1k Votes Chapter/ Epilouge: We Start Over



"Y/N!" Mabel's voice rings out to the boy as Y/n darts up out of bed and looks around. Mabel is seemingly a bit taller than the last time we saw her, no more braces.

Y/n is seen grabbing his chest as if he's expecting to grab something within. "You were having that dream again, weren't you?"

"I..." Y/n started to see, he slowly remembered the events of home. Y/n would quickly realize, that amulet was gone. Destroyed. It wasn't coming back. Not to harm him...not to harm you no longer.

"I'm just saying that maybe the kids need this." a man is seen talking in the kitchen.

"Need this? They need a therapist! What happened in that town is a mystery, yet our kids were affected by the horrors there!" a woman is seen shouting, growing tears in her eyes. "If I knew...the horrors there...if I knew...I would have never... and now, Juliet is gone..."

"Yeah...I was..." Y/n smiled sorrowfully at Mabel, holding her hand as she sat on the bed. The two were currently in Mabel's new room, her parents thought it'd be a good idea to give the twins separate rooms after the events at Gravity Falls...of course, that would also mean Y/n would get a room as well, for his new home. Though Y/n had previously stayed up with Mabel doing some homework, he was unsure how he ended up in her room. The thought of not having a mother anymore still haunts him, "..."

Clenching Mabel's hand a bit, and looking down at the floor, the fear and pain were filled throughout the room. The night sky didn't help much, a thin beam of moonlight would trickle in here and there. Mabel's eyes would glance at Y/n, he had changed as well. His hair was now fully yellow, and the attempt to shade it back to h/c seemed to be pointless. He could say that about a lot of things, he's tried to forget. As Mabel leaned onto Y/n, Y/n realized something, "why are you up so early? Dipper have that Wendy nightmare again?"

"Which one?" Mabel asked tiredly.

"The one with the Bunker and shapeshifter." Y/n clarified. He looked around more in Mabel's room, on a shelf there was a Journal of her own, with the constellation of the Shooting Star. It was 'Journal 4'. In the room on the walls were pictures of dinosaurs and a fez hat like Stan's. A camera is also seen as well as plenty of art supplies and pictures from Gravity Falls with people like Candy, Wendy, Pacifica, and Grenda. There was also a monster's head in a container in her room, as well as various posters. She also had her infamous grabbling hook.

Y/n looked into his palm, moving it outwards with a tired sigh, before closing it tightly. "I still can't believe that Bill would try and ruin my life... he kinda succeeded."

"Eh, I can believe it," Mabel stated, holding her arm and rubbing it a bit. "He did almost ruin the entire world."

Mabel looked at Y/n's face, his head pointed towards the window. The silence rang out as his brows burrowed. Those close to him could tell when his hands were shaking. Mabel gently held it, "you're thinking about your mom again, huh?"

A simple nod came, as Mabel slightly pulled him up. "Come on, I know what'll help ya."

With a smile and newfound strength, Mabel led Y/n through the hallway. Y/n barely had the time to close the door. The scene cuts to the two in the living room. The morning was close to rising as Mabel and Y/n are seen knitting some sweaters. Y/n looked towards Mabel, "Sorry for this."

"Y/n, you don't have to apologize," Mabel stated, giving a small chuckle.

"Maybe not, but I'm still going to." Y/n kept knitting, and although Y/n could use his magic, he slowly decided to use less of it throughout the time passing. It reminded him of he-who-shall-not-be-named, "Voldemort?"

No, the other one.

"Oh. I get it now." Y/n rubbed his neck, turning his head to take a peak at the room he stayed in.

There was a poster of Robbie's band, along with some fingerless gloves next to it. There was a large question mark that Soos sent over and a small wooden carving of Multi-Bear. There's a Fight Fighters arcade machine in the corner, though it doesn't work....well, he thinks. He's never really tried it, especially if the cheat code works. There was a mini Gobblewonker on the bed, along with some muppet dolls near the pillow covers. He had the memory-erasing gun on the shelf along with a journal that had 5 written on it.

