to check on some of George's wounds, while Hannah inspected the veins around his body, and listened to his heartbeat.

"He's running out of time." Hannah pulled back, jaw tense. "His heart is slowing."

"Where's Bad?" Sapnap asked, gripping George's limp hand so tight.

"I'm not sure." Hannah said, looking at Dream. "You need to be prepared that it's too late, even if he gets the anti-venom. His body might be too far gone, the antibodies may not do anything."

"I know." Dream croaked out, cheek pressing against George's hair. He knows all this. They still have to try.

"Where the fuck is Bad." Sapnap stood up with a growl and dropped George's hand, storming out of the room. Karl immediately got up to follow.

George let out a soft whine, and Dream's eyes widened, cupping the boy's face to look at it. He didn't move, or make any other noises. Dream felt his heart was racing.

"Hold on for a little longer." Dream whispered, tucking George's head against his shoulder, hair pressing against his hair. "Please, George."

Suddenly, George's body started convulsing in the bed and there was a loud beeping from the monitor. Dream's eyes widened and he instinctively held tighter as George's body jerked around and his eyelids flickered, showing his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

"He's seizing. Get out of the bed!" Hannah ordered Dream, who immediately obeyed, lying George down, as Niki fully reclined the bed and removed the pillows. Dream took one step back, staring in horror, hands hovering in front of him, shaking.

George's body would not stop convulsing, his muscles tensing and jerking as the seizure continued. Hannah and Niki moved around him, talking in serious tones. Dream was in a haze. They put a ventilator over George's mouth and nose and Dream let out a sob.

There was a hand on his back and he barely even registered it. Not until George's body stopped convulsing and he lay there, limp, sweaty, twitching. He was rolled onto his side, and Dream could see all the black veins running across his back.

"Bad's on his way." It was Tina's voice and Dream broke, turning and pretty much collapsing onto her, nearly knocking her over from his weight. She steadied herself, and gently hugged him back. Dream just sobbed into her shoulder and it felt like he couldn't breathe.

"I should have let you done it." Dream sobbed. Tina shook her head. "He's hurting. And he didn't-didnt w-want-"

"Dream, just hold on." Tina pulled back, and grabbed his shoulders. "Hold on a little longer. You don't know what's going to happen. Just wait."

"I'm so tired, Tina." He sobbed.

"You can rest soon. You're so close. Just hold on, for George." She said, and Dream nodded.

The door slammed open and Sapnap burst in first, Bad on his tail with a tiny kit. Sapnap's eyes widened at the site of Dream out of bed and George with a ventilator.

"What happened?"

"Seizure. Bad, do it now." Hannah said, stepping back and pulling the stethoscope off her neck. She looked slightly defeated, so Dream didn't look at her. Niki rolled George back onto his back, and Bad immediately opened his kit and put on the gloves.

"It's intramuscular. Niki." Bad said, and Niki grabbed an alcohol wipe, cleaning George's bicep closest to the bite site.

Sapnap came over to Dream and grabbed his had, and Dream squeezed it so hard both their knuckles turned white.

Bad pulled out a horrifically long needle, and lined it up. It felt like everyone in the room stopped breathing as he stabbed George and pushed in the liquid. They waited with bated breathe for something to happen, as Bad pulled the needle back out, the liquid gone.

"That's all I can do. If it works, his temperature should start to rise in half an hour. I don't know what will happen with the veins, I should hope they might fade. This is first time we've ever done this, and I can't promise it will even be successful." Bad sighed. "If he wakes up for whatever reason in the next hour, you need to kill him. If he doesn't, he either won't wake up again, or he might in a days time. There may be side effects if he makes it, from the anti-venom. But I don't know if there will be any... others. Maybe he won't ever speak. I don't know. I'm sorry, I wish I knew what will happen next but I truly don't." Bad looked at Dream and Sapnap as he spoke, and Sapnap nodded while Dream just stared.

George's whole body shuddered once, a rattling breath, and then he settled again. Dream let go of Sapnap's hand to approach George, and grabbed his cold one instead. He put the other hand on the top of George's head and pushed his sweaty hair out of his face.

