ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ EIGᕼTEEᑎ

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ EIGᕼTEEᑎ:
˜”*°•.˜”*°• ᑎᗩTᗩᒪYᗩ TᖇIES TO ᑎOT ᗪIE ˜”*°•.˜”*°•


The faint cries of help from Billy and Tommy met Natalya's ears. Wanda and Natalya locked eyes for a moment before running out of the set they were on, Natalya running faster than her mother, anger fueling her steps.

"Natty! Please!" Billy yelled as Natalya came into view. Both of the twins were holding and pulling against a string against their throats.

"I guess you having a choking kink," Natalya muttered, energy gathering at her palms instinctively, "Hello, boys. It's your wonderful sistet here to save your asses once again.

"I know what you are," Agatha said, talking to Wanda. Agatha tightened her grip on the boys, jerking them back a few steps.

"It's ok, baby. It's ok," Wanda assured.

"You have no idea how dangerous you two are, and even more dangerous combined," Agatha said.

"Miss ma'am, you have no idea how dangerous it is for someone to look at that ugly dress. Is it even a dress? What ever it is, it is not pleasing on the eyes-"


"You two are supposed to be myths," Agatha told them, "A being capable of spontaneous creation and a being with incredible knowledge and descrictive intent, and here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner and saying useless facts at the dinner table."

"Let go of my sons."

"Oh yes, your sons," Agatha nodded, "And Vision, and this whole little life you've made, this is Chaos Magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch."

"My name is cooler, I don't care what y'all say," Natalya shrugged, looking around, "I could really use some coffee right about now."


"Get off me!" Tommy yelled, "Let go of my brother!"

"Our powers work out here, or did you forget?" Wanda reminded the witch.

"Mine always worked. I'm just lazy. That binding spell you used on me, Agatha? Absolute shit." Natalya smiled.

"No dear, I'm counting on it," Agatha told Wanda smugly before turning to Natalya, "You know, I really hate you.'

"Love you too, Agatha."

The twins started running forward, only to be jerked back and fall to the floor. Natalya snorted, and Wanda looked at her.

"You're brothers could be killed and yoi're laughing?"

Natalya shrugged, "They're going to die sooner or later. That was just funny, mom."

Wanda sighed and shot at Agatha, sending her tumbling backwards.

Natalya snorted, "If you guys keep fighting like that, I'm not even gonna fight. I'll be too busy laughing my ass off."

"Go to Natty's room," Wanda told Billy and Tommy.

Natalya gave her mother and offended look, "You do know they have their own rooms. You made sure of it!"

"No way, we're staying with you," Billy told her.

"Come on mom, we can help," Tommy told her.

"Are you guys trying to say there's something wrong with my room?"

"Listen to your mother, boys," Agatha taunted, getting up like nothing happened.


Tommy looked at Natalya, who gave him an encouraging smile, before speeding toward the house, taking Billy with him.

"You should go with them, Natalya. Wouldn't want one the youngest female Avenger to get hurt, would we now?" Agatha taunted. Natalya shook her head, a glint Agatha recognized as the signature destructive look of a Scarlet Sorceress in hrr eyes.

"I like what you're selling, lady, since there's coffee inside. But there's a teeny problem. You messed with my family." Natalya told her, quoting Harley Quinn with her own spin on the words.

Wanda and Natalya sent a shot of energy toward the woman, who grunted and staumbled a few steps backwards. However, Wanda took the seperate magic apart, one glowing sphere of red in each hand.

"I take power from the underserving," Agatha said, "It's kinda my thing."

With a sarcastic comment on the tip of her tongue, Natalya opened her mouth, only to feel a wave of exhaustion fall over her. She looked at her hands to find them turning black, the little of what was left of her magic slowly draining - taking her life with her.

Agatha hit them both with a blast of purple energy, sending the mother and daughter tumbling backwards. Wanda landed messily, but Natalya landed like a pro. On one knee with her other leg stuck out to the side, it was a move Natalya could vaugley remember another red-haired woman  with the nickname Nat teaching her.

"You're clearly in over your little red head," Agatha told the older red head, "So why don't you and your daughter surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it?" She used her powers to lift herself into the air as the Maximoff women got off the ground, "And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself."

"But you wouldn't be able-"

"Natalya, shut your mouth for one second! One second!" Agatha interrupted the young sorceress before turning to the other woman, "What do you say?"

Wanda didn't reply, she instead discreetly moves her fingers in a motion that sent a red car into Agatha. The car crashed into the window of their house. The pair began walking cautiously toward the damage only to find Agatha had teleported away.

"Vision?" Wanda's voice made Natalya stand up from where she was at the front door, about to enter the house for some coffee.

"Mom!" Natalya yelled, realising that the White Vision wasn't the same Vision that had helped Natalya control her powers for two years whilst in hiding.

Wanda didn't hear her daughter, instead asking, "Is it really you?"

"Wanda..." White Vision said softly, placing a gentle hand on Wanda's face. He put his other hand on and began to crush her face.

Natalya really wanted to laugh.

But she didn't. Because she's nice like that.

White Vision lifted Wanda up, his robotic voice likely going to haunt Natty's dreams, "And I was told you were powerful."

"Not me," Wanda croaked out, "Them."

A beam of red energy pushed White Vision off Wanda as the Westview Vision (we're gonna call him Westview Vision because Natalya told me to) came past and pushed White Vision away.

"Where are the boys?" Westview Vision called.

"Fight scenes between White Vision and Westview Vision are gonna be confusing to read and write, aren't they?" Natalya muttered, running over to her mom.