Y/n looked at Mabel's phone buzzing, she glanced at it but kept looking back at Y/n. Y/n nodded, "you know you can answer that, right?"

"They can wait..." Mabel said with uncertainty, Y/n sighed and got up, pressing the speaker button.

"Hey, Mabel! Sorry for calling you so early!"

"It's no problem, Jessica! What's up?" Mabel said while opening her palm. Y/n dropped the phone into her hand.

"We know how busy you are with your fashion designing, but we were wondering if you could fill in for one of the cheerleaders?"

Mabel and Y/n sighed, Mabel put down her knitting. "Jessica, I already said that I'm not doing it again."

"I know, I know! This would be the last time! Our ace fell head-first after a front flip! Please, it's tonight for the football game!"

"They always claim it'll be the last." Y/n dropped his equipment off and walked to his room, "I'll start getting ready."

"Okay... I'm sorry about this, Y/n." Mabel muted herself.

"It's okay, really." Y/n closed the door and it immediately cuts to him laying down on a couch in a white room.

"I'm glad you decided to decided to come, it's quite the journey you came to get here."

Y/n rubbed his neck, "well, a wise man told me you are all shams, so I'm just doing this to get them off my back."

"And how does that make you feel?" the therapist asked Y/n, who was confused, "that your loved ones are sending you here?"

"I guess... they want the best for me... but, still, I'm not sure I want to do all of this..." Y/n sat up straight, the therapist adjusted their hat.

"Hm. Okay. How about a deal? I'll ask you 60 questions and you answer truthfully, if you don't feel relieved at all, you won't have to come to these sessions with me at least."

Y/n sighed, "I'll do it, but don't call it a deal. I. Hate. That. Word."

"Noted. Alright, let's start." The therapist got out a clipboard and a pen. "Can you tell us about a traumatic experience you have had?"

"Well, uh, which should a start with?" Y/n chuckled, "there was that time we were chased by gnomes, an old man in a machine, wax figures..." Y/n quickly realized, "oh... I guess there's a lot more."

"Sometimes, speaking out loud helps us understand things better. What's the one that's bothering you the most? Count this as a sub-question, doesn't count."

"I guess... I lost my mom, and it all happened because of a...evil demon that wanted revenge for me not listening to it." Y/n tapped his foot unknowingly. "If I had just listened to her... I could've...she would've..."

The room was filled with silence before the therapist smiled, "Are you ready for the next question?"


"How did the trauma affect you emotionally and mentally?"

"I've been... struggling," Y/n said, snapping his finger and having fire come out. "I've lost so much of my imagination since I turned 18, I have frequent nightmares... there are hardly days I don't have them... it's weird, but I can't look at things with too many eyes... it just... it freaks me out."

"What were some of the coping mechanisms you used to manage the aftermath of the trauma?"

Y/n sighed, "the basic breathing control methods, or magic to try and wipe my memory, though, I can never do it."

"Did you seek support from a mental health professional or support group?"

"It's why I'm here, ain't it?" Y/n teased.

"How did the trauma impact your relationships with others?"

"Since we've never been back to Gravity Falls, the gang has sent us plenty of letters claiming they miss us. Though I've tried to go there, but... something in my body stops me. I think the others felt the same, which strengthened our relationship..." Y/n laid back down. "Most residents feel like family, just because we all shared the same trauma. Well, except for the adults in the Northwest Family. Those guys are the worst."

"Were there any physical health effects from the trauma?"

"That's funny, I'm a magic man. A reject from Heaven and Hell. Although my mind is 18, my body is 18... the line... actually, let's not talk about that..."

"What was the most difficult part of dealing with the trauma?"

"...Explaining it to people." Y/n rubbed his neck, "there's been a rise of magical and dimensional stuff on the rise...so it's not like it's totally out there. But at first, it was hard." Y/n has a sad chuckle, "how do you explain you're the same person as the one who killed your mom? You wouldn't imagine the bullying that happened, and how much I let them do it.. because they were right."

"In what ways has the trauma changed you as a person?"

"Well, I'd say I'm more serious, I try to joke here and there...but it's not the same. I just... can't see a huge meaning in life anymore..." Y/n mumbled.

