ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ EᒪEᐯEᑎ

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ EᒪEᐯEᑎ:



Wanda raised her hands and opened the Hex, the whole outside of it turning red and the agents lowering their guns. Wanda walked right through.


"Sparky! Come on, boy!" Tommy yelled as they walked down the street. The twins took turns calling out their dog's name. Natalya was quiet. She didn't want to keep the dog, but she hated seeing how sad the twins were.

"Hey, what's the trouble, little dudes and dudette?" The mailman asked as he walked past.

"We can't find our dog," Natalya spoke for her brothers and the twins shared a smile, not missing how Natalya had said 'our'.

"Ah, don't worry," The man assured, "He's sure to turn up. Your mom won't let him get far."

Natalya was going to ask what he meant by that, but he was already gone.

"I don't know where he could've gone" Wanda said, taking the lead. Billy seemed a sadder than Tommy, even though Natalya knew both twins were sad, so she wrapped and arm around her younger brother and pulled him to her side. She pressed a small kiss to the boy's head.

Wanda saw them and found it ironic how one minute, Natalya was threatening to hurt her brothers and now was comforting them. Natalya grabbed the other twin and kept her arms around both of them as they walked.

They went over to Agnes' house and there was a rustling in the bushes. "Sparky!" Billy exclaimed.

To their dismay, Agnes stood from the bushes, a blue bundle in her arms. Natalya looked away and tightened her grip on the boys.

"I didn't wanna come until I wrapped him up," Agnes explained. Natalya wanted to respond to that statement with a joke, but read the area and deemed it a bad time.

"What happened to him?" Wanda asked with a slight edge in her voice.

"Found him in my azalea bushes. Don't know how many bushes he ate. I didn't find him until it was too late," Agnes told the family softly and Tommy turned his head to bury his face into his sister's shirt. Natalya stroked his hair as she felt tears hit her shirt and lead the twins toward toward Agnes and Wanda.

"That rhymed," Natalya whispered, unable to help herself. Tommy moved his head to face Billy and they nodded, when Wanda moved over to them.

"Wait. Don't. Don't," Wanda warned and Natalya flinched at her tone.

"Don't what?" Tommy asked and Natalya absentmindedly played with the ends of his long-ish hair. Unbeknownst to the teen girl, Tommy liked the feeling of his sister's touch.  It made him feel safe and it comforted him.

(A/n: anyone thinking what I think y'all with dirty ass minds are thinking, just stop. I stg I will yell at anyone who comments anything about 'sweet home alabama' or anything like that. I know some people that think like that are out there)

"Don't age yourselves up." Wanda elaborated desperately.

"Oh no, you guys aren't allowed to be older than me. Nu-uh." Natalya teased, trying to lighten the situation. She had a bad habit of putting other people's problems before her own, hence the reason she was comforting her brothers instead of sorting out her thoughts about her powers, her nightmares/visions, the voices (that were now muffled and leaving a soft humm in Natalya's mind) and her fear of her mother.

"The urge to run from this feeling is powerful," Wanda said, her hand brushing Natalya's as she placed a hand on each of her son's shoulders. Natalya immediately removed her hands and held them behind her back, cracking her knuckles. Wanda sent her daughter a look, and unlike the talent show when they could seemingly read each other's minds, Natalya had her gaze on her shoes.

"It's too sad," Billy whimpered and Natalya saw his hand searching for hers, so she slipped hers in and gave his hand a tight squeeze.

"You can fix anything, mom. Fix the dead," Tommy pleaded and Natalya cocked her head to the side a bit.

Wanda seemed nearly as shocked as Natalya at the boy's statement.

"What?" She looked between her sons, "No."

"You can do that?" Agnes breathed out.

"I am trying to tell you," She crouched down in front of the twins and Natalya savoured the moment of being taller than her mom, "that there are rules in life, okay? We can't rush aging just because it's convenient. And we can't reverse death. No matter how sad it makes us. Okay? Some things are forever."

A tear fell down Agnes' cheek but Natalya didn't shed a tear. If everyone in her house was going to be sad, she was going to need to be strong.

"You said family is forever," Billy repeated what Wanda had said earlier.

"He is family," Tommy continued, "Bring him back, mom."

"Boys, mom can't bring back the dead," Natalya whispered, "Sparky is family and we are very sad now that's he's gone, but mom can't bring back dead. No one can."

"You're only saying that because you didn't like Sparky," Tommy whimpered and Natalya felt her heart break.

