Chapter 58

"Doug! Doug! Doug! Doug! Doug!" Evie yelled running into her fiancee's dorm room.

"What?!" Doug jumped up out of his chair. "What's wrong?! Is it the baby?"

"No, Doug, no," Evie giggled as she shook her head.

"Then why did you call my name at least five times?" Doug asked confused.

"Because Mal just reminded me about something," Evie rolled her eyes.

**Flashback to earlier**

"So, have you told your mom about the baby yet?" Mal asked Evie as she sat down next to her best friend for lunch.

"Um... No. Do I have to?" Evie asked.

"I mean, technically she has a right to know. Especially since you're her daughter," Mal said opening her banana.

"Have you told your mother about you marrying Ben?" Evie asked turning the tables.

"That's my business not yours. And yes, I did," Mal lied.

"Uh huh, sure you did," Evie rolled her eyes.

"Evie, you need to tell her. Why don't you Skype her or something?" 

"Because what do you think she'll do? That's great Evie! I'm so glad you've gained twenty pounds!" 

"She may actually be happy about having a grandson."

"Oh yeah, sure she will. Just like she'll be happy to know I'm in love with Dopey's son."

"You haven't told her about that yet?"

"Does it look like I have? Doug would probably be hiding for his life if I did."

"That's not true," Mal said and Evie gave her a look. "Okay, maybe it's a little true. But you still need to tell her."

"I'll think about it..."



"Whenever you say you'll think about something you don't want to do, you don't do it."

"And that's a problem why?"

"Because Evie, in this case, you need to not just think about it."

"So what are you saying?"

"Either you tell your mom, or I will."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, I'm dead serious."

Evie gave Mal a look.

"Don't give me the face," Mal said and Evie pouted slightly. "Put the pout away. Mhm, you know I'm right."

"Fine," Evie huffed.

Mal smiled. "Good. Now see you later."

"Why? You're not leaving."

"I'm not, but you are. You're gonna go see Doug and tell him that you need to video call your mom, and he needs to be there."


"Go, shoo," Mal said making hand motions. Evie groaned and stood up from the table, and threw away her trash before walking out of the cafeteria.

**End Flashback**

"Which is?" Doug asked.

"We need to tell my mom I'm pregnant and we're getting married," Evie said.

"What? No. She'll kill me," Doug said.

"That's what I told Mal. But she said my mother has a right to know since I'm her daughter," Evie rolled her eyes.

"So, how do we tell her?" Doug asked.

"By video calling her. Duh."

"Oh yeah. Duh. I totally forgot they had WiFi on the Isle," Doug reminded her.

"Ugh! I knew I was forgetting something. But didn't Ben set up WiFi for the Isle?"

"I'm not sure. Why don't you text Mal?"

"Why can't you text Ben and ask him yourself?"

"Because she's your mother!"

"You're the one who impregnated me!"

"Yeah, well, this was your idea!"

"Fine," Evie huffed and got her phone out of her purse.

'Hey M..' Evie texted.

'Did you tell EQ yet?' Mal texted back right away.

'No. Did Ben set up WiFi on the Isle?'

'Yeah. He did a couple months ago remember?'

'Pregnancy brain. You'll see.'

'No I won't. I'm not pregnant remember???'

'Mal, I have pregnancy brain, not amnesia. Of course I remember.'

'Have fun talking to EQ. Tell her I said hi.'

'So helpful....'

'I know. That's why you love me.'

Evie rolled her eyes and put her phone away.

"So, what did she say?" Doug asked.

"She said, 'Doug, you should totally go get Evie some hot fudge and fries'," Evie said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't say that. I'm being serious Evie."

"So am I. Go get me fries and hot fudge or you won't live to see the sunrise tomorrow."

"How about, I go get you hot fudge and fries after we talk to your mom."

"With extra sprinkles?"


"Yes!" Evie said happily. "Can we use your laptop?"

"I think it would be better if we used yours."


"Just because."

"Fine," Evie reached into her bag and pulled out her laptop and set it on the desk. "Go sit on the bed."

"Okay," Doug nodded and sat down on his bed. Evie started Skyping her mom.

"Hello Evie dear!" Evil Queen said turning on her webcam.

"Hi mom," Evie said and made sure her stomach was covered.

"Who is that boy sitting next to you?" Evil Queen asked and got real close to the screen looking at Doug.

"Um, mom, this is my fiancee Doug," Evie said taking Doug's hand. He gently squeezed it.

"Hello," Doug said.

"And who are you the son of?" Evie Queen asked.

"Dopey," Doug said. Evil Queen laughed.

"Oh, he's a keeper Evie. He's got a good sense of humor. But in all seriousness, who are your parents?" 

"I am being serious," Doug said. Evil Queen's fake smile turned to a real frown.

"You're serious?" Evil Queen looked at Evie and she nodded. "You're getting married to this... This... garbage bag?"

"Mother!" Evie said.

"I'm sorry dear. I'm.... Happy for you," Evil Queen said.

"Thanks," Evie said a little disappointed.

"I hope that you're going on a diet before the wedding. You need to be able to fit into a tight wedding dress."

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Doug said.

"Why not? My little Evie needs to look her best," Evil Queen said.

"Because she's pregnant," Doug said. Evie smiled nervously.

"Pregnant?" Evil Queen gasped. "What do you mean pregnant?"

"Um... Surprise," Evie said weakly.

"You're having a kid with this... This...." Evil Queen said and Evie glared at her. "Boy..." she said.

"Yes I am. And if you can't accept that, then I don't think you should be able to see your grandchild," Evie said angrily.

"Well, I just don't see why you would do this. Your figure, your waist line, all gone," Evil Queen said. 

"Evie's perfect just the way she is," Doug said protectively putting his arm around Evie.

"You'll regret this," Evil Queen glared at Doug and then Evie. "Both of you will!"

"I've had enough of you!" Evie said and ended the call before throwing her laptop across the room. It hit the wall and broke.

Doug just watched, his eyes wide. "And that's why we use our own laptops," he said jokingly. He then looked at Evie to see tears in her eyes.

"Princess," Doug said hugging her.

"I can't believe this..." Evie said. "It's like she doesn't even love me..."

"Well, I love you. Mal loves you, and all your friends love you. And that's all that matters," Doug said. 

Evie smiled sadly. "Thanks Doug. Can we go get fries and hot fudge now?" she asked.

"Don't forget the extra sprinkles," he said with a smile.

"Oh yes, the extra sprinkles," Evie laughed and they walked out of his dorm room hand in hand.

Meanwhile, on the Isle....


"She's pregnant. With Dopey's son's kid."

"And what do you want us to do?"

"Do what you will," Evil Queen said. There was laughter heard as Uma and Harry stepped out of the shadows.
