Act 1, Scene 4

The Hogwarts Express

Harry and Lily are looking for an empty compartment.

Lily: Is it always this hard to find a seat on this train?

Harry: Yes, it is.

Harry laughs. A head pops out of a compartment down the narrow path.

James: Hey! In here!

Harry and Lily hurry to the compartment where James is sitting and settle inside. Albus is nowhere to be found.

Harry: Where's Albus?

James (talking quickly): Gone to find Scorpius, I suppose. Oh, I hope you get put in Gryffindor Lily! If you are, you can meet my friends. Or Hufflepuff even! I know a lot of people in that house too. But Ravenclaw? I don't know a lot of people but I know that you are very smart so you could do well in that house too. And there's no way you'll be sorted into Slytherin. That's for sure.

Harry: Yes, I agree. Gryffindor runs in the family, so I'm suspecting that. But it's not my decision, it's the sorting hat's decision.

Lily: I have heard that it is a very beautiful school. Dad what was your first year like?

Harry: Well, I was living at your Great Aunt and Uncle's house. They were very selfish to me. I got so many letters from Hogwarts telling me that I was a wizard, but my Aunt and Uncle were keeping them away from me. Then we moved far away so that we wouldn't get any more letters, for my uncle's sake of course, and Hagrid came and told me that I was a wizard. The next day, we went to Diagon Alley. And that all happened on my birthday.

Lily: Wow. Who's Hagrid?

Harry: He's the gamekeeper at Hogwarts and a very good friend of mine.

Lily: Oh, I'm so excited to meet everyone!

James: Here comes the Trolley Witch!

Trolley Witch: Anything from the trol- Harry Potter? Is that really you?

Harry: Yes. I have been offered the job as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, so I am riding on the train with my children.

Trolley Witch: Congratulations! Don't you have one more? Albus, I believe?

Harry: Yes I do. I believe he is sitting with his friend, but I'm not sure.

Trolley Witch (laughing): Oh that child! Anything from the trolley dears?

Harry: Nothing for me, thanks.

James: Just a licorice wand and some jelly slugs please.

Trolley Witch: And for you miss?

Lily: Er... a chocolate frog please.

The Trolley Witch hands James and Lily their sweets and heads off to the next compartment.

James: Let's see what card you got!

Lily opens her chocolate frog and Harry quickly catches it so it doesn't hop off.

Lily: I've got Aunt Hermione! I didn't know that you three were on chocolate frogs!

Harry: Actually, I didn't know either.

Harry hands Lily her Chocolate Frog and then notices that James is pointing at something in the distance.

James: Look!

Lily looks out the window to see what James is pointing at. It's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Lily: Merlin's Beard. 
