Chapter 12

Izuku's pov

I follow Todoroki through the doors of the company and watch as he exchanges a few words with the receptionist before continuing to the back of the floor. We enter an elevator and go to the third floor and are immediately met with a lady that has long black hair, brown eyes, elf-like ears, and deep blue skin.

"Greetings, it's so nice to finally meet you Shoto Todoroki."

"The pleasure is mine. This is Izuku Midoriya." He pushes me forward a little and I hold my hand out to shake hers.

As she accepts it I say hi and she tells us to follow her.

She leads us to a room with huge mirrors surrounded by lights, a huge cosmetic layout with two chairs, a bunch of clothes on a rack, and two curtains that I'm assuming we change behind.

"Wait here. Someone will be in shortly to get you ready for the first few photos."

As she leaves I turn to Todoroki and raise a brow in question. "First few photos?"

"Yeah, there are going to be several different photos with different scenery and outfits. Welcome to the terrible world of modeling."

He said it with no emotion so I guess it can't be that bad...or it's because that's his natural voice and it really is bad but he just doesn't care too much. I don't know. Wait, why am I overthinking this?

"What kind of pictures are they going to be taking?"

"It depends. With all the riots about LGBTQ+ rights they might pose us for couple pictures. I hope you're okay with that, if not I can tell them not too."

"Oh, no it's fine. I mean, I am gay so at least it wouldn't be false advertisement I guess." I laugh a little and Todoroki joins in with a slight chuckle.

"Other than that they're going to take a few pictures with some elaborate makeup and clothes since that's what this company is known for, then have a few of us in some simple clothes lounging in random furniture. I think that's about it."

"It sounds pretty cool! It'll also be exciting to be on the news for something other than my death as well...I guess. I don't know, I'll probably end up getting really shy about it or something." I chuckled and Todoroki had a small smile on his face.

He opened his mouth to say something but the door opened and in walked a group of 5 people. Three males and two females by the looks of it.

One of the women had purple hair and really pale skin. A glance at her name tag showed that her name was Mia.

The other woman had black platform shoes, raven black hair, red skin, and short red horns. Her name tag read Val.

The tallest of the men had tan skin, brown hair, and startlingly blue eyes. His skin had scales in certain places and it looked like his tongue might be forked. His name was A. I wonder what it stood for?

The shortest of everyone in the room had brown skin that faded into an orange on his hands and legs. His eyes were solid black and his hair was almost as curly as mine. His name was Sam.

The last person to be introduced is someone with blue hair, but other than that looked completely normal. His name tag read Gray.

They all stood in a sort of triangle with Mia at the front, Val and Sam were off to the side slightly, and then it was Greg and A who were slightly off from Val and Sam.

Mia cleared her throat before clapping her hands and saying, "Hello. My name is Mia and I am the coordinator here. I'll be directing Val and Sam on makeup, and Greg and A on clothing. I'll be helping out a bit with everything else as well. Pleased to meet you Todoroki and Midoriya."

"The pleasure is ours," Todoroki replies, loosely crossing his arms across his chest.

Mia nodded and told everyone to get to work.

We were pulled over to the clothing section where A took me and Greg took Todoroki. They pushed us behind the currents off section and handed us clothes.

I put the clothes A had given me. I looked in the mirror and gasped a little. I honestly really liked this outfit. It was a white crop top with rainbow lines towards the bottom and around the elbow section of the sleeves. Fish net leggings under some black, high waisted ripped shorts, paired with black platform shoes and a rainbow choker.

I could honestly get used to this, it looked super cute.

I exited from behind the curtain at the exact same time as Todoroki and we were pushed into the two chairs by Val and Sam. Sam worked on me while Todoroki got Val.

I glanced over at Todoroki and saw what he was wearing. He had on blue ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt that said, 'Love is Love' in rainbow letters. He had on white converse with rainbow laces as well. He looked really cute.

I turned back to the mirror and watched as Sam put rainbow eyeshadow on me. He picked up white eyeliner and used it to outline my eyes and used some rainbow colors to turn my freckles rainbow.

He also dusted my cheeks with something shimmery and powdered my nose a little before

Sam then moved on to my hair and curled it to make the curled look more controlled. He then lightly ruffled them to make them look more natural and tamed. I think he put some green glitter in my hair or something but I'm not 100% sure.

I glanced at Todoroki's makeup and hair to see that he didn't have on as much makeup as I did.

He had his cheeks dusted with the same shimmery stuff and had a rainbow running down his cheek starting at his left eye and disappearing under his clothes.

He saw me glance at him while Val reached for the straightener and he gave a small smile and waved in the mirror. I waved back before being scolded for moving too much and then fully turned back towards the mirror.

It was only a few more minutes before Mia came over and said we looked absolutely amazing and then rushed us out of the room and through a door in the back that led to an area with a gray background where it looked like people were testing out lighting.

Todoroki leaned over to me and whispered, "You look...good."

I smile and turn to him, saying, "Thanks. So do you!"

He seemed to blush a little bit I couldn't really tell if it was just the shimmery stuff reflecting the camera's flash or not.

"A perfect. We're ready for you Mr. Todoroki and Mr. Midoriya," the person behind the camera called.

We went over and stood on the gray tarred area and were moved around in different directions by people then were verbally told how to place ourselves after that.

They had us pose in a few different ways. We leaned against each other, held hands, kissed each other's cheeks, at one point I was picked up by Todoroki bridal style and then he gave me a piggyback ride which made me laugh and they got a few shots of that.

They got a few of us individually as well. I posed as they instructed and I thought they turned out rather cute.

After that, we were ruched back into the dressing room and had new clothes and makeup done. We did this about 5 or 6 times before lunch rolled around and we were told we could see some of the shots.

We sat at a computer and watched as they scrolled through the images that they had taken. My favorites were the pride ones.

After that, they thanked us for our time and then we were released.

As we headed back out to the limo I turned to Todoroki.

"How often do you do that?"

He gave it some thought before answering. "Not too often. I used to do it almost every weekend and Wednesday but since I got accepted into UA my father has only required me to attend a few and sometimes I don't even attend those unless there's something in it for me."

"Gosh. I was fun, but doing it 3 days every week would get annoying and stuff. I'm sorry."

Todoroki stumbled a bit when I said this and looked over at me quizzically. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I just feel bad that you used to have to deal with people shoving, pushing, posing, and yelling at you to do certain things 3 days a week."

"...thanks, I guess?"

I chuckled at his response as I entered the limo.

"Driver," Todoroki said after he entered. "The class should already be at the field at this time. Go ahead and head there."

"Yes sir."

"Why are they at a field?"


I waited for him to elaborate more and when he didn't I crossed my arms and said, "Well thanks for elaborating."

"You'll see when we get there. There's no use telling you in advance when we're going to be there in less than 30 minutes."

"Okay. Can we at least stop for some food on the way there?" It was lunch time and I am absolutely starving.

Todoroki pulled out a tray from somewhere inside the limo and it contained a pallet of food from Chick-Fil-A. I gasped and looked at Todoroki as he set it down between us.

"Where did this come from?"

"The food storage unit. I had the driver pick it up while we were inside the company. I hope this is okay?"

"It's perfect! Thank you!" I smiled as I grabbed one of the chicken sandwiches and happily ate it along with my fries.

We reached the field in no time and I gasped at what was sitting in it.
