Chapter 23

Mal and Ben walked up to his parent's suite.

"You ready for this?" Ben asked.

"I'm experiencing slight nausea and morning sickness. Let's go ahead and tell them when I might throw up," Mal said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry you feel bad. We can tell them another time," Ben said taking her hand.

"No, it's fine. Might as well get it over with."

"Are you sure?"

"Ben, the sooner we do this the sooner I can go back to sleep," Mal said. Ben had woken Mal up around 10am the morning after Doug and Evie left to tell Ben's parents there would soon be another beast.

"I guess that's one way to look at it," Ben said shrugging. He knocked on his parent's door.

"Why Ben! Mal! What a surprise!" Belle said hugging her son and Mal. Mal hugged back and smelled her perfume. 

Oh no.... Mal thought and covered her mouth. "Excuse me," she said and ran into the hall bathroom.

"Is she alright?" Belle asked.

"I'm fine!" Mal called before throwing up whatever was left in her stomach from breakfast. If there was anything left, Mal didn't eat a lot. She had been nauseous and had eaten a banana and a piece of toast. 

"She's okay. We think she caught a bug. I heard one's going around," Ben said and followed his girlfriend. He held Mal's hair and wiped the perspiration off her forehead. "You okay?" Ben asked, his voice low.

"Yes," Mal said and leaned back on him for support.

"We can leave if you want."

"No. I'll be okay. Your mother's perfume was just too strong. I'll feel better in a minute," Mal said and stood up slowly. She rinsed her mouth out and faced Ben. "Let's go."

"Okay," Ben said and took Mal's hand. They walked out.

"I thought I heard voice. Good to see you son," Adam (Beast) said standing up from the breakfast table.

"Nice to see you too dad," Ben said smiling.

"So, what brings you two here?" Belle asked.

"Can't we just come by and see our favorite former king and queen?" Mal asked.

"Sure, you can! Anytime!" Adam said smiling brightly.

"You want something to eat? We have enough food," Belle said.

"I'm good. But thanks," Mal said and Ben nodded. Belle smiled and sat back down and started eating again.

"Listen mom and dad.... What would you think if we told you in the future you were going to have a grandchild?" Ben asked.

"I think that would be wonderful. There would be an heir to the throne. Why do you ask?" Adam asked before eating some eggs.

"Well...." Ben looked at Mal. Mal looked at him and then Belle.

"You're pregnant! Honey, she's pregnant!" Belle said standing up front the table.

"You're pregnant?" Adam asked taking his glasses off. Mal nodded.

"You owe me twenty bucks," Belle said and Adam handed her a twenty.

"You guys were getting that we'd get pregnant before marriage?" Ben asked in disbelief.

"Well, we saw how you two looked at each other at the Cotillion. We knew you couldn't keep your hands off each other," Belle said.

"Well, your mother knew. I had full confidence my son would wait until after marriage," Adam said. Ben and Mal looked at each other. "I'm just kidding. Come here you," Adam said and hugged Mal tightly. Mal smiled.

"This is great news! Congratulations," Belle said. "Have you told anyone else?"

"No. Only you guys. And Lonnie, Jane, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Doug. But most of them were there when I tested," Mal said shrugging.

"Have you gone to the doctor yet?" Belle asked.

"We have one scheduled for Friday," Ben said.

"You know, this calls for a celebration. We should have a party tonight. Just the ten of us," Beast said.

"Mal needs her rest dad-" Ben started saying.

"Actually, I think that sounds fun," Mal said.

"Then it's settled. Dinner at 6 tonight," Adam said and then went back to eating his breakfast.

"See you two later," Ben said.

"Bye!" Belle said and hugged Mal again.

"Bye," Mal said. Ben and Mal walked out.

"That went better than I thought it would," Ben said.

"What did you think? Your dad was gonna go all Beast on you? Roar, I'm a beast! I'm gonna tell at my son for giving me a grandchild! Roar," Mal said stomping around the hall.

"Oh yeah, that's exactly what I thought would happeb," Ben said. The two laughed and started walking down the hall.
