Chapter 4



I started to walk in the cafeteria when all eyes went on me. Is there something that I don't know about.

When I was deciding where to sit, someone just walked in front of me. Whoa she looks like me, but a little pale though. She reminds me of a vampire.

"Hello baby sister." She gave me an eveil look.

"Sorry you have me mistake for someone else." I started to walk away then I stopped.

"No I don't Jade darling. I'm the daughter of Jordan and Francisco Brooks." That's when I dropped my food.

This can't be. To my surprise I said that out loud because she heared me.

"Oh it truly is. Meet me after school at the cabins and you know which one." She just walked off.

After she left everyone was just starring at me. I left the cafeteria without eating.

Man I was hunry, but I wanted to find out who she was.

I went straight to the cabins where my parents took me when I was little.

I stepped inside.


"By the stairs Jade."

I saw her and went straight to her then sat down.

"I'm Scarlett your twin sister." She shook my hand.

"But, but how is this possible I never heard of you. Mom never talked about you or dad." I was freaking out.

"They did about you Jade."

"Where have you been?"

"It's not me who you should worry about Jade."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't come here to be your friend or to become that big sister you ever wanted Jade." Sje looked mad.

"You mad my life a living hell since the day you were born." She then slapped me.

Scarlett got up and walked out of the cabins. I had my hand over my left cheek.

After an hour sitting and thinking I started to unpack my stuff in the cabin.

Tracey kicked me out today.


"I want you out today brat. I'm done putting up with you. If you don't I will call the police and tell them your robbing me or something."

"Okay sheesh I can't wait to get out of this hell of a place. I'm done I don't have to put up with your bull shit anymore."

"Good riddance brat." she already had everything in my car then pushed me out of her house.

"Bitch." I then drove to school.

End of flashback

I got everything down finally. If I only had my camera. The woods were just behind the cabin.

My stomach growled and I didn't have anything to eat. To my surprise it was raining. I would walk, but it's raining cat's and dog's out there.

It probably be better tomorrow. Instead of going out today I waited for tomorrow.


Well I guess I was wrong. It's still pouring out there. At least it's a Saturday.

I ran towards the car hoping not to fall. I made it in without getting wet. Well that wet at least.

It would be a 30 minute drive here to the diner. I turned on the radio and heared they were playing cheerleader. I turnes it up because I loved the song.

"Do you need me? Do you think i'm pretty? Do I make you feel like cheating? I'm like no not really cause oh I think that I found myself a cheerleader."

Then the radio stop working. Great stupid lightning and thunder.

The car started to slow down as well.

"No, no, NO!" I hit the car. Why did the gas have to run out damn it.

I got out and locked my car. I guess I have to walk. At least I was only 20 minutes away now.

"These are really good pancakes Jamie." I smiled at him

"Don't thank me thank the chef." He points in the back.

I nod at the chef and he nodded back.

"On the house Jade."

I looked up in surprise.

"Really? No I can't."

"It's the least I can do today. Look at you. Your cheek it's all bruised up and you're wet from the rain. Tell me what happened?"

"Well Jamie it turns out that I have a twin sister my parents never told me about. She's mad at me and slapped. I don't knos though. Plus today my car broke down on my way over here so I had to walk."

"Jade we knew each other since we were 5 I think you can call me or did you just forgot I even existed?"

"Sorry Jamie. I have no cell phone and I kinda did."

"That hurts." He puts his hand over his heart like if I even hurt his soul.

"Well I have to get going if I want to make it to the cabin." I got up from my seats and walked out.

I then bumped into someone in the rain.

"Oh i'm soo so sorry."

"It's okay no worries."

Wait I know that voice. When I looked up it was Jackson.

"Oh it's you."

"Well that's a nice way to say hello." He smiles at me.

"I have to go." I try to go pass him, but he goes in front of me.

"You're walking huh?"

"Do you read minds or what?"

"No but I can tell."

"Hey Jade let's go. I'm going to get soaked in this rain." Jamie yells at me from his car.

"Well sorry Jackson I have to go. Also no i'm not walking. My hair was already wet for a reason."

"Ah for kissing Jamie for a while in the rain. Just to tell you i'm a better kisser than him." Jackson winked at me.

"Aww is someone jealous that they aren't with me." I made a fake sad face and then laughed.

I went with Jamie of course.

Silence filled the car for a moment. I just looked outside the window and kinda regretting the whole drive thing.

I know it's pouring cat's and dog's out there, but I just love the rain.

Jamie had broke the silence and snapping me back to reality.

"Earth to Jade. Are you still there?" He glanced at me then back to the road.

"Yeah, yeah I am."

"You haven't talked or said a peep the whole car trip here." He then parked the car.

"Is something the matter?" He locks the doors even before I can get out.

"Everything is fine. Nothing for you to worry about." I then unlocked the car and got out.

I went inside and whem I looked back I found Jamie following up behind me.

"Excuse me I don't remember inviting you in."

"Oh don't worry I invited myself in." He patted my arm while he walked passed me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Still the same Jamie I ever know." I chuckled a little.

"You know some couches would be nicd to sit on." He looks back at me.

"Well I don't know if you noticed-" Jamie ends up cutting me off before I can even finish.

"But that bitch Tracey kicked you out with just the things in your room." He gave me a smirk.

I just raised an eyebrow up of being surprised. I didn't know he knew about it.

"Asking yourself how I know, well Jade I never liked Tracey and Tracey never liked you. You mever liked Tracey so I had a hunch that one day this would happen." He heads to the stairs and sits down.

I follow and sit next to him.

"Sorry." I whispered to him.

"Sorry for what?"

"That I left in a bad time and also for not telling you I was back. Sorry for forgetting you. Sorry-"
Jamie end up cutting me off.

"It's all good, don't worry about. Don't say sorry it wasn't your fault. You did nothing bad."

He brings me into a hug. Man I missed his hugs. I regret leaving the only friend whoa actually was there for me.

He also smelled good. He had the fresh smell of pancakes. And when it's not pancakes it's chocolate. It's weird. Probably working at the diner gives him other sents.

Weird, but a turn on I say so myself.

I pull away from his hug.

"How long are you staying here."

"Until they find out i'm staying here and then kick me out." I gave a light chuckle.

"What? So you're staying here without paying." Jamie shoots his eyes wide open.

"You sound surprised. Thought you knew me."

He than gives me a light playful punch on the arm.

"I do. It's just that where are you going to go when they do find out?" He looks into my eyes.

"I don't know I will find out when that happens." I give him a smile.

"Well then for the mean time I think you need some couches." He then stand up.

"Well I have no money to get none."

"I'll be back." He walks to the door.

I ran after him and stand in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see when I come back." He pushes me aside.

"It's raining real hard out there. I don't think it's safe."

"It's alright I'll go slow." He gives me a smile and then walks out.

I thought while I waited I think a good shower would be nice.

I went upstairs into my room and grabbed my close. I don't know how girls can sleep with no pants on.

Yeah it's comfortable, but isn't that a little weird.

I turned on the water. I thought a good nice warm shower could soothe me.





