Chapter 3

Next morning I walked in school. This time people just stared at me and stayed petrified.

They must be shocked that I messed with Cherry liked that. Hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

I walk straight to the computer lab. Once I opened the door all the people didn't know what to think of me. Hate me or fear me.

I don't care but I have a voice, I didn't lose everything to be pushed around.

"Yo geeks I need you to put this CD on at lunch time." I placed a disk on their desk.

Tim took the disk like if he was annoyed. He plugged it in his computer and put his headphones on.

"This is rubbish girl. You really aspect me to-" I cut him off. By grabbing his neck collar up to me.

"Listen here pest like I said in that video I didn't take boxing for no reason. So if you want to be my punching bag i'm not stopping you." I raised up a fist at him.

"Okay, okay just set me down." I push him back into the seat.

I started to walk, but then paused myself.

"Oh and if you put something else than that, just to tell you I know where you live Timothy." I turned to look at him then winked at him and walked away.

I went in math class and sat down.

"Seems like the Chihuahua is ready to fight back." Jason laughed.

"Shut up baby dick." I snapped back.

"Aww come on girl. How do you even know he has a baby dick. If you don't like his why don't I show you mine. Oh wait I can't because I will never show a girl ugly as you." Kyle smirked at me.

"Actually you would because I seen you with way uglier girls than me. Also not interested I rather see a reals man dick than yours." I calmly talked back.

Their mouth just stayed opened. Jaw jropped I would say. At least that shut them up.

Lunch bell rings. Instead of grabbing food I went in and sat in a random table I could find.

The person's though I was crazy. Which I was because it was the group that hated everyond like literally hated everyone.

They would carry a knife to school but hey I got no fear. I have nothing to lose.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" Byrom raised his hands.

"Well if your eyes didn't see it i'm obviously sitting right here. Got a problem deal with it." I sat on top of the table.

Three minutes passed and I can see people looking at the t.v. that was in the cafeteria.

Once it came up the nerds did a good job of listening to me because they put the video up. It was just me talking amd of course I added music in the background. It's mainly more made to hear me though.

"All of you fudgen people that hate me for some reason get your ass in line with the other people that is waiting for me too care. Ya no me hables cómo mierda. I jad it up to hear with all you stupid crap. So if you want to start a fight go ahead. Me against you, I don't mind. Why? Because you wish all you guys were better than me. Deny it all you want, but each and every one of you wish you had something from me."

The t.v. turned of. It was over until I stood up.

People looked at me with hatred, disgust, surprised. I already knew I got some people to join me by their smiles.

"Tease me, hit me, beat me, shoot me, kill me. You wish you can bring me down. Estúpidos no pueden hacer nada para yo. All that boxing didn't pay off for no reason!"

I got down from the table and walked out the cafeteria.

I got through the day very well. People just looked at me and wondering what happened to the girl who let herself get pushed around.

I went to the roof top of the school. I felt like relaxing. After a caouple of moments I heard someone.

Not just one but many. How wasn't I not surprised it was Emily, Hillary, Jason, Kyle. Well I guess kyle must had something important to do then to pick on me.

"Haha poor Jade you made a mistake of saying that beat me, tease me shit up there." Emily scowled.

"And." I just went back taking my pictures. Yeah made the worst mistake on bringing the camera that Woods gave me.

"Well the and is that you will get what you wanted." Hillary turned me around.

"C'mon boxer girl show us your moves or did you lie about that?" Jason smiked.

I then punched Hillary in the face making kyle grabbing her. The Emily walks up to me.

"Not bad. See if we weren't enemies we could of been a good team Jade darling." She said in a sweet-not-so-sweet voice.

She than pulls me closer to her.

"This your camera bitch?" She smirked.

"What's it to you." I pushed back.

"Someone must of gotten it for you because you can't afford this plus you got no family to have get it for you." She then yanks it off of me.

"Give that back!" I reached for it but she pushed me away.

She then smashed it to the floor. I then ran towards her and puched her. She went flying and falling down.

"You bitch!" Kyle then grabbs me.

Jason comes up to me and starts punching me in my face. I couldn't move.

"That'll do boys." Hillary's boice says. As I falls to my knees.

I get up and try to punch her, but face it i'm not stronger than the guys.

Hillary and Emily kept beating me up until I felt the edge of the room.

Can't believe it they were going to kill me. I feel them kicking me towards the edge.

"Kill you indeed Jade. You gave us a good choice."

