tsukishima kei | compared

tsukishima kei | compared
x female
3rd place prize request

"Look at them!" A student whispered, pointing towards the tall male and tall female. The two were glaring at each other furiously, the blonde megane was smirking slightly at the (h/c) girl opposite him.

You and Tsukishima were almost exactly the same. Obviously you weren't related or looked identical but you both were extremely smart, sarcastic, mean, had a love for shortcake and were both very tall for their age.

Usually girls were shorter than him but you were only a few millimetres shorter than him which ticked him off, it didn't help that you played volleyball as well. Oh, and how much you both were compared to each other. Everyone compared both of you and it made you only hate each more, it was a mutual disliking.

"Bakashima!" You hissed, getting into his face as he chuckled darkly. Just punch him, nobody would blame you. You pushed him back and then stormed off, going to find your best friend Yachi. She'd always listen to you complain about the middle blocker. Yachi secretly shipped the two of you, but anyways~

"Tsukki," Yamaguchi squeaked, getting closer to his friend who still had a stupid smirk on his  face as he watched your fuming figure leave. "You were really mean just now."

"So what?" Tsukishima said and walked off to the gym where they had practice, Yamaguchi running to catch up. "She's just as mean and annoying." Yamaguchi ships it too.

"You do know that was a bad move, right?" The pinch server told him, looking nervously up at the tall boy. "We have a joint practice with the girl team today." Cue daggers piecing Yamaguchi.


"(F/n)-chan!" Yachi grabbed your wrists in an attempt to calm you down, you were swearing and cursing the blonde that you'd just had a fight with. It wasn't working.

"I'm going to break him." You told her, ripping your hands out of her grasp and going back to your team. Yui saw you and squeaked before the whole girls team noticed your dark aura. Dammit! Another fight with Tsukishima! They all thought as you glared at the ground.

The doors to the gym opened and in walked Yamaguchi and the said Tsukishima, eyes on fire as he soon spotted you.

"They can even have the same aura as each other!" Hinata shouted, his head turning to the both of you which only caused him to hide behind Kageyama due to the both of you glaring at him.

"Watch it, shrimp." You hissed, hands on your hips and your eyes narrowed at the smaller boy.

"Stop comparing me to her." Tsukishima clicked his tongue.

"I'm way better than this piece of trash."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me dino-boy."

"Stupid girl."


"Don't call me that!"

The two teams watched on, sweat dropping at the scene. This is gonna be a long afternoon! They all thought as you and your counterpart blurted out insults at each other. Sigh. Just date already.
