The Time Traveler's Pig

The episode opens to the Mystery Fair being constructed. Stan smiled, "There she is, Mabel; the cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense."

Dipper is heard screaming off screen, then he comes falling down in a broken tram cart, "I think the sky tram is broken. Also, most of my bones."

Y/n is also heard screaming as he is launched forward, rolling until he put a holt but Mabel stepping on him. "Thank you...poof."

"Ha ha, this guy. Alright, alright. I've got a job for you two." Stan pulls out a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates with an A+ on them, "I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit."

Stan hands them to Dipper, who gives some to Mabel and Y/n. Mabel looks at them, "Grunkle Stan, is that legal?"

Stan chuckled, "When there's no cops around, anything's legal! Soos, how's that dunk tank coming along?"

Soos uses a blowtorch on the handle of a dunk tank, "Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines."

Stan knocks on the target and the seat barely moves, "Ha, you've got it rigged from here to Timbuktu! There's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!"

Soos says, "Yeah, except for like a futuristic laser arm cannon."

"Ah. Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have ya? Darn thing went missing." Stan digs around in toolbox.

Soos thought about it, "Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing-um took it."

"Oi! You've been spending too much time with those kids." Stan keeps digging in toolbox and mumbling, "Alright, let's see where'd I put that thing."

Blendin Blandin was behind some portable toilets, "The mission is proceeding as planned. Over."

He uses Stan's red screwdriver to fix his camouflage suit, then walks away.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Stan speaks through the megaphone, "says It's 12 o' clock! The Dunk Tank is now open!"

The tourists cover their ears as the megaphone screeches, Stan continues, "Step right up, and dunk me folks!"

Stan points to a tourist eating a pretzel, "I'm talking to you, Cut-offs!"

Tourists started to gathered in front of Stan's dunk tank. "That's right! Muffin-Top, High-Pants! Who wants a piece of me?"

Tourists throw balls at dunk tank, but fail to knock down Stan, "Ahahahaha! Come back anytime, folks! Ahahahaha!"

Dipper was eating corn dog shaped like question mark; to Wendy, "How do they get them into this shape? It's unnatural."

Wendy smirks at him, "But Dipper, they're so... (holds up corn dog to the end of the sign that says "DELICIOUS") delicious?"

Dipper and Wendy laugh as Mustard drips on Wendy, "Aw, boo! I'll be right back."

She leaves as Dipper laughs, "I'll be right here! Haha! (Whispering:) I love you!"

Mabel enters with two cotton candy sticks, "Look at you two! Getting all romantic at the fair!"

Dipper lies, "Eh, it's no big deal."

Y/n is seen with his normal clothing, no cane, eyepatch, or hat. He smiled as he held a candy apple, "you shouldn't lie to yourself. (Takes a bite) not healthy."

"Can't tell if you're talking about me or the apple." Dipper admits before smiling more, "Okay, you're right, it is! Isn't this amazing? I just dove in! I said, 'Hey! You wanna hang out at the fair?' And you know what she said?"

Flashback to Dipper and Wendy in the gift shop, "Yeah, I guess so."

Cut back to the present, Dipper was excited, "'Yeah, I guess so!'It totally worked! All your advice about just going for it, it's finally paying off!"

Mabel smiled, "When are you gonna learn, Dipper? I'm always right about everything!"

Y/n covered her mouth, "that's not even up for debate.  Ugh, who's wearing a gallon of body spray?"

Robbie walks up, "Hey, have any of you dorks seen Wendy around?"

"Who wants to know?" Dipper asks as Robbie tries to some of Mabel's cotton candy, but Y/n slapped his hand away.

Robbie glared at him, "Yeah, I got some new super tight jeans. (thrusts) Thought she might want to check 'em out."

Dipper darkly suggest, "Yeah! You know, I think I saw her in the Bottomless Pit. You should really go jump in there."

"Maybe I will, smart guy." Robbie bumps Dipper on his way away.

Mabel looks at him, "He is such a jerk."

Dipper agreed, "Yeah, but he's a jerk with tight pants and a guitar. I need to keep him away from Wendy at all costs."

"I'll be there with you, brother. Whatever happens, I'll be right here, supporting you every step of the–OH MY GOD, A PIG!!" Mabel runs frantically and bumps several people on the way to the pigpen.

Y/n looks at Dipper, "I...should still be right with you, hehe..."

