Neville Longbottom: Kisses and Warnings

There she was, YN Davies the girl I've had a crush on since 1st year. She was smart, kind, caring and beautiful, but she could never like me. She speed on her broomstick across the pitch holding onto the Quaffle.

"YN Davies has the quaffle, she goes left than right and scores right past Oliver Wood." Lee says on the announcement.

"Chang goes deep for the snitch, Potter on her tail, will she catch the snitch? RAVENCLAW WINs!" The Ravenclaws began cheering, while the Gryffindors groaned in disappointment. I however smiled at the look of victory on YN's face.

"PARTY IN the RAVENCLAW COMMON ROOM." Roger yelled hoisting YN up on his shoulders as she continued to cheer about how many scores she made last Wood.

I climbed down as I went to meet the Gryffindor team, Wood was angry at himself, "26 goals she made last me, 26! How could she get that good?"

Harry tried to calm him down, "Come on Oliver, there is no chance they'll win against Slytherin. We'll beat Slytherin and then we would have beaten both houses."

"I suppose your right, thanks Harry." Oliver sighed. "Come on let's go to a party."

"I don't think I'm going." I say as they had all began walking.

"What? Neville come on! You can stop all those guys from hitting on YN." Ron says pulling at my shirt.

"You guys know how I get when I'm around her. Plus she doesn't like me." I turned around but the twins grabbed me.

"Just come o-."

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" We all stopped what we were doing, they let me go.

"Not-Nothing." I stuttered, I felt myself get red.

"Why are you here Davies? Come to gloat?" Oliver crossed his arms.

"You know I'm not, I came to see if you lot were still here."

"Why?" Angelina asked YN.

YN smiled at us, "Well you guys weren't at the party, so I came to find you lot."

"Are you sure your not just here for one of us?" Fred glanced at me.

"Maybe... well hurry and get dressed, oh Oliver, Rogers looking for you." YN looked at me and sent me a small grin.

"YN!" We all looked at saw Justin Flechly calling her, "Come on! I'll walk you to the party."

"I have to go, I'll see you at the party." YN sent a final glance at me before she ran off to Justin.

They all looked at me, "What?!"

"She likes you Neville, it's pretty obvious, but Justin's hitting on her. Save her from him, take her outside the Common Room. Ask her out." Harry explains to me.

I sighed, they were right, "Fine, let's go."

At the Party

I looked around for Neville, there was no sign of him, Justin had been following me around all night. He needs to leave me alone, I like someone else.

I crashed into someone, "I-I'm sorry, I was looking for Neville."

"Well you found him." I looked up and saw Neville. "Oh hi." I blushed red.

Then I saw him, "Neville hide me."
"What why?"

"Justin's been following me around all night, I lost him but he keeps finding me." I explain.

"Come with me." Neville took my hand and a spark went off instantly, I blushed as he lead me out of the Common Room.

"You look beautiful tonight YN." Neville complimented me as we climbed up to the Astronomy Tower.

"Thank you Neville." I walked over to a Telescope and looked through it.

"YN?" Neville whispered getting closer to me.

"Hmm?" I responded moving the telescope to look closer at a constellation  in the sky.

"Can I ask you something? Well tell you something." Neville asked from beside me.

"Sure, go ahead Neville." I looked up from the telescope.

"YN, well um when I met I sort of fell for you. I've liked you since that day in 1st year when you saved Trevor from the Slytherins. And YN, I didn't think you liked me at all, I mean you probably don't like me, but I like you a lot. And the only reason I'm right here was because the others encouraged me to tell you because I was really scared to becau-."

I kissed him softly on the lips to shut him up; "Neville all you had to say is 'will you go to Hogsmead with me and potentially be my girlfriend?' And than I would say Yes, lean up and kiss you on the lips. And finally a small star would shoot last us." Neville smiled at me.

"Does that mean you like me back?" Neville asked me.

I giggled hitting his shoulder, "Neville I just kissed you and your asking if I like you back. You are bloody oblivious."

"So is that a yes." Neville asked shyly.

"Yes Neville that's a yes, come on we have a party to get to." I grabbed his hand and lead him back to the Ravenclaw common room.

I answered the Riddle and Neville kissed me right after, there was cheering and we pulled away. The doors had opened, so everyone saw me and Neville kissing.

Neville pulled me inside the room as everyone continued to dance. They all went back to what they were doing except for our friends who came over to us. Oh and Roger who came over holding up a drunk Cho.

"How is she drunk she's not of age?" I asked taking her in my arms.

"Justin tricked her into drinking alcohol, McGonagall is currently dealing with him. Take her upstairs, I have to talk to Neville."

I sent Roger a warning look before me and Hermione carried Cho upstairs.

Neville's POV
YN and Hermione walked away, leaving me with Roger, the other boys walked away as well.

"Look Neville, your a good kid, better than most, but if you hurt my little sister. I will have not kill you, but make every day for you a nightmare. YN is a sweet and innocent girl so I don't want her going through heartbreak. There will be ups and downs, but you two can fix them. So if you hurt her, just be prepared to face my wrath." Roger walked away as YN came down.
