nishinoya yuu | headaches

nishinoya yuu | headaches
x gender neutral

You were busy studying for an exam, your head was killing you! Just pounding against your skull and you had Nishinoya in your room, playing video games and shouting out every once in a while. You grunted whilst rubbing  your forehead harshly with the pads of your fingers. "Score!" Yuu shouted and you whipped around, a menacing glare in your eye.

"Noya." Your voice was stern, holding your pencil in front of you and pointing towards him, your aura was immediately like that of an angry Daichi. "Either keep it down or go home." Noya was surprised by this, you had never been so frustrated with him.

"Are you okay, (f/n)?" The libero asked, pausing his game and crawling over to you, wrapping his arms around you and looking over your shoulder at your notes on your desk. "You need a break."

"Yuu, I can't. I've got to ace this exam!" You shouted, making your head swirl as you leaned against Noya due to exhaustion. "Please, we can study together but for now, let's get something to drink and eat and take a nap." Noya smiled widely at you, kissing your head as you nodded. He dragged you downstairs and made you a cold refreshing drink with ice.

You ate (f/f) and the drink, instantly feeling better before the short libero made you lay on the couch with him beside you, legs tangled and heartbeats in sync. "Thank you, Yuu." He grinned at you again before kissing you sweetly on the lips, easing your pain away. Your head was numb but it wasn't pounding, maybe Noya was your aspirin after being the source of pain? Well, seemed so.
