Chapter 3

Izuku's pov

I'm sitting at the cat cafe, waiting for Singapore to show up. I called her and set up a meeting for today at 6:45 but me being the person I am, ended up showing up 45 minutes early.

I cough and try to swallow the flower petals that were trying to force their way out of my throat. I succeeded but had a painful throbbing in my stomach as a result.

Great, now my lungs are being torn apart and my stomach is joining along in the march to early death.

The bell above the door range to signify the arrival of another customer. I looked up out of habit and saw Singapore enter the cafe.

She had purple hair and blue eyes but other than that nothing really stood out about her. She was wearing a white lab coat with a black shirt and jeans underneath it. She also had on a pair of black and white tennis shoes.

She saw me and waved. I waved back as she made her way over to the booth I was in.

"Hello! You must be Izuku Midoriya, pleasure to meet you! I'm Mini Singapore! You can call me Mini."

She stuck her hand out and I shook it before saying, "Then you can call me Izuku."

She sat down and looked at me from across the table. "So, what's the meeting for?"

"Did my mother tell you anything about why I called?"

She shook her head no, saying that she hadn't talked to my mother in awhile.

"Well, she doesn't know this, but I have hanahaki disease. I reached stage two earlier today and was wondering if there was any way to postpone any further development so I could at least finish off this school year."

She looked at me with sad eyes and I looked away. I don't want pity, I want an answer.

"I'm sorry for what you're going through. You know that the only cure is death or to have it removed. I suggest getting it removed before it gets any worse."

"No! I won't have my feelings removed! I'll just become a shell!"

"That's not how the procedure works. The only feelings being removed are the feelings towards the person who doesn't love you back."

I shake my head. "No. I won't do it. I just...I just want to finish out the school year. Please."

She sighs and is quite for a minute before she seems to think of a response.

"Listen Izuku, I know I just met you but I don't want you to die because someone is stupid enough to not love you. I really think you should just get the procedure done."

When I was about to object, she held up a hand to signal that she wasn't finished.

"But, I'm willing to try and help under one condition."

"Yes, anything." I inch forward slightly in my seat at her unexpected agreement.

"Tell me, does this person actually know that you love them?"

I mean...Kacchan doesn't love me so what's the point in him knowing? He probably does already and just doesn't care. He is observant as fuck so I'd honestly be surprised if he hasn't noticed.

"Yeah, I think. But, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Tell them. If you promise to eventually tell them, then I'll help you."

"Deal." It's not like she's gonna know if I actually did it or not.

"Okay. When my sister had the disease, we postponed it a bit using a form of plant killer."

"Plant killer?"

"Yeah. I'm more of a chemist than a doctor, so I mixed together some ingredients and made a pill that contains, in simple terms, salt and vinegar. Both cause harm to plants and can kill them, but since this disease can't be killed, it only knocks it back a few stages for awhile.

"With my sister, she had stage 4 and when she took them, it knocked down to stage 1 for a few months. She eventually decided to get it removed so I don't know what will happen after those few months go by."

"That's amazing! You're basically only a few steps away from creating a permanent cure! Maybe you've already created it and I'll be the first cured!"

"Izuku, please be careful though. Since you are only at stage 2, I'd imagine that after a week or two of taking the pills that they will make the disease disappear almost entirely. But you have to take 3 pills a day, one at each meal if you want it to act like it should.

"Like I said, I don't know if this is a permanent or temporary fix, so please be careful."

"I will and thank you so much for this."

She nods her head before saying, "I can whip some pills up tonight. It'll make enough for 5 months and I'll split it up into 5 bottles and label them for you. How do you want to receive them?"

"I can meet you at your lab if that's easier?"

"Perfect. How about around 12:30 tomorrow?"

"That sounds good! I'll see you again tomorrow Mini! Thank you s o much for your help!"

"You're welcome! See you tomorrow!"

With that, she was up and gone. I followed not too much long after.

I walked back to the dorms slowly and gagged several times at the press of petals at the back of my throat.

By the time I made it back, the class was having a movie marathon and seemed to be on their second movie.

I waved and went up to my room, saying I was too tired to watch the movie to anyone who asked.

I locked my dorm and curled into a ball on the floor with my blanket and using my arm as a pillow.

I fell asleep not too long after

Hey guys! This is random but I'm feeling super lonely. Literally everyone I know has dated someone or is dating someone and I've never even had someone crush on me, much less ask me out. I've never dated anyone and I'm feeling super lonely but that's nothing new really. Depresso espresso to the max. Anyways, hope you guys are less lonely than I am and are having a decently good day/night

Also, just finished Banana Fish and that was a rollercoaster, I did NOT expect that ending and can no longer look at pumpkins or leopards the same way again. If I ever go to New York I'm putting flowers in the New York Public Library
