Chapter 2

Mathias enjoyed the company of the cute and energetic toddler. His face held a happy grin as he and the young Emil talked to pass time. Emil would occasionally try to point the way to the cereal aisle, though he probably has no idea where it is. His available hand kept a grip on Mathias's golden hair. They walked and talked for several minutes until they came across the aisle for the second time, the first time it was passed because a detour had to be made.

"I don't see him!" Emil exclaimed with the hint of crying in his voice. He sniffled and a gasped a few times. "Mathie where is daddy?"

"I don't know kiddo." Mathias said, ruffling Emil's hair in the process. "But we're going to find him so that you'll be happy." He added.

"W-what about you? Y-you should be happy too!"

"You first." Mathias replied. It has always been his goal to make sure everyone else is happy, even if meant sacrificing his own happiness. "We're going to make you happy first." He added with a sincere smile.

He walked away from the cereal aisle to make his way to one of purchasing lines. He told the cashier about finding Emil and the unsuccessful finding of his father. The cashier nodded at the information he received. He seemed to be sympathetic to Lukas, the kind of sympathy a dad would give another dad.

"I call him on the intercom when after I finish with this customer." The cashier promised, Tino is his name according to the tag on his shirt.

Tino closed the lane after the brown haired lady paid, explaining that his shift had ended while the woman was purchasing her items. He called Lukas over to lane 3 for his son as quickly as he could. Emil pretty much bounced with excitement when his dad came rushing over. Mathias let the boy down so that family could reunite after probably ten minutes.

Lukas smiled now that he held is only child in his arms. "Let's pay for our stuff and go home." He whispered in the boy's ear.

"No!" Emil exclaimed as he pretty much jumped out of his guardian's clutch. He hurried over to Mathias and grabbed onto his leg. "Mathie helped me daddy! I want to keep him please."

Lukas hadn't realized someone helped his son get here, or that he was still there. His face calmed into its usual emotionless expression. He's painfully shy, so he didn't know what to say to the man. He let his thoughts flow until Emil shattered them.

"I want to take him home." Emil said with a determine face and tone of voice.

Lukas always found it difficult to say 'no' to anyone or anything he saw as cute. Such things included his son, of course, and the stuffed animals no one knew he still had. He would often pass pet shops and find it hard to look away from the adorable baby animals. He knew he had to tell Emil that the man couldn't stay with them. He probably has his own family somewhere else in town. People were beginning to stare, but Lukas just couldn't find the will to say it.

"I can't live with you, but I'll visit for dinner." The man, Mathie according to Emil, said. Both the young boy and grown man looked to Lukas for any kind of rejection. He kept his face void of emotion. He felt himself nodding in approval.