Sprott talks to the crowd, "If'n you can guess the critter's weight, you can take the critter home!"

Mabel looks at all the pigs, then sees 15-Poundy. 15-Poundy Oinks like the word 'Mabel' Mabel gasps, "He said 'Mabel'! Either that or 'doorbell.' Did you say 'Mabel' or "doorbell'?"

15-Poundy oinks 'Mabel' again. "Ooooooooooohhhhh!!!"

Pacifica appears with a laugh, "Oh look! Mabel found her real twin."

Mabel looks at her unamused, "you know, ever think Y/n might not wanna hang out with you because your mean to everyone?"

"Tsk. Whatever." Pacifica took that in for about two seconds before she walks away.

Mabel whispers, "Sir, I must have that pig!"

Sprott asked, "Ah, old 15-Poundy! So, how much you guessin' he weighs?"

Mabel was concerned for the man, "Um, 15 pounds?"

"Are you some kind of witch? Well, here's your pig." He gives Mabel 15-Poundy.

Crowd claps for Mabel, Sprott gives Mabel fork and knife. "And you'll be needin' these."

Mabel glared at Sprott, "Nope? Well, suit yourself!"

Mabel hugs 15-Poundy, "Everything is different now. You're gonna like our home, we have a platypus!"

Wendy looks at Dipper, "Whoa, check it out! I don't know if it's a duck or a panda, but I want one!"

Dipper walks up to ball toss game, "My uncle taught me the secret to these games. You aim for the carnie's head, and take the prize when he's unconscious."

Wendy laughs, "Ha ha ha! Nice!"

Dipper gives the carnie money, "One ball, please."

Ball game carnie guy gives Dipper a ball, "You only get one chance."

Wendy gives Dipper thumbs up, "And a-one and a-two and a-three!"

Dipper throws the ball; it misses, bounces back, and hits Wendy in the eye, "AH! MY EYE!"

Dipper panics, "Oh my god! Oh my god! Wendy! Are you okay?"

"Does it look swollen?" Wendy has a black eye.

"Everything's gonna be fine! Don't worry! I'll-I'll go get some ice!" Wendy runs to ice box, gets ice. "Where is she, where is she? (Runs into Blendin Blandin and drops ice; scrapes it into the bag) Hey, watch where you're going, man!"

Blendin grabs time machine and runs off, Dipper finishes scraping ice into bag and starts toward Wendy; stops when he hears Robbie. "Just ease your eyeball into that freezy cone."

Wendy speaks with her eye in a snow cone, "Robbie, thanks. That's really sweet. The gesture, and the flavored syrup."

Robbie smiled, "Yeah, I was just here at the right place at the right time. Y'know, I've been meaning to ask you.. we've been spending a lot of time together and I was wondering if, maybe, you want to go out with me?"

Wendy nods, "Yeah, I guess so."

Robbie cheers, "Sweet!"

Dipper is horrified. A balloon shaped like a heart is popped by a dart behind him. All the ice falls out of the bag. Mabel comes up to Dipper with Waddles, "Look, Dipper! I won my pet pig! His name is Waddles. I call 'im that because he waddles! (Shakes Waddles) Waaaaaaaa-dddllleeessss! Where's Y/n?"

"He said he's stealing all the snow cones." Dipper says depressed, "Everything is different now."

Mabel asks him, "What are you lookin' at?"

Dipper points at Robbie and Wendy getting on a ride called "Tunnel of Love and Corn-dogs"

"Oh..." Night falls and the lights on the ferris wheel are turned on.

Dipper lies down on the "Slopey Toss'. The Pizza Guy looks at him, "Uh, are you gonna move?"

Dipper sighed, "Uhhhhhhhh.."

"Aw..." the guy leaves disappointed.

Mabel holds up Waddles, who is dressed as a doctor. "Paging Dr. Waddles, we got a boy here with a broken heart. Haha! Come on, man. These are the jokes."

Dipper looks at her, "Mabel, do you ever wish you could go back and undo just one mistake?"

"Nope! I do everything right....all the time?" Mabel says as but thinks about it while moving Waddles' arms around, "Wa! Wa! Ee! Ee! Wawawa! Maybe like 1-2 things."

"I mean Wendy only went out with Robbie because he was there with the ice, and she needed the ice because of the baseball, and I would've had the ice if it wasn't for... (gasp) that guy!" Dipper looks to Blendin Blandin. "Hey, you! Toolbelt! You ruined my life!"