"You might see a fever again, and crying while unconscious. That's a good sign. It means his body is fighting it again. He might be in pain again." Bad stood opposite Dream to try and meet his eyes, but Dream was only looking at George. He looked peaceful and it hurt. "I hope he will be ok."

"Thank you." Dream said, blinking tears out of his eyes. "For trying." He still didn't look at Bad. He couldn't take his eyes off George, terrified if he did he would miss something.

"What's wrong with his breathing?" Sapnap asked, stepping forward, looking at the ventilator.

"He was struggling a bit, especially with the seizure. This is safer, we can monitor his oxygen levels." Hannah explained.

"Dream, how about you lie down." Tina's voice was gentle. "You haven't slept, or eaten anything in so long."

"But George-"

"He's not going anywhere. You'll be right next to him. Can he stay in the same bed?" Tina asked.

"Yes, but if George seizes again, give him space." Niki said.

"Sapnap." Dream turned to him, and his best friend gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said gently.

Dream nodded. This was ok. He could rest with George, and Sapnap was right with him. If anything happened, or if Dream fell asleep, Sapnap would wake him. He would protect him, and he would protect George. There was no one Dream trusted more than his brother, and he knew Sapnap would never leave.

The worst part was, whether the anti-venom worked or not, Dream was now consumed with hope. And he was terrified to hope. So, so scared to hope so hard he loses it. But he remembered something George said to him once. They hadn't known each other for long, but it was late at night, and neither could sleep, and they had been speaking of love.

I don't see anything wrong in hope or love. I think it's necessary to survival in this world.

So, Dream let himself hope. He let himself crawl beside George and hold him close. He let himself relax. George was still freezing as he clung to him, but he was still alive. He was not a monster, not yet, and not if he could fight it

George would fight. He has to. Dream knows he can.

Sapnap really didn't know how Dream was holding George for so long. Sapnap was only holding his hand and it felt like ice. Although, as he sat beside the bed, watching as Dream finally slept, he noticed George's hand gradually growing warmer.

He lifted it up, and looked at it. The veins were still there, dark and covering his hand and fingers, but his skin was pinker. Before it looked nearly blue, translucent from the cold and the sickness. But Sapnap almost let out a laugh at the pink pale hand, giving it a squeeze when it didn't feel like ice anymore.

"He's going to make it, I can feel it." Sapnap said, looking to his right to see Karl, who hadn't moved either, eyes on George the entire time. He looked over, confused, and Sapnap held up George's hand as explanation. Karl reached out to touch it, and it seemed like he breathed out in pure relief.

"Oh." Karl gripped George's hand. "It's warm."

"Yeah." Sapnap wiped his face, laughing through tears.

"How long has it been?" Karl asked, looking at the clock.

"Just over thirty minutes, like Bad said." Sapnap leaned to his side to rest his head on Karl's shoulder. "I think it's going to work, but I'm scared to think like that. It seems like the world is determined to keep one of us hurt or in pain at all times, so I'm terrified to trust it."

"I know what you mean." Karl pressed his lips against the top of Sapnap's head. "But I think you're right. I think George has a real chance."

George flinched in his sleep, and Sapnap and Karl stared with wide eyes. Dream was undisturbed, eyes shut and breathing heavy, still clinging to George.

"Is that good or bad?" Sapnap asked.

"Just a reflex." Karl swallowed. "Just so long as... as he doesn't wake up too soon, like Bad said..."


"It means he didn't fight it off. Waking up means he's changed. We... we'd have to kill him." Karl looked away.

"Well, he won't wake up." Sapnap said, determined. "Not yet. I know it."

None of them moved from the room. Other people came and left a few times, Bad, Hannah, Niki, even Tina. But Dream, Sapnap and Karl stayed in the exact same positions. They weren't leaving George to fight it on his own. There's strength in numbers, the apocalypse has proved that. There's strength in hope and there's strength in love.

The first hour passed and Sapnap wept in relief. Then the second hour came and went, and on the third, Drista walked in. No one had moved. Dream was still out, and Karl was also asleep on Sapnap's shoulder.

