Act 3, Scene 7

The Ministry of Magic

Hermione, Draco, and Lily apparate back to the Ministry of Magic. Hermione immediately heads towards her desk.

Hermione: So. We're trying to find out how Lily and her family are possibly related to Death Eaters, correct?

Draco: Correct.

Hermione: So, what do we know so far?

Lily: Mr. and Mrs. Prewett assisted TMR.

Draco: And those are Ginny's grandparents also known as Molly Weasley's parents. Did we ever figure out what 'TMR' stands for?

Hermione: Oh, I've known. It stands for Tom Marvolo Riddle. The person that wrote the book was probably afraid to write his actual name.

Draco: How do you know that?

Hermione: Isn't it obvious?

She laughs.

Draco: True. Now what we need to know is what they assisted him with.

Hermione: You know what? I bet it was to help with one of the horcruxes. That's usually what it is.

Draco: Yeah, you're probably right.

Lily: Wait. I think I have something.

Hermione: What?

Lily: I remember my mum telling me that her grandparents were both put into Hufflepuff. That could have something to do with it. They could have helped Tom Riddle find the cup. Given him a name. She said... She said they died from old age.

Draco: I'm sorry to say, Lily, but I'm afraid they might have been killed. Yes that's right. But wait, a Hufflepuff wouldn't help Tom Riddle. Right?

Hermione: It would've had to be the Imperius Curse. Had to be.

Draco: And who died for the cup again?

Hermione: I believe her name was Hepzibah Smith.

Draco: Well, there we go. So they are the reason why you have dark blood. They were Death Eaters if they followed him or looked up to him in any way, under the Imperius Curse or not.

Hermione: He must have given them the Dark Mark also.

Draco: I reckon he did. Alright, out of all of the information that we now know, what part of it can we use to find Harry?

Lily: Well, we know who, right? Dabriah Blacksmith has him. We should be searching for where he is. And we're running out of time. I have to go back to school tomorrow.

Hermione: Right. We are running out of time. Merlin's Beard, how did Harry ever figure these things out?

Draco: Memories.

Hermione: That's right... I wonder if that can help us somehow...

Lily: There might be a spell, right?

Hermione: There might! It would have to be a location spell though. Let me look through my spell book.

Hermione rummages through her bag on her desk that looks only about 3 inches deep.

Draco (smiling): Y'know, I've always thought that that was a brilliant trick of yours.

She smirks and casually shrugs her shoulders.

Hermione: It's just an extension spell. It's not that interesting.

She pulls out a large book that looks over 500 pages thick. She starts flipping through the pages. After a few minutes, she stops.

Hermione: Here we are. Just as I thought.

Hermione grabs her wand, which is also sitting on her desk, and sits on the couch next to Lily.

Hermione: All I need is something of Harry's. Something that used to belong to him, something he gave to you, anything of that sort.

Lily: Well, he gave me this locket when I was little. It has a picture of Mum and him inside.

Lily opens it, and Hermione smiles. Draco squats down by the edge of the couch. Hermione slowly takes the locket.

Hermione: Do you mind?

Lily shakes her head and takes off the locket. Hermione holds the locket in her hand and waves her wand with the other. Lily suddenly gasps and shuts her eyes. She has entered a flashback. There is an old cart on a moving train. Harry sits at a table, although it doesn't look quite like him. There is a girl dressed in all black with a braid in her long black hair in front of him.

Harry: Why are we going to Narvik, again?

Dabriah: Because no one will find us there.

Harry: And why do you have me, of all people, again?

Dabriah: You know that.

Harry: Alright, but what's the real reason?

Dabriah: Alright, fine! We're visiting a friend of mine.

Harry: Right...

Dabriah: Right.

Everything fades to black. Lily exits the flashback.

Lily: Did you guys see it too?

Hermione: See what? You passed out.

Lily: Was that supposed to happen?

Hermione: No, I was putting a protection spell on it. I don't know what happened.

