Chapter 1

The grocery store isn't a place you would normally consider as crowded. It's rather easy to get in and out of aisles without having to weave through threads of people. But grand openings of a popular store in a town of twenty-thousand can be difficult. This particular grocery store is normally a half an hour drive to the nearby town that has it. Construction of that store finished last night and opened today. It's flooded with human bodies in need of food.

Lukas wouldn't be here on a regular day. He often tried to avoid grand openings by going to other stores that sold similar products. However, when he searched the fridge for coffee cream, he realized there was no more butter. He was shocked since couldn't remember running out of his precious dairy product. He also had just enough coffee cream for his morning drink, thus forcing him to look for other grocery items that were needed. He and his adopted son left to Walmart shortly after lunch.

"Go ahead and pick any cereal you want. I'm going to get some oatmeal." Lukas said to Emil. He hated separating from his only child, but separating meant they would home sooner.

Emil let himself be carried out of the shopping cart. He hugged his father's leg then quickly made his way to the cereal. Emil hoped to go home quickly, so he grabbed his favorite cereal and ran back to his dad. The thing was, he couldn't find him. There were so many people that pinpointing a certain person at his height would be nearly impossible. He sucked in some confidence in order to ask the man next to him for help. He tugged on the man's black coat and the man looked down in question.

"Mister, will you please help me find my daddy?"

The man nodded happily. "Of course I will kiddo!" He crouched down to Emil's height to let the boy on his back.

"I'm Emil. What's your name? I don't want to get in trouble for talking to a stranger." Emil rambled as he climbed onto the taller man. He struggled, but at least he had some help getting onto the man's shoulders.

"I'm Mathias, but go ahead and call me Mat if ya' can't pronounce it."