Dipper walks up to Blendin Blandin, "Huh?"

Dipper looks at him, "Don't huh me! I've seen you before! What's your deal? Are you following us around?"

Mabel walks up as well, "And why are you bald? What's that all about?"

"AAAAAGH! My position has been COMPROMISED! Assuming stealth mode!" Blendin presses buttons on his watch, making his suit change to different backgrounds. "Color match! Initiating color match! Come on, dang it!"

Blendin takes out screwdriver and tries to fix it, Mabel was amazed. "That's amazing! Are you from the future or something?"

"Uh, NO!! Who told you that?! MEMORY WIPE!" He throws a baby wipe in Mabel's face.

Mabel looks at it, "This is a baby wipe."

Blendin sighed, "All right, you've cornered me. I'm... a time traveler."

Dipper smiled, "So wait a minute, if you're from the future, do you have like a time machine, or something?"

Blendin was unamused. "That's... kinda how it works."

Robbie and Wendy were on the Ferris wheel, Dipper smiled, "Can I borrow it?"
Dipper pleaded with the traveler, "Come on, can I use your time machine just once?"

"Out of the question! You know, this is sensitive extremely complicated time equipment." Blendin pulls out tape measure to show them.

Dipper looks at it, "It looks like a tape measure."

Blendin got frustrated, "You shut your time-mouth!"

Dipper looks at Mabel, "This making any sense to you?"

Mabel plays along, "I think he's just crazy."

"Oh! You don't believe me?" Blending pulls the tape measure, disappears, then reappears a few seconds later in old fashioned clothes, "Guess where I was!"

Dipper and Mabel were shocked, "Whoa!"

"That's right! 15 years ago there was a costume shop right here! One second." Blendin disappears, then reappears in his normal suit, which is flaming, "Ah! Aw, heck! Pat! Pat down! (pats the fire out)"

Mabel was confused, "So, who are you again?"

"Blendin Blandin, Time Anomaly Removal Crew year twenty sñeventy-twelve. My mission is to stop a series of time anomalies that are suppose to happen at this very location! But-but I don't see any anomalies! I don't know if it's some kind of paradox, or I'm just really tired..." Blendin sits down.

Dipper looks at him, "You know, you sound like you could use a break."

Mabel adds, "Definitely, definitely. Might we recommend one of the various attractions at the Mystery Fair?"

Blendin gets up, LYou know what? What the heck! I'm worth it! (starts to leave) But I've got my eye on you! Ehhh... ehhh... (arrives at the barrel ride, which Soos is operating) One please."

Soos looks at him, "Uh, sorry dude but you're gonna have to take your belt off for the ride. One of your tools might fly off and accidentally fix something."

Blendin gives it to him, "Guard it with your life."

"I will watch it like a hawk, dude." Soos starts ride and sets the belt on the barrel at his side.

Blendin starts having fun. "Woooooo! Yaaaaaaayyy! Weeheee!"

Dipper reaches over and takes the belt, "Like a hawk!"

Cut to Dipper, Mabel and Waddles sitting at the poker table in the Shack with the time machine on the table. "Here it is, Mabel. Our ticket to any moment in history."

Mabel smiled, "Let's go get two dodos and force them to make out!"

Dipper shakes his head, "No! We gotta be smart about this. All that paradox talk kinda freaked me out. All I'm gonna do is go back and fix my one mistake. If I don't miss that base ball throw, I won't hit Wendy in the eye, and Robbie won't comfort her, and they won't start going out."

"I'm coming, too! I wanna relive the greatest moment in my life: winning Waddles." Mabel kisses Waddles.

Mabel then remembers, "wait! What about Y/n? We not gonna invite him?"

"Come on, he's been on every adventure we've been on. I think he understands." Dipper pulls out tape, "See you later."

Mabel smiled, "See you earlier! Ha yuk yuk yuk!"

Dipper releases the tape and high fives Mabel, making them both freeze. Waddles runs away, knocking a pile of cards of the table. He and the cards freeze. Soos eats half a sandwich, then freezes mid bite. Pizza Man throws a ball, which freezes, and he does too. Y/n is seen gripping his head and screaming in pain while being surrounded with blue flames. Dipper and Mabel disappear. Soos spits it out, eating it in reverse. Pizza man catches the ball. Y/n's scream starts to reverse as the fire dies out. Dipper and Mabel reappear in same spot. Dipper's hat is on fire.

