Chapter 6

Jay and Lonnie walked through the woods around Auradon Prep.

"Thanks for the date Jay," Lonnie said licking her ice cream.

"No problem. Thanks for saying yes," Jay said.

"Well, why would I? I love you," Lonnie said. Jay froze. No one had ever said that to him before. "Jay? Are you okay?" 

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Jay said. Lonnie raised and eyebrow.

"Tell me," she said.

"It's just.... No one's ever told me they loved me before...."

"Even your father?"

"Especially my father."

"I thought Audrey would have when she was dating you."

"No, I wasn't part of her 'plan'."

"What 'plan'?"

"You know, she's gonna marry a prince and have a big castle, then have two kids and a small dog."

"And you weren't in her plan..."

"Exactly. I was more of a filler. Someone to date until she found her prince."

"That prince being Chad."


"Well Jay, I do love you. And you are my prince."

"Thanks Lonnie," Jay said. "I..... Love you too." 

Lonnie smiled and licked her ice cream once more.

Meanwhile, Jane and Carlos were "taking books back to the library". And no, they weren't do it. Jane knows better than that.... Or does she???

"So.... Are we a couple now?" Carlos asked tracing the freckles on Jane's face.

"I guess. Unless you don't want to be."

"Of course I want to be a couple. What else would we be? Friends with Benefits?"

"What are Friends with Benefits?"

"Oh, sorry, forgot that I'm from the Isle and you're from Auradon."

"No, tell me. What are friends with benefits?"

"You know.... Friends.... Who...."

"Who what?"

"Get intimate," Carlos said in a low voice.

"Oh. Well, I don't think my mother would appreciate us being 'friends with benefits' then."

"Yeah, me either."

"I guess it's settled then. We are officially friends with benefits!"

"Jane?!" Carlos shot up from where he was sitting.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. We're officially a couple," Jane said laughing. 

"Oh you."

"You should have seen your face...." Jane said laughing. Carlos rolled his eyes and kissed her. She pulled back shocked.

"You should've seen your face!" Carlos said. Jane punched him on the arm. "I love you...."

"I love you too," Jane said rolling her eyes.

I'm Rotten To The Core.....