Draco: What did you see, Lily?

Draco and Hermione were now sitting on opposite sides of her.

Lily: I- I saw my dad. He was on a train with Dabriah. They're going to Narvik.

Hermione: Narvik? But that's so far from here.

Draco: How would we get there? It may be too far to apparate.

Hermione: We would have to take a boat across the North Sea. It's very far.

Draco: Where is that, Norway?

Hermione: Wait a second... What else did she say?

Lily: Oh, she said she needed to meet someone.

Hermione: Oh my God.

Draco: What?

Hermione covers her eyes and sighs. She looks up.

Hermione: Durmstrang is in Norway. Durmstrang is in Narvik.

Draco raises his eyebrows.

Draco: And?

Hermione: Viktor is at Durmstrang.

Draco: Oh my- What? But isn't he out of school?

Hermione: Yes, I believe he is, but he's still on the Quidditch Team, so he practices at the Quidditch Pitch very often. And it's right next to the school. The students at Durmstrang can take classes for as long as they want after fifth year, so he might be studying some as well. The only thing is, why does she need him?

There is suddenly a quiet tap on the door.

Draco: I'll get it.

Draco opens the door to find an owl with a letter. But it isn't addressed to Hermione; it is addressed to Draco.

Draco: It has my name on it.

Hermione: Really?

Hermione stands up and takes it from him. She opens it and reads it.

Hermione: It's from McGonagall. She wants you to bring Lily back to Hogwarts.

Draco: Without you?

Hermione: If it's addressed just to you, I would assume so. Yes... She says that all of her things are already there.

Draco: Well, I guess we should go then.

Hermione turns to Lily and smiles. Lily stands up and hugs her.

Hermione: It was great to see you, Lily. I hope that these few days helped you feel a little better about finding your dad.

Lily: They did. Thank you. I hope to see you soon, and I'll write to you.

Hermione: Don't worry. We'll find him. I promise.

Draco stands next to Hermione and Lily.

Draco: Ready to go?

Lily: Yes.

Draco: I'll be back soon, Granger.

Hermione grins.

Hermione: I'll be fine.

Lily grabs Draco's arm, and soon enough, they are in the middle of McGonagall's office. McGonagall is sitting at her desk, but once she sees Draco and Lily, she quickly stands up and walks towards them.

McGonagall: Thank you for coming, Draco. Lily, did everything work out?

Lily: We found out what we could.

She smiles.

McGonagall: Alright. I'll send an owl to your mum. Your friends are waiting outside for you.

McGonagall gestures her hand and the door opens. Alice, Edward, and Jonas are standing behind it. Lily runs towards them into a group hug. The door closes, and they all walk away. Draco and McGonagall smile.

Draco: They remind me a bit of the trio.

McGonagall: Yes, they do. They do, indeed.

Draco: I found it quite odd that you asked that I come alone to bring Lily back; I suppose it's for a reason. What can I do for you, Professor?

McGonagall: Oh, I was just curious. How is everything with Miss Granger?

Draco: Oh, everything is great. I love working with her.

McGonagall: I know that things have also been hard without Astoria.

Draco: Oh, yes. Of course. Scorpius and I have been managing it, though. It's not easy... parenting alone. It sure doesn't help that I didn't have much of a role model as a father to grow up with, so I'm just kind of making it up as I go. That being said, Scorpius has been very brave and understanding through this whole situation. We'll get through it.

McGonagall: I'm glad to hear that. Do you know how Hermione is doing with Ronald?

Draco: I don't think that that is my information to tell, Professor, nor do I know the details of what their at-home life is like. But... I suppose I see her happier some days more than others. I guess it's normal, though; I mean, it happens with every couple every now and then. From what I've heard, they were like this in their Hogwarts days as well, but I- I don't know. I can't really say much.

McGonagall: Alright. Well, that is all, I believe.

Draco: Alright, goodbye then. Take care, Professor.

Draco smiles and apparates away. 