Dipper pats the fire, "Ah! Ha! Ha!"

Dipper and Mabel smile at each other and run outside. Stan speaks, "It's 12 o'clock! The dunk tank is now open! Step right up and dunk me folks! I'm talking to you, Cut-offs!"

Dipper looks at Mabel, "Do-over?"

Mabel looked, "Do over!"

Sprott spoke, "If'n you can gue–!"

Mabel was already holding Waddles, "15 POUNDS! (Walks off, then comes back) And yes, I am a witch!"

"Well, time to round up a mob." Sprott lights the torch.

Dipper starts catching up with Wendy, "Hey, Wendy!"

Wendy turns to look at the boy, "There you are. Hey, what happened to your hat?"

"Uh, nothing. Hey, look! What's that?"they start going to carnival stand.

Wendy smiled, "Whoa! Check it out! I don't know if it's a duck or a panda, but I want one."

Dipper speaks to the Ball game carnie, "One ball, please."

Ball game carnie spoke, "You only get one chance."

"That's what you think... One panda-duck, comin' right up! Okay, Dipper, second chance, don't mess this up." Dipped throws ball, knocks down all the cans, "Yes!"

The ball hits the back of the stand and bounces back and hits Wendy in the eye, "AAAAHH! MY EYE!"

Dipper was confused, "What?!"

Wendy looks at Dipper, "Does it look swollen?"

Dipper looks at his hands, "That's so weird..."

Wendy looks at her future boyfriend, "Oh, hey Robbie."

Robbie smiled, "So anyway, we've been hanging out a lot and I've been wondering if, maybe, you would want to go out with me?"

Wendy shrugs, "Yeah, I guess so."

Mabel is feeding Waddles a caramel apple while Dipper talks to her. "The exact same thing happened twice; it was spooky."

Mabel looks at them, "Oo, maybe it's a time-curse. Waddles, can you say 'time-curse'?"

Waddles oinked. "Ooooooohhhhhhh! (Mabel picks him up) Your face is so fat!"

Dipper looks at Mabel, "It is possible that the forces of time naturally conspire to undo any new outcomes? No, I just need to try again. Third time's the charm!"

"How hard could it be?" Dipper and Mabel pull the tape and disappear.

A crowd with torches walks around Carnie, "Find the witch!"

Montage of Dipper trying to win the game without hitting Wendy in the eye, and failing every time. "Wendy, how badly do you want that stuffed animal thing?"

Wendy gives a serious look, "More than anything in the world, Dipper."

"Ahkay..." Dipper throws ball, which bounces off the back, hits the carnie, the stuffed animal, and a bag of balls, breaking the bag open and spilling the balls on Wendy.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"Robbie helps her up and shakes his head at Dipper.

Mabel was riding the ferris wheel with Waddles, "I LOVE MY PIG!!"

Mabel and Dipper are waiting near a popcorn machine, which Dipper is writing on. "...I just thought the wind speed.. factoring cotton candy..."

"Face it, Dipper, you're obviously fated to have a bad day at the fair, just like I'm fated to be with Waddles." Mabel shows him the sweater she's knitting, which has a pig on the front.

Dipper thinks about it, "Like there's one variable missing..."

Mabel was confused, "What's a variable?"

Dipper smiled, "That's it! I've figured out to win the toss, not hit Wendy, and stop Wendy and Robbie from going out!"

"Great! I'm gonna go win my pig again." Mabel walks off.

Dipper pulls her, "Whoa whoa whoa, you can't leave, I need you for my plan!"

Mabel was a bit concerned, "But what about Waddles?"

"It'll just take a few minutes, let's go!" Dipper pulls her away. Later, Dipper is at the game, looking at the wind speeds and everything.

Wendy looks at Dipper, "Are you gonna go, man?"

"And a-one and a-two and a-uh!" Dipper throws ball straight up.

Wendy looks up, "Ah! Dude! You missed!"

"Did I?" the ball comes back down, rolls down the tent, flies up, hits the windgage, rolls down a pipe which Mabel lifts up, and flies at the dunk tank target.

"Huh!" the ball hits the target and nothing happens. "Aaww!"

Stan laughs, "Ahaha!"

The ball comes back and flies between Dipper and Wendy, knocks down all the cans, and bounces off the back of the stand, and breaks through the top of the tent. "Your stuffed creature of indeterminate species, miss. (gives Wendy Duck-panda)"

Wendy squeezes it, "Oh, awesome!"

