Chapter 6

Mathias's eyes lit up when his children came back with a puppy. It happily jumped out of the box carrier and ran everywhere it could fit. It sniffed everyone and everything it could get its nose near. Emil's cat Mil came to sniff the new pet before he ran away in fear of the newbie. Berwald made the joke of Mathias and the dog as twins reuniting after being forced apart at birth. Tino, Aggi, and Pilo chased the dog around in attempt to get it in one spot. Emil and Lukas became occupied with trying to keep Mr. Puffin from knocking things down. Emil pretended he knows what the bird is squawking about while Lukas tried to direct him to his cage. Berwald and Mathias eventually decided to get off their lazy bums so they could help get each pet stable.

Everything came to a sudden halt half an hour later. The sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house. No one else had been invited to this year's Christmas celebration. Lukas came to the conclusion of it being Alfred coming to check if everything was correct. With that in mind, Lukas made his way to the front door. But Alfred was somehow already inside. Perhaps the door got unlocked during the commotion?

"Hey Alfred!" Mathias called from down the hall. His head and part of his upper body could be seen popping out of the wall. His cheerful smile still painted on his face.

"Hello dudes! How are you enjoying an American Christmas?" Alfred asked, totally oblivious to the fact that Lukas is standing next to him.

"Yeah, I was about to serve the cookies." Lukas murmured so the kids wouldn't hear. Alfred smiled his way to the kitchen

"Dude, your house is way small. Shouldn't there be stairs?"

Lukas ignored the comment in out of shyness. The American always found ways to get someone to crawl into a shell. He's really nice to be people he's not close with but also very obnoxious towards most people, purposely or not. Many wished he was nice to everyone's space, including Lukas.

Lukas made his way to the fridge, where he pulled out a tray of green and red Christmas cookies.

"Cookies!" Mathias exclaimed when he laid eyes upon the colored sprinkles. Like a kid he sprang off of the couch to the table. "How many do we get?" He asked, almost as if he never had cookies in his life. Lukas sighed. The man he's finally dating is a giant dork. His dork.

Everyone else arrived soon after, also asking how many were allowed to have. The four children asked many times over.

"Three each." Lukas replied before his brain could explode.

Lukas stole a glance out the window. One more thing that could make this a Christmas movie is snow. To his surprise, it had been snowing for the past few minutes by the looks of it. He kept it to himself until enough snow piled up. Mathias had been the first to respond to the rain of white.

"Ah! There's so much of it. It stretches as far as I can see." He explained excitedly.

"What're you, a puppy? There's no need to get so excited." Lukas said with a monotone voice. He kept his amusement deep within him.

"You don't get to see snow this often." Mathias replied.

Lukas let out another. The best way to spend Christmas is with your dorkish puppy boyfriend.