"I was scared of Sparky, but that doesn't mean I didn't like him," She told the twins, a rare amount of vulnerability in her tone, "Remember what mom told you about me earlier? That I'll always be there for you? Even if me being there for you means I have put aside the things I'm scared of or don't like, I'll still always be there for you. Promise."

"Can you bring him back, Natty?"

"Bring who back?" Vision's voice asked. He was questioning whether or not the person hugging his sons was his daughter, since this display of emotion was rare, but the signature red hair was what made Vision know it was her. Natalya let go of the boys as she heard Vision's voice, turning her head so no one saw her wipe a tear away.

Vision observed the room and realised Sparky had died, "Oh boys. Come here." 

Vision used one hand to press his son's heads against his stomach/chest and wrapped an arm around them. Natalya inhaled shakily.

Sure, she didn't want Sparky to live with them. That dog scared her. But it mattered to her brothers. And despite them only being alive for a day, Natalya felt a strong bond with them. Like she would do anything to keep them safe and happy. 

Wanda suddenly pulled Natalya to her side, the mother's arm around the daughter's waist. Natalya flinched and tried pulling away but Wanda just tightened her grip. 


Wanda was cleaning up the kitchen and Natalya was sitting on the table, unable to sleep. Her thoughts occupied all of her mind and she hid the bags started to form under her eyes behind a mug full of coffee.

"Mom, what was that drone we saw before we went looking for Sparky?" Natalya asked suddenly, causing Wanda's head to snap toward her daughter. Natalya figured this was the safest question to ask from the mass collection in her brain.

Unbeknownst to the teen, Darcy, Jimmy and Monica had heard her say that before Wanda cut off the stream for an add.

"What do you mean, Natty?" Wanda asked innocently.

"I mean, I-I heard a voice coming from the drone, and it sounded like Geraldine's voice," Natalya elaborated and quickly regretted her words when she saw her mom tilt her head, "I'm sorry, nevermind. Forget it."

"You could hear th- a voice?" Wanda asked, narrowing her eyes but Natalya didn't reach her gaze, "Natalya Iryna Maximoff, what aren't you telling me?"

"I don't know anymore, mom!" Natalya suddenly exclaimed, standing up, "I know you're lying to me about something and I want the truth. There are so many things going on with me and I don't know where to start and I thought I'd be able to trust my mom, of all people."

"What do you mean, Natalya?" Wanda asked cautiously, feeling a tad bit scared from her daughter's outburst. It wasn't often Natalya got angry and when she did, things got out of hand.

"I want to know the truth about so many things, mom," Natalya said, trying not to wake the boys up. She didn't know it, but the boys were awake and listening to everything the Maximoff females were saying, "What's outside Westview? What was my life before Westview? I can't remember anything!"

"There's nothing outside Westview!" Wanda yelled back, trying to keep her powers in check, not noticing the energy fizzling around Natalya's knuckles.

"Stop lying to me! I want to know the truth, mom," Natalya spat and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, "You know what? Forget it. Forget this ever happened. I'm tired. I'm going to bed so I don't say something I'll regret later. Goodnight."


Tears pooled in Natalya's eyes and she just sat on her bed, willing herself not to cry. She regretted taking her frustration out on her mother and basically exposing herself and what she knew. Then Natalya thought about how her parents had been ignoring her a bit lately and felt the guilt go away a little, but it was still there.

Natalya's door swung open, revealing Tommy and Billy dressed in their red (Billy) and green (Tommy) flannel pajamas. Natalya quickly moved her face so she couldn't see her wiping her tears.

"Hey boys, aren't you meant to be awake." Natalya said, sitting up on her bed, "Why are you still awake."

"We heard you and mom fighting," Tommy said softly and the twins sat next to their sister on the bed.

"I'm sorry if we woke you up," Natalya apologized, "It was my fault. You guys need your sleep, come on. I'll take you to bed."

"Can we sleep in here with you please?" Billy asked shyly and Natalya chuckled softly.

"Ok," She agreed, having a soft spot for her brothers, "But don't tell anyone I did this, ok?"


Natalya snapped her fingers and in a small puff of red, her single bed changed to a double bed. Billy and Tommy grinned and jumped under the dark red coloured sheets, leaving a space in between them for Natalya.

"-He has a family, and he can't reach them because you won't let him reach them!" Vision's voice was heard from down stairs and all the Maximoff children jumped.

"Hey boys, it's alright," Natalya cooed, crawling on the bed to give them each a forehead kiss, "I'll go down to see what's going on. I need to apologize to mom anyways. I'll be right back up."

The boy were sad. They could recognize that Natalya was sad and frustrated but was bottling it all up. They wanted to see their sister happy.