Dipper catches the ball in his hat just as Robbie shows up, "There you are, Wendy!"

Wendy looks at him, "Hey, Robbie."

Robbie tried to say, "So I was wondering it I.. you a..."

Wendy holds up her plushie. "Look what Dipper got for me!"

"Pfft. Whatever. Can't even tell what species it is. Stupid." Robbie pulls his hood over face and walks away.

Wendy shrugged, "What's his deal? Looks like I came to the fair with the right guy."

Bell game carnie shouts, "We have a winner!"

Mabel coming up behind Dipper. Dipper gives her a thumbs up, "Anytime, broseph. Now to win my pig. AH!"

Mabel rushed to the pen, screaming the whole way there. "AHHHH!! Where's Waddles!?"

"You mean Ol' 15-Poundy? Well someone took him, gone forever. They did take the fork though."

Mabel screams and runs away. Dipper and Wendy are riding the Tunnel of Love and Corn dogs and laughing. "That was even more awesome the third time around! Funnel cake! Let's go get some, Dipper! (runs off)"




"Mabel, what's–?"


Dipper sighed, "I'll just wait until you're done."

Mabel 'calmly' says, "I'm done."

Dipper looked at her, "Okay, what is wrong?"

Mabel was in a panic. "We messed up the timeline! Someone saw the flyer and won Waddles before I did! Someone TOOK Waddles, Dipper!"

Dipper winced, "Oh, Mabel, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We just need to go back" Mabel takes time machine from Dipper. "and do things differently."

"Mabel! Wait." Dipper takes time machine back. "Look. I did the math. In any other timeline, Wendy ends up going out with Robbie. I can't mess up this day again!"

"But if we don't go, I'll lose Waddles forever!" Mabel tries to take the time machine back.

Dipper remembered Y/n's words, "sometimes, you gotta set people straight. You're a good guy, and that means you can get taken advantage of."

"How much?!" Dipper said.

"What?" Mabel asked, confused at Dipper's sudden shouting.

"How much have I gave up so-so you could enjoy your summer Mabel!? Think about it! You pick on me, call me names, and I've still sacrificed more than you would ever do for me!" Dipper shouted as one of his eyes were yellow. "Can't I just ask for you to do the same!"

" that what you think...?" Mabel asked, saddened.

Dipper's yellow eye started to go away and he felt like, he had regain control, as if he lost it. "Well... yeah, sometimes. I mean, guilt trip me, a lot. I'm just...Mabel, can I just have a day where I finally win for once? Where I can feel good about myself?"

Mabel thought about how much they've really been alone, not much since Y/n's been here. But, it was his words that helped, "it's gonna get you in trouble one day."

"You need to learn to grow up, you're not gonna get everything you want. The world will keep spinning and you can't act like it's the end of the world when you lose something. We've all lost something..."

"You can be self centered a lot, I can tell you're working on it but... well. Try separating the wants and needs."

"You're right." Mabel says.

Dipper was taken aback, shocked is to put it minimal. "I-I am? You? Mabel Pines, just admitted I'm right?"

"I thought about it. And...a need, or a want...sigh...I'll be okay. Mom and dad like, probably won't let us it with us anyway..." Mabel smiled with sorrow in her eyes. She raised her fist. "Twin power?"

Dipper smiled sorrowful as well, pounding the fist, "Twin power."

"There you go Dipper, standing up for yourself. And Mabel, way to be a team player." a voice said as Waddles oinked at Mabel.

"Waddles?" Mabel smiled as Waddles walked over to her. She immediately hugged him, "WADDLES! YOU'RE HERE! YOU'RE ALIVE! BUT HOW?"

Dipper looked at the figure, rather suspicious. "Nothing with you did you get the pig this time, Y/n?"

"Well, I figured you'd eventually get a perfect one, and the rest was easy." Y/n stated as he was back in his magic pirate fit. Parris taking the spot of his hat.

"What? How did you know we were traveling through time?" Dipper pushed it further.

Y/n smiled, "I know lots of things, LOTS OF THINGS."

Y/n then sighed and tapped his cane, "but then again, nothing at all. (Pointing his came towards Mabel and Waddles) See? You don't just get things without working for it, or giving up something in return. You gotta earn it."

