Fred Weasley: Daughter

The time had come, the battle was going to happen. It scared us all, I was completely terrified. Worst of all Fred refused to let me fight.

I wanted to fight by his side, when we were married I told him I'd die with him. And that's what had to be done. I want to be with him and fight.

I looked at my daughter and then at my husband.
"I'm gonna fight, like it or not." I told him.

"I don't like it and your not. What if I don't make it and neither do you? Molly won't have parents."

"Fred I told you, I'd die with you and everyone will tell her what we did."

"YN please don't." He held me and Molly.

"If sorry Fred, but I have too." He sighed at my answer.

"Fine, But you stay with me." I nodded before handing my baby to Fleur. She would stay in the small cottage close to Hogwarts.

"Careful Fleur." She nodded. I kissed Molly's head before running out with Fred.

Me and the twins and Percy all waited in the astronomy tower.

The twins were talking to each other, while I watched out for the Death Eaters.

"Guys!" I Yelled they all looked out to see an army approaching. We each set of three sparks with our wands. Then we ran downstairs to fight.

A Death Eater appeared behind Percy, "Expelliarmus."

"Crucio." I hit another. Though me and George ran down one hall as there were to many in the same hall.

"Avada Kedabra." I hit another.

"Sectumsempra." George shot one.

"George we need to split up." He nodded.

"Be careful YN."

"you too."

Soon enough we had all been spilt up. I got to the bridge, where Neville was struggling to climb up. I quickly helped him.

"Let's move quickly." We all ran away from the bridge.

"Avada-." One tried to shot me.

"Avada Kedabra." Ginny shot a Death Eater.

We all ran towards the fight. Taking down a bunch in Death Eaters along the way.

"Avada Kedabra." I hit one. Neville ran off somewhere.

I stayed by Ginny's side, I saw a Death Eater going in the way of the cottage. I apparated to the cottage scaring Fleur.

I ran outside and found about 7 Death Eaters.

"Avada Kedabra." I shot two. Casting another spell my patronus carried it around hitting more of them.

I quickly ran inside. "Fleur come on it's not safe here."

She nodded and grabbed little Molly, who was two years old. I hid her using a protective charm on her. It was like she was floating and only the good can see her.

Her little ball followed us, but where she couldn't get hit with any spell.

"Sectumsempra." I was hit in the side but kept running, killing the death eater.

"YN, what do we do?" Fleur Asked.

"Just stay with me, come on. We have to get to the Great Hall." She nodded following closely behind me.

"Rectosempra." Fleur hit a Death Eater.

We used an invisible charm, for no Death Eater could see us, but we could see them.

"Impendimenta." I hit another about to kill Seamus. Making the attacker freeze.

"Sectumsempra" a Death Eater threw a spell at Fleur.

"Protego." I shielded her.
"Avada Kedabra." I killed him.

"How'd he see us."

"He must have sensed us and used a spell to see us. Well now everyone can see us except for Molly." I looked up at my daughter.

Then finally we made it to the Great Hall. Molly (not baby) had just killed Bellatrix. I walked over to the Weasley as I held baby Molly.

"Are you alright? Where's Fred?." They all sent me looks.

"No." I whispered. I ran over to George and saw Fred laying dead.

I fell down still holding Molly as I set her down and cried. George and Fleur held me.

"No, come on Fred wake up." I whispered holding his hand that was cold.

That's when baby Molly, touched his face. There was a bright light coming from her hands. Everyone gathered around.

Then she moved her hand and sat beside me, while giggling. Fred started to move, his injury's were gone. He looked at all of us and then picked up Molly.

"What happened?" He asked. Me and George pounced on him, hugging him tightly.

"You were dead like five seconds ago Molly saved you." I stared at my baby in shock. Hugging her tightly.

"Let's see if she can wake anyone else." I walked over to Remus.

Once again Molly touched his face, the same lights appeared. Then he woke up and started panicking about Tonks. Molly crawled over to her and revived her.

She crawled around waking up the dead as we all watched her in shock. Then she finally reached Colin, she moved the hair out of his face and the little light woke him up.

We looked around as I picked Molly up, she saved everyone.
"My baby hero." I told her, she giggled. I played with her fiery red hair as I ran over to Fred and hugged him tightly.

Then we heard the rest of the Death Eaters and Voldemort. Fred held both me and Molly protectively as everyone walked outside.

"How is this possible, you were all dead." Voldemort Yelled.

Then he looked at Molly, "Bring me the girl." The good shifted around so they were all standing in front of us. Draco moved ever so slightly, but not all the way.

"Bring the girl Draco." Lucius called. We all looked at him.

"No." He says before standing with us all. Then Harry woke up, Mrs. Malfoy came over to Draco. While everyone else fled. As Voldemort and Harry battled.

I smiled and looked up at Fred. "Fred if you died today, I would have killed you."

"But are baby is very magical, she's the little hero that saved everyone."

"To bad she wasn't there when we lost the others." I sighed.

"What and have a baby at the age of two." Fred teased.

"At least we're still all together, and we might get a bigger loft, that we will share with George and Angelina."

"If he gets the guts to ask her out you mean."

"Nah, look at them." We both looked at the pair who were laughing. They both looked at us and me and Fred walked over.

"So when's the wedding." I teased.

"In two years." Angelina answered looking at George who looked surprised.

"Anyways, you guys have a very magical baby, I don't even think that's possible. It's wand less Magic." George smiled at Angelina and baby Molly.

"It's from my side, I remember my mom telling me about a legend of a magical baby who saved people from dying in a war. I believe I still have the book back at my old house."

"We really have to go see your mother know."

"Yup, But she won't be happy I didn't tell her about the baby."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Angelina asked.

"It would put both of them at risk. And my mother is a very crazy pure blood. Fred is a pure blood but he is a Weasley, she hates Weasleys, I don't think she even knows I'm married." I shrugged.

"She would have been the one to object." Fred joked. Me and Fred walked away seeing the look on the twos face.

I groaned, and fell down, but Fred still held Molly. He picked me up and took me to the Hall. I remember seeing the Weasley and Fleur.

"What happened?" Fred asked Fleur nearly yelling at her.

"Death Eater shot her in the side, she said she was fine."

Molly's baby hands were on my stomach. As a small blue light emerged, it closed the gap and pulled the blood back in.

"I like having a magical baby."

They all laughed, as I leaned on Fred and held Molly.

I liked having a magical family.


AN- I hope you liked this I was running out of ideas.