"Is it working?" Drista whispered, a hand on the bed to steady herself as she sat down on the other side of the bed, closest to her brother, a red juice box in her hand. Her fourth juice box. She milked her fainting real hard to get four. She reached out with her free hand and touched Dream's face, just gently, pushing away the hair and eyebrows furrowing at the scar running across his skin.

"It's helping George fight it. He's slowly getting a fever which is a actually a good sign." Sapnap said, also softly.

"And Clay... is he alright?" She asked, letting her hand fall to rest on the edge of the bed, her eyes still on her sleeping brothers face.

"He will be if George is. Dream hasn't slept in a while, so best to let him rest. I know you want to talk to him." Sapnap said hesitantly.

"I just wanted to see him." Drista shrugged. "Why do you call him Dream? Everyone does now. It's weird. It's like how everyone calls you Sapnap, but you've had that nickname since before the apocalypse."

"I think he associates Clay with before the apocalypse and Dream since. And I think he likes to keep it like that." Sapnap wasn't too sure, to be honest. He calls him Dream instinctively now. He can barely imagine calling him Clay, because the truth is, he isn't Clay anymore. The apocalypse changes you. Dream and Clay are the same but so different.

"And George." She hummed, nodding at the bed. "He was the one who told me and Mom about the Haven too, you know."

"Seriously?" Sapnap stared at her in shock.

"Yeah. Saved my life, actually. Prick. Figured I owed him one." She lifted her sleeve to show where the small bandage was. "Apparently we were a match."

"Thank you." Sapnap said earnestly.

"It's not like I cut off a limb for him, calm down. Just a little bit of blood and it didn't even hurt." She sucked on her juice box. "Only fainted once."

"Still, if it weren't for you, George wouldn't even have a chance."

"Just admit I'm pretty awesome and move on." She scoffed, flushing slightly from the praise.

"You're pretty awesome."

"Ha! You admitted it!" She pointed her finger at him, a grin so similar to Dream that Sapnap's heart ached from how much he missed it. Dream wore his mask so much, and since it's been missing, he's barely had a reason to smile.

George let out a whimper and twisted in his sleep and Sapnap and Drista immediately looked at him. George's face scrunched, and he let out a soft cry, before trying to bury his face into Dream's chest, but the ventilator was pressing into his face. Sapnap got up immediately, gently tugging it off for him, and watching closely. Karl was jostled awake by the movement.

"George?" Sapnap said, ever so softly. But George didn't respond. He wasn't lucid, and he certainly wasn't awake. In fact, once the ventilator was off his face, and he curled against Dream, he went still again. Sapnap leaned forward, and could still hear his breathing clearly, so decided he probably didn't need the ventilator anymore.

"Has he woken up?" Karl asked, sitting up properly now he was awake.

"No." Sapnap sighed, and watched as Dream adjusted himself in his sleep to hold George closer, his lips against the top of his head. "No, he hasn't."

Sapnap looked down at George's hand still tight in his grip, and smiled when he realised how pale his fingers were. George has always been pale, but Sapnap was smiling because of the lack of darkened veins. The spiderwebs were fading, and so was the infection.

"But I think he will." Sapnap looked up at Karl with shimmery eyes that had more than just a little bit of hope.

Milking George's bite like Drista milked her fainting. I am a little too addicted to angst possibly. (Also cheeky little Drista flashback at the start hope you enjoyed)

I am living for chaotic stressed Bad. He's just so funny. Poor Foolish.

I don't care if I'm medically or scientifically inaccurate, because zombies don't exist anyways and no one can prove me wrong so HA.

No one: Sapnap claiming the world is keeping at least one of them in pain at all times. Whaaaaat. Nooo. What an absurd thing to say.

What you guys don't see: me evil grinning in the dark of my room with the only source of light coming from my device while I put my little characters through pain knowing it'll hurt my readers more than them. (But hey, look at our progress! George is warm! He only had one seizure! Aren't I just so nice!!)

Also hit 1.5k followers on Twitter (LottiaraT) and want to say I love you all no matter how you support me <3
