Act 3, Scene 12

Close to Reynott's Classroom

Lily, Alice, Jonas, and Edward are on their way to Reynott's classroom. Lily has her wand lit with the Marauders Map, trying not to be seen.

Alice: I'm nervous.

Lily: I'm sure we all are. Now, quiet down! We can't be seen.

Jonas: How much longer? We don't have all night.

Alice: We're strolling around a castle, Jonas. What do you expect?

Lily laughs. As she does this, she stops. Dazed, she suddenly starts to close her eyes and fall to the ground. Edward barely catches her fall. Lily's wand light goes out, and Alice takes out her wand to replace it.

Alice: Lumos!

Inside Lily's mind, Lily stands in darkness. Flashes of red smoke pop up like firecrackers all around her as she looks down at her hands and feet. Her hands are covered in dripping blood, as well as her legs. She stands in what looks like water but lifts her bare foot to find blood coating it. She groans in disgust. She looks straight ahead of her to find a figure. Unable to see, she walks forward to get a closer look. It is Harry, although he looks different. Under his eyes are smears of darkness, and he had no expression on his face. Lily looks into his eyes and reaches out to touch his face, but he begins to shake uncontrollably. His head tilts back, and suddenly, Dabriah appears. Being a lunatic, she slaps Lily across the face, and she falls. Lily hears one final fading voice.

Dabriah: You took everything from me!

Lily screams back to reality. It was loud, but only loud enough for people near to hear. Alice shakes Lily as she wakes up and then backs away, startled. The group breathes for a minute. Edward walks over to Lily and kneels down to face her. She is sweating and afraid.

Edward: Lily, I want you to listen to me very carefully.

Lily nods, on the verge of tears.

Edward: Are you okay?

Lily nods once again.

Edward: Now, what did you see?

Lily takes a long pause before she begins speaking.

Lily: Darkness... Blood... Dad... Dabriah... She's evil, Edward. She's worse than we thought. I don't know what to do.

Edward: Alright, calm down. We need to get you some help. Let's just-

Alice: Edward? I'm sorry, but... someone's coming. And fast.

Jonas grabs Alice's wand as she stares at the map. He puts out the light and Alice tries to hide the map. Suddenly, a second light appears. It is Professor McGonagall.

McGonagall: Oh, please, put that light back on. You all are not in trouble. But, you are out of bed, and I'll have to ask why.

Alice: Oh, thank you, Professor. We were only trying to find Professor Reynott to ask him a question...

They help Lily onto her feet. Jonas eyes Alice as she speaks to McGonagall.

Alice: About the homework. We were confused.

McGonagall: You know better than to be out roaming the halls this late into the evening! Oh well, it seems that I'll have to let it pass. As you were walking, what happened to this one?

She points to Lily, being held up with her arms over Jonas and Edward's shoulders. She looks dazed and distressed.

Alice: Well, Professor, she fainted. Out of nowhere. We don't know what happened.

McGonagall: Take Lily back to the common room. All of you. You can certainly go back to Professor Reynott, but not tonight. We shall pray that Lily recovers. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do right now.

Alice: Thank you, Professor.

McGonagall nods.

McGonagall: Now, off to bed!

They start walking, but McGonagall stops Alice one last time.

McGonagall: And don't let me catch you with that map ever again!

Alice opens the side of her jacket and looks inside her hidden pocket to see the map. She then looks up at McGonagall. The group walks Lily back to the common room. 