Yeah, most likely.

"They're in the house. Safe." Wanda panted.

"I'm fine, as well!"

"Vision," Wanda continued, "I should've told you and Natty everything. The moment I realised what I had done."

"It's alright, Wanda."

"Not really, but ok."

Vision continued, "I know why you made this world, but this..."

"I can fix this," Wanda said, looking over her shoulder at her daughter, "We can fix this."

"Can you."

"Oh, this is awkward," Agatha said, reappearing, "Your ex and your boyfriend together at the same party. Who are you gonna choose, Wanda?"

White Vision began walking toward them, and Natalya could practically hear the dramatic, ominous music.

"Vision," Wanda said, "This is our home."

"Then let's fight for it," Vision told his wife before starting speading at White Vision, colliding and taking to the sky.

Agatha teleported to the town square. Wanda began floating up to fly after the older witch when she heard heavy panting. The woman looked around and saw Natalya doubled over.

"Natty?" Wanda called, "Are you ok?"

"Yep, of course," Natalya called back in a high-pitched voice that was a tell-tale that she was in fact not ok, "Just a bit drained, with, y'know, some of my magic helping reinforce the Hex, keep my mental barrier up, some of my memories aren't back so some magic is still holding them hostage and Agatha took some as well. Other than that, I'm fine!"

"Come on, sweetie," Wanda muttered, using some of her powers to lift Natalya up and assist her in flying, "We can do this. Let's defeat the Witch Bitch."

Natalya smiled softly, "Yeah... after that, I need to tell you something. I'm just hoping you don't disown me after I tell you... so let's take our time beating the Witch Bitch."


Wanda set Natalya onto the ground gently and the pair began roaming the streets in search of Agatha.

It seemed like a 'normal' day in Westview. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping but... something wasn't right.

"Don't shoot," A man in a van chuckled, "I'm just a messanger."

Wanda was suddenly struck in the back with Agatha's magic, but Natalya casually side-stepped the beam after quickly figuring out what the man in the van had meant.

"Wanda," Agatha cooed, "You've never been up against another witch before. Did you know there's a whole chapter devoted to you and your daughter in the Darkhold? That's the book of the damned."

"I only skimmed that part, no spoilers!" The redhead teen shouted.

Agatha sighed at the teen's comment, before moving her hands and summoning the Darkhold.

"Let's start where it all began. With the mother," Agatha suggested, "The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation."

"I'm not a witch. I don't cast spells. No one taught me magic!"

"Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Surpreme, but not that of the Scarlet Sorceress. It's your destiny to destroy the world with the Scarlet Sorceress. A.k.a Your daughter. Now let's move onto her, now."

"I'm not what you say I am!" Wanda yelled, "And you will not tell my daughter what she is or is not! She's seventeen!"

"Oh, really?" Agatha deadpanned, before beginning to chant in Latin.

Dottie looked at Wanda with a gasp, "Wanda?"


"My name is Sarah," Dottie - Sarah - corrected, "I have a daughter. She's eight. Natalya met her on Halloween. Maybe she could be friends with your boys. If you like that storyline. Or, uh, the school bully, even. Maybe Natalya could tutor her? Really, anything. If you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please."

Wanda turned to Agatha, "What are you doing to her? You're making her say this. "

"No, it's authentic," Natalya muttered, "I saw your daughtet, Sarah. She knew my name. She said she saw me in her dreams, didn't she?"

"She's your meat puppet," Natalya gagged at the explanation, "I just cut her strings."

Agatha once again did hand motions that were very familiar to Natalya and chanting in Latin. Everyone started toward Natalya and her mother.

"I don't recognise my face in the mirror, my voice when I speak," Herb said, free of his trance, "I used to try to resist you, but now, I can't remember why. Do you?"

"My husband's on a business trip," Beverley told the woman? "Tell him I love him not to come back here ever."

"I'm exhausted."

"No, you're fine," Wanda said, not noticing Natalya's eyes glowing red and her fingers moving expertly as she allowed her consciousness to peak into everyone's minds.

"You're fine. You're all... you're all going to be fine," Wanda continued reassuring them.

"Will they, though?" Natalya spoke, "They have your nightmares, mom. Most of them include me."

"No, that's not true. I've... I've kept then safe in here. You.. you feel...  You feel at peace."

"We feel your pain," Sarah corrected.


"Your grief is poisoning us," Mrs Hart told the redhead woman.

"No, stop."

"Please, let us go home."

"I wanna get back home."

"Let us go."


Voices began to overlap, including mental voices. Natalya winced at the volume, coving her ears in an attempt to keep herself from a huge headache.

Wanda screamed, her hands on her face, and her magic exploaded from her body. Natalya bit back a scream of pain as the energy met hers, the raw pain and greif like a brick wall as she began choking.

"Natty?" Wanda whispered, realising what she had done, raising her palms, "No. Stop! Stop. I'm sorry."

Natalya felt the tension leave her neck and she slumped in a sitting position on the ground. "Choked twice in one day in not even four ours. That's gotta be some kinda record."

"What's stopping you?" Agatha asked the woman as Natalya stopped panting. "Use your power and do it now. Heroes don't torture people."

Wanda let her powers expload into the sky, effectively tearing a rip in the red wall surrounding Westview.

"All of you, go! Now!" Natalya yelled and everyone started running.

"Now you'll see," Agatha laughed.


ᗯOᖇᗪS: 2092         ᗪᗩTE: 18.12.2021
