Chapter 9

Three weeks in school and Jackson and I had became the talk of the century. They should take some pictures if they're that interested in us.

We walked in this morning, Jackson with his arm around me and my hand around his waist.

People been always the same to me but just a little less. What I mean is that they would either not talk to me anymore or just yell at me -since some girls love Jackson-

I don't really care but it's whatever. I went to chemistry where Jackson and I were in the same class.

I sat down in the back since i'm the first one there. When I was pulling out my notebook, someone grabs my wrist and pulls me up.

Having my chest against theirs. I looked up to see Kyle. I tried to pull away, but the more struggle I gave the tighter the grip he had on me.

"Let me go Kyle." I tried to get free.

"No, Why do you think you're good enough for Jackson? He doesn't deserve a low life like you. Hillary is better than you. This is why he's probably not here early with you. He's probably having a make-out session with her. You are just something he can make fun of."

He then wrapped his other arm around my waist. Pulling me closer to him. Chest against chest close.

He then pushed me against the desk trapping me. With his hand he caresses my face then when he reaches to my chin he picks it up making our eyes lock.

"If you got proof of that I will believe you. You'd be happy when he breaks me huh?" I try to say in a strong voice.

"Ha ha ha, oh doll face I will surely be happy with that. But I can hurt his heart for you, then you two will never be." Kyle gives me smirk.

Does he like me or is he actually doing this to hurt Jackson? Is Kyle really this cruel? What is he going to do anyways?

I was snapped back into reality when Kyle's forhead was leaning against mine.

Without hesitation he moved in for a kiss. It wasn't like any kiss you would say. No wonder the girls are all over him.

He's a that good of a kisser if I say so myself.

Ahh snap out of it Jade and pull away from him. My conscience said.

I tried to pull back, but the more I did the closer Kyle got. I didn't know anymore if I was giving the kiss back in return or actually fighting to get free.

At that moment Kyle pulled away, as so I thought that.

I looked up to see Jamie beating up Kyle. He must've moved schools to.

I looked stupid right there just standing while watching Jamie beat the crap out of Kyle.

I was frozen, I couldn't say anything or move a single finger.
Then Jackson came in Moving Scarlett out the way. Yeah she was there the whole time watching. She's going to do bad with this.

Jackson then pulled Jamie back. Moving him away from Kyle.

"What the hell man!" He sat Jamie down on a seat. He was pissed of.

"What the fuck was that? Why you beating up my friends huh!?"
Jamie just stood there quiet then looked at Kyle then to me. His eyes were locked onto mine then he looked back at Jackson.

"I don't trust you, I hope Jade finds someone better than you. I know everything on what's going to happen."

Jackson just rolls his eyes then picks up Kyle. He handed Kyle to Scarlett.

"Careful that she doesn't cheat on you Jackson." Scarlett gives a big smirk.

"What do you mean?" Jackson rubs the back of his neck.

"Well Jackson you know Kyle was kissing your conscious Jade here and she was kissing him back. They were having a full make-out session in here while you were gone. The only reason James here came in was because he was mad-"

Jamie ends up cutting her off.
"It's Jamie, not James. Also what a fucking li-" Scarlett cuts him off.

"Like I was saying. Jamie here got mad because he was jealous. That's not just it. He was mad catching Jade kissing Kyle because these two are going out. Behind your back and you didn't even know."

Ugh what a bitch my twin sister is. Now Jackson and I will be no more. Jamie would just disappear again without a trace. Kyle has done his plan.

Jackson seems to believe it because he went to Jamie and picked him by the collar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you think you're doing!? I'm not the one who was smashing faces with her!" Jamie looks at Jackson with a death stare.

While Jackson pushes Jamie away he turns and looks at me. I just stood there looking down.

"Is it true..?"


"Jade is it true!?" Jackson shouted.


He through his hands up pissed with his face red and ready to swing at someone.

"Kind of not all! Let me explain" I tried to reach out to him but pushes me away with force causing me to hit my head and fall.

The teacher had walked in and ran everyone out. He wasn't going to put up with all this, not today.

After school I raced back to Jackson's house to grab my stuff and leave. He wouldn't listen to my side of the story.

Well even though there's some parts that are good I'm taking them. After putting the last things in the jeep Jackson pulls up.

I got in the car and try to drive off until he stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Away that's where"

"Probably with Jamie so you can cheat on me." He rolled his eyes.

"You know I have been trying to tell you all day that he kissed me and o tried to get away but he didn't let me. If you don't want to listen that's. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't! I mean you don't need me obviously so why would the world need me? Bye Jackson."

I drove off. For many hours I have been on the road no where to go. I finally made the decision to go to Jamie's.

I rang the door bell and he answered.

"Hey.." He looked down them back up then to the jeep. "Going somewhere?"

"If out this place then yes. It's kind of late you think I can stay for today?"

Jamie moves away letting me in.

After a couple of hours pass we were on the couch watching a movie. With my head against his chest I felt safe with him. He's the only person I have close as family and I love him.

Jackson's POV
"You had one job and you ruined it! You're just stupid Jackson I'm done with you!" Hillary scolded me.

"One job? Right something that Kyle ruined you mean!"

"Good that, that bitch is suicidal I don't care, you sound like you really started getting feelings for her I can tell. You're so weak"

"Whatever I'm done with you and you can take Scarlett with you because she can be your dummy now!" I yelled.

Hillary pulled out a gun. "You're going to see what's coming towards you. Let's go Scarlett."

Hillary and Scarlett walk out of here slamming the door behind them.

Great I devolved feelings for jade and I know she was telling the truth. I'm such a dumbass. I need to go find her.

Right when I get in my car I wonder where could she be. The only place I can think of is with Jamie. I start driving off.
