terushima yuuji | no matter how small

terushima yuuji | no matter how small
x female

You felt down. Why? You didn't know, you just didn't feel like yourself. You felt dejected in everything you did and couldn't seem to put any effort into your schoolwork, to put simply; you were tired.

Terushima noticed, usually you were always happy and could always put a smile back on his face and he was determined to see your smile that lit up the room again!

You walked slowly to lunch, bento in your hand as you looked down and watched the pavement and your feet as you walked to a secluded area of the school, you didn't want to see your boyfriend or anyone for that matter. They'd just ask if you were alright and you felt as though you'd burst into tears if they did, you still didn't understand why you were so upset. You were just having a bad day.

You sat down beside the gym, watching other friendships circles chat and eat happily, your friends were among the groups, seeing as though they were fine without you and that your disappearance made no difference which made you feel even worse.

"(First Name)-chan!" You heard your named called and your head immediately turned to the source of the noise which was your boyfriend, Terushima, who was waving towards you as he jogged towards you with his lunch in hand.

"Where were you? I thought you'd have lunch with me and the guys." He panted, settling down beside you and sprawling his long legs out on the grass. He nudged your shoulder when you didn't answer, you knew that he knew that you were upset and he was treading lightly.

"Gomen." You exhaled, getting closer to him and laying partly on his chest as you snuggled up with him on the grass. His chest rumbled as he chuckled and wrapped his slender arms around your frame and pulling you closer,  stroking your hair as tears welled up in your eyes and broke away and begun to soak his blazer.

Terushima kissed your temple before sitting you up so you sat on hips and his legs were still kicked out on the ground and held your wrists, forcing you to look up.

"Hey, don't cry." He whispered gently, wiping away the tears and smiling at you. You loved his smile, especially when he'd grin cheekily and you'd see his tongue piercing. "Tears don't suit you."

"Thank you, Yuuji." You said, smiling at him slightly as his attitude was staring to affect you and you could feel the positive aura surging from his body and into yours. You were truly lucky to have him around.

"I'll always be here for you, so please don't cry," he brought your face down and kissed your lips gently, your hair acting as a curtain that hid you both away from the students. "No matter how big or small!"

[so sorry laurencf for this being late!!] [this was a request and I kinda needed this as well, I just really love yuuji]