Y/n started to walk away, as Mabel felt her heart skip a beat. Actually, a couple. She could feel her heart racing ironically, and a blush coming on. She smiled brightly. Y/n was content to himself before Parris hopped off his head. Mabel attacks him in a hug and lifts him up, "N/N!!!THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!! Hmmm!"

Waddles oinks the sound similar to 'thank you'. Mabel smiled at Y/n, "He's saying thank you in Pig! Aren't you, Waddles?"

Waddles oinks 'thank you' two times and turns body around and kicks his legs. Y/n blushed and turned away, "w-whatever, I didn't get it for you. Me, Parris, and Multibear had a meeting and were missing a person."

Dipper calls him out, "you also got it for her."

Mabel smiled, "you said you got Waddles in order to reward me for my selflessness."

Y/n frowned with a blush, still not looking at them, "no I didn't! Shut up!"

Mabel giggled with a grin and looked at him, "aww, how cute. Just be honest."

Blendin takes time machine, "YOU TWO!!!!"

Dipper and Mabel scream as does Waddles. Y/n was confused, "uh...who are you?"

"Not now, boy." Blendin says to Y/n before looking at the other two. "Do you have any idea, how many rules you just broke?! I'm asking; I wasn't there with you... it was probably a lot, right?"

Dundgren and Lolph appear next to Blendin. "Blendin Blandin..."

Blendin was scared, "AAAAGH! The Time Paradox Avoidment Enforcement Squadron!!"

Lolph stated, "That's right, and our phones have been ringing off the hook! There are settlers high-fiving in the 1800's and calculators littered through eight centuries!"

"You're under arrest for violation of the Time Traveler's Code of Conduct."Dundgren handcuffs him and leads him away.

Blendin tells them, "It was those kids! And their leader, Waddles!"

Lolph was unamused, "That's a pig, Blendin."

Blendin looks at Dipper and Mabel, "I'll get you for this! I'll go back in time and make sure your parents never MEET!!"

Dipper and Y/n looked at themselves, "Well, we're still here."

Mabel nodded, "Guess he forgot to go back."

Y/n holds his head, "man, time travel is confusing."

Stan laughed, "Ha, you suckers! Your pockets are empty and I'm still sittin' high and dry!"

The crowd boo Stan, "BOOOO!!!!"

"Boo! Ha, boo! I love it! Hey, biceps! I'm talking to you, haircut! Take you best shot!" Lolph shoots Stan down and leaves.

Crowd cheers, "YYAAAAYY!"

Y/n folded his arms and was in shock, "huh, Soos called it. I owe him a sandwich."

Mabel looked at Dipper, "So I guess we never found out who was causing those time anomalies Blendin was looking for."

Dipper gets it, "Wait, Mabel; I think it was us."

Mabel looks at him, "Ugh, my brain hurts."

Dipper holds his head, "Oh, geez, I gotta deal with this all summer?"

"I was lying before, I don't know much about the time travel. Explain it to me later. Wait, look." Y/n says as Waddles runs at Robbie, making him drop the apple. Waddles eats it.

Robbie backs into a table and spills a buck of hot water on himself, "My pants! They're shrinking!"

Everyone laughs, including Wendy. "Oh man."

Dipper looks at Y/n, "thanks Y/n, I mean it."

Y/n winked. Dipper looked at Waddles, "That'll do pig, That'll do."

Y/n was seen later sleeping with Waddles and Parris on the couch before Mabel walks down. "Hey-oh...sleeping."

Mabel looks at the kicked blanket. She first pulls out a camera and takes a picture of the four. She then picks the blanket off the ground and covers the three, she finds her hand cupping Y/n's face. She smiled and looks at Y/n, feeling a weird feeling about it. She then backs up, when she catches herself. "Pshh, what was that girl? You and Y/n are good, cool. This warmness... was I really like him? Oh no...!"

Mabel hurries back up stairs as Parris slowly opened her eyes. She sees a figure standing over Y/n and watching him as the whole area is lit with blue flames. Parris snaps out of the small daze and blinks, nothing is there. She hears Y/n snoring and started to snuggle back in.
Time Baby was suspending Blendin in a void, "You have broken the eternal laws of space time!"

Blendin pleaded, "I beg your mercy, Time Baby!"

Time Baby ordered, "You now must clean up all the anomalies!"

Blendin picks up the calculator, "Ta tum, ta tee ta tum! (goes to the time of the flower that was dropped. To gnome:) What are you looking at? (Disappears)"