Yup I was dead already. They pushed me off the edge.

There was construction wood by the walls. I ended up hitting them then breaking to another one. I kept falling until something broke my fall. Well someone.


I woke up freaking out. I thought I was kidnapped. All I did was scream and try to get up, but couldn't.

"Hey, hey, hey calm down." I then see Jackson holding my arms tight.

"Ouch!" I held my side.

"You broke a rib during that fall. While you gave me some bruises. Who knew you're heavy." He lets go of me.

"You took me here instead of the hospital? What if I were about to die?" I gave him a serious face.

"Calm down chica I know my stuff. You have to rest as well. Plus i'm studying to be a doctor." He taps his head.

"Fine." I pout and cross my arms.

He then brings me breakfast in bed.

"Haha qué lindo thanks Romeo." I said in a sarcastically kind way.

"Anytime princesa." He winks at me.

"Wait how long have I been here." I look up to him.

"Just one day."

"Oh okay then." I went to eat.

"What no thanks?" He raises his hands.

"I did say it."

"Not for the food I meamt for me saving you." He crosses his hands.

"Oh yes thanks for saving me from the tower where the Dragon kept me in." Again I said with sarcasm.

"Really?" He just looked at me.

I just laughed and went back to eat. I then looked up to him and he was looking at me.


"What?"he smiles at me.

"Why you starring at me?"

"Sorry I didn't know that was a crime."

"Well it is in my kingdom if you got no excuse."

"Well then arrest me officer Jade." He winked at me.

"Nah i'm good. My prison doesn't deserve some low life like you." I smiled.

He then put his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt. He then put his hand down.

"You calling me a low life? Wow." He just looked at me.

I went from a smile to frown real quick. I then put the plate of food on the desk next to the bed. I took the covers on me off and put on my shoes.

"Hey, hey where are you going? You're still hurt" he blocks my way to get out.

"I rather suffer the pain than suffer with you." I then pushed him away and got out.

He was following me towards my care. Yesh my car got fixed and none other than J Woods.

"Can you at least tell me why you're leaving?" He grabbed my arm.

"Let go." I whispered.

"Not until you tell me what happened in there." He had a tight grip.

I was still weak that I couldn't push him away.

"Let go." I said a little louder.

He just gave me a look with his eyes. I can tell he's actually wanting to know.

"Well I thought you were different. For once I actually though I had someone in my life, but I guess I was wrong. You are just like the rest. Hitting, teasing, or whatever else people do to me." I was about to break in tears.

"What hitting? Teasing? What do you mean?"

I then looked at where his hand had a tight grip on my arm still.

"You're bruising me Romeo."

He then let go of me.

"Sorry I didn't-" I cut him off before he finished.

"Sorry nothing." I got into the car.

"Look i'm sorry it's not my fault you're sensitive. I though we-" again I cut him off.

"Mira you know nothing about me so if I were you don't be calling me sensitive! Well whatever you thought i'm telling you now to think twice before letting out another peep!" I snapped at him.

I then drove off to my aunt's house. Parked the card and walked in to my bedroom.

"Hey brat there's something for you! Get your stupid ass down here!"

I walked down stairs to find Tracey and it looks like the mailman.

"What do you want Tracey." I gave her an attitude.

"Whatch your attitude brat. I'm giving you evrything. A roof over your head, food, and showering." She left into the living room.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Miss Jade i'm guessing these are yours." The mailman handed me a small box and some flowers with a card.

"Thanks." I was confused.

"You must have someone special Jade. Well anyways see you amother time Jade." The mailman walked away.

Yeah someone special pssh not even. I walked into my room and put the flowers in a vase. Forget me not flowers. These were my favorite.

Well still are. It's just they remind me of my mother. Then I unwrapped the thing covering the box.

It had of course another box. This box looks like it had something in it. I opened it up and to my surprise it was a necklace.

Not just any necklace it's a heart shaped locket. I then grabbed the note that was attached to the flowers.

"The feeling of being alone hurts, but the thought of carrying the ones you love takes that feeling away."
~J. Woods

How? But how did he know that my mother loved the forget me not flowers. Especially the heart shaped locket. The necklace is what my dad gave me every year on my birthday.

I started to cry at that moment. Not tears of sadness but tears of happiness. This is what I needed right now.

I then go to my drawer and opened it. I pulled out a picture of my parents holding me when I was a baby.

I took it before my parents died. I put it in my locket and clenched it in my hands. Tears going down my cheek.