Natalya gave them a look, "Touch, break or even breath near any of my stuff and I will give your spines as a necklace to mom for her birthday. Night, love you."

The teen girl snapped her fingers as she walked through the door, her fluffy red socks and wooden floors not doing well together and making it slippery as she walked. 

Carefully, Natalya walked down the stairs and opened her mouth to speak but quickly clamped it shut in fear.

"Stop lying to me!" Vision yelled, floating off the ground. Wanda used the energy in her palms to lift her off the ground.

"This, all of this, is for us," Wanda told the synthezoid, "So let me handle it."

"What is outside of Westview?"

"What is with you and Natalya with the questions tonight?!" Wanda exclaimed, "You don't wanna know. I promise you."

"You don't get to make that choice for me, Wanda!"

Now, like Natalya, Vision didn't get angry often. This was probably Natalya's first time seeing her dad mad. And she did not like the fact that she was now developing a fear of both of her parents.

"You've never talked to me like this before. Neither has Natalya." Wanda lowered herself to the ground.

"Before what? Before what? I can't remember my life before Westview. I don't know who I am! I'm scared."

Wanda approached her husband and spoke softly and Vision lowered himself to the ground slowly, "You are my husband. You're Natalya, Tommy and Billy's father. Isn't that enough?"

"Wanda, why are there no other children in Westview?" Vision asked, looking at the window. Natalya had thought the same thing since she thought she saw a girl in Dotty's house but payed no attention to it.

"Oh god, there are, just stop it!" Wanda exclaimed and saw Natalya on the stairs, slightly shaking, "Sweetie! What are you doing there?"

"I-I uhm, was going to say sorry for earlier," Natalya blinked quickly and went over to her mother when she was beckoned over. Her steps were shaky but neither of the adults noticed.

"No, no," Vision continued, not changing the subject while the girl was in the room, "The playground stands empty every morning I walk to work. Why? Tell me why?"

Ahh, don't we love another situation where I get ignored? Natalya asked herself. Natalya was itching to leave, to go back to her bed with her brothers, but Wanda was watching her movements closely.

"Do you really think I am controlling everything?" Wanda shouted, "That I am somehow in charge of everybody in Westview? I'm walking their dogs, mowing their lawns, getting them to dentist appointments on time?"

"There's a dentist in Westview?" Natalya whispered to herself.

"I don't know how any of this started in the first place," Wanda admitted. 

Started what? Natalya wondered.

"Wanda, what you're doing here, it's wrong," Vision told his wife, sitting next to her and putting a hand on her thigh. "It is wrong."

The doorbell rang and Vision gave his wife a look and Wanda looked at him, "I didn't do that." She pinched her lips together and looked in front of her, "You don't believe me."

"Wanda, I want to, but at this point, I'm ignoring statistics entirely," Vision told Wanda.

The doorbell rang again and to be honest, Natalya had no idea what to do. 

Wanda got up without a word and made her way to the door. Vision and Natalya stood, keeping their distance but was close enough to see who was at the door. Acting on instinct, Natalya slipped her hand into Vision's red one and a vision (ironic) hit her.

A red man and a man in a red and gold suit try to argue with a white haired man as they strapped a girl maybe just starting puberty got placed in a straight jacket and an electric collar around her neck.
"She's eleven years old," The red skinned man said.
"She and her mother are weapons of mass destruction." The white haired man argued.
"They're kids!" The man in a suit argued back.
"They're dangerous."

Natalya gasped as the vision (ironic) ended, and ignored the concerned looks from her father and glanced at the door as Wanda opened it.

There, stood a man with silver and black, slicked back hair stood. He wore a leather jacket over a blue and purple top with black palm trees on it. He smiled as he saw Wanda and entered the house.

"Long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin' sister to death or what?" The man asked. Natalya tilted her head in confusion. This wasn't the Pietro from her visions.

Wanda looked back at Wanda and Natalya. "Pietro?" The woman whispered tearfully.

'Pietro' engulfed his sister in a hug.

"Who's the popsicle and the one that looks like she's thinkin' 'bout murderin' me?" Pietro asked, gesturing toward Vision and Natalya. Natalya was going to refer to him as Pietro until she knew his true name.

"Uh, that's my husband and my daughter," Wanda explained quietly.

"So I'm an uncle! Come here and give your uncle a hug!" Pietro opened his arms but Natalya stayed put and just tilted her head.

"I just met you. I don't hug people I just met."


ᗯOᖇᗪS: 2699          ᗪᗩTE: 12.9.2021
