Chapter 30

Todoroki's pov

I awoke early the next day after deciding I probably wasn't getting any more sleep. I had gotten a few minutes here and there, but nothing more than 30 minute naps at a time. Maybe about 3 hours of sleep total if I had to guess.

I got a scalding hot shower before quickly dressing in casual clothes and grabbed my phone.

I didn't bother saying bye to anyone as I slid on my shoes and walked out of my house.

I noticed a familiar blonde spiky haired boy standing near the gate entrance and could hear his screams from the front door.

I walked over to the gate and chuckled as he and my old man were both yelling and hurling insults at each other through the electronic keypad.

I opened the gate and stepped out when I was suddenly yanked forward by the collar of my shirt as someone yelled, "SEE! THIS DUMBASS KNOWS WHO I AM!"



I cut him off by shoving him aside and flipping my dad off, turning Bakugo around and walking away with him beside me.

My father was yelling at us through the speaker and after we were far enough away, I started to chuckle a bit.

Bakugo noticed and nudged me with his elbow, I shoved him back, and then it was just some weird shoving war that ended with me falling into an old lady and me apologizing as I helped her up and Bakugo laughing his ass off.

When we continued walking again, I noticed that he was wearing black ripped jeans, a black shirt that said 'fuck you' in blocky white letters, and a red flannel tied around his waist. I felt a little formal in my light blue shirt and tan pants.

"Like what you see?"

"No, I just feel like I dressed too formally," I responded truthfully.

I noticed what he meant a second too late as he said, "Ouch."

"My apologies, I didn't mean it like that."

"I know."

The rest of the walk was silent but friendly. It sort of lost its friendly edge when we both saw the hospital in the distance and the space between us grew a few inches and the silence took on a tense edge.

It remained that way until we made it to school.

The counselor, Amy, was waiting for us by the gate. She had straight purple gradient hair that was cut below her shoulder blades and green cat eyes. She also had light brown cat ears on top of her head that matched her skin.

She seemed to be wearing casual clothes as well. She was in a light blue sweatshirt and regular jeans.

Amy was a really nice counselor from what I've heard. The only things I've really overheard though have been that she supports the LGBTQ+ community and that she often bends the rules a lot for the students if she thinks it'll help benefit them.

We approached her and she smiled at us.

"Bakugo, Todoroki, I'm glad you guys could make it. Would you guys like to carry out the session inside or have you got something else planned for us today?"

"We can go somewhere else. I'm assuming there might be some screaming involved in this and I'd rather not have the whole school know about our problems," Bakugo said as Amy nodded and we started walking down the sidewalk.

"If you want, we can rent out a restaurant."

"I don't think we can rent out the whole restaurant, but if you would like to get a private room in one, I'm sure that we can," Amy replied.

She seems so sickeningly sweet. I wonder who will snap first, me or Bakugo. He's looking a little annoyed at the moment as well.

"I have my father's credit card, we can rent out a restaurant."

"Would he be okay with that?"


"Bakugo? What are your thoughts on the matter?"

"I don't care," he grumbled.

"What restaurant would you guys like to go to?"

"Anything that has something spicy," Bakugo replied as he picked up his pace a little bit.

"How about the noodle restaurant," I chimed in.

They both nodded so we took the 10 minute walk there. I rented it out with Endeavors credit card and they kicked the two customers that were there out and gave us full reign of the place.

They told us that they had already cooked everything and we just needed to put it in bowls and asked us to lock the front door once we were done. Then, they left.

We now have the full place to ourselves.


So...I have no clue how an actual therapist is supposed to act so my apologies if it's not accurate. The only councilors I've been to are with my school and I have a grudge against all of them and blocked out the reason why for some reason soooo....yeah going based on what I think they would might say.

Sorry again if it's not accurate. 