"Have you experienced any triggers or flashbacks related to the trauma?"

"Anytime my mom is mentioned, I black out, sometimes I end up on the road, and sometimes I've almost erased someone from the world if they insulted her.."

"What advice do you have for others who are dealing with trauma?"

Y/n looked at the fourth wall. He looked at you, the screen started to glitch. "I have none."

Cuts to Y/n fully dressed, knocking on Dipper's door, "come on, Dip. We gotta get moving."

"Y/n?! Hang on, give me a second! Don't come in!" Dipper is heard rummaging around before a ding is heard. "Come in."

Dipper's room is full of stuff from new adventures. A tiny tree with a creature's skull hanging on it, a blind Society poster in the back km the wall. On the bookshelves lie the three journals, candles, various tools, and books, and on the desk, Dipper's journal is seen. It was listed as "Number 6", and had the Star constellation of the Big Dipper. Wendy's hat is right next to it.

"You ready?" Y/n says, snapping his open palm, suddenly having keys in his hand.

"I thought you weren't doing magic anymore?" Dipper smirked as he put on some shoes.

Y/n chuckled, "wasn't so much magic, rather than misdirection."

Mabel hopped onto Dipper's back, who let off an 'oof' from the impact, "what?! Mabel!? Again?!"

"Full speed ahead!" Mabel proudly stated and Dipper rolled his eyes. He took a running stance.

"Don't blame me if you get hurt!" Dipper rushes off-screen, but a clank is heard and Mabel is heard yelling.

"Y/n..." Dipper's mom walks out of the bedroom and looks at Y/n. His presence, he knew he scared her, what he was, what he is now, what it meant. Every day, she had to house a monster like me—- a monster like Y/n, and yet, she cared for him because underneath it all... he was a kid, "have a lovely day."

"Thanks, you too." Y/n simply walked out, with no bag, just keys to a nonexistent car.
"Hey, Pine Tree." Dipper is seen closing his locker, though there were plenty of drawings over it. Though, the bullies knew better than to pick on Dipper, one because of Y/n, "WHOA HEYYY-!!!"

Vines grew from the ground and hung the bullies by their underwear on the flagpole down each hall. Anyway, and second—

"And second, because bro over here broke the leader's nose without any help." Y/n pulled Dipper onto the screen frame. Dipper chuckled, though he did look around.

"Uh, where's Mabel?" Dipper asked, "isn't she usually tagging with you?"

"You know, Dipper, I have more friends than you two..." Y/n stated, giving a cocky smile.

"Like who?" Dipper folded his arms.

"Well... Multi-Bear... and uh..." Y/n started to speak.

"People here," Dipper added.

"Well, that's different." Y/n turned away and walked away, noticing the bell ringing. "Alright, time to go practice."

"Hey, I was wondering if I could tag along?" Dipper asked while Y/n went wide-eyed, he then shook his head, "what, why?"

"Dipper, I don't think that's wise, with who I am?" Y/n spoke in a solemn tone. "Besides, you know what your therapist said about fighting."

"Please, I got this!" Dipper says as it cuts to Y/n throwing Dipper a punch and Dipper blocking it. "See, I told you!"

"Yeah, I guess I gave you less credit than you deserve," Y/n said while throwing a kick, which Dipper blocked and threw a punch of his own. Y/n caught it. "Never mind, that was slow. Faster."

Dipper backed up and went for another punch, though Y/n avoided it. "Again."

Dipper got annoyed and his mind started to flash back to the Bunker, "Dipper..."

Dipper's breathing got heavy when he remembered Y/n locking him and Wendy inside. How he made Dipper kill Wendy. How he's Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill!

"Mason?" Y/n asked before Dipper tackled Y/n, whaling him with punches and cries. His tears flowed down with every hit.

"Die! Die! Die! DIE! BILL!" Dipper's eyes shrunk, he remembered how Bill took his body, how he made Dipper almost kill his sister, how he caused the apocalypse.

"Dipper! It's me! It's me! Y/n!" Y/n tried to block them, but there were too many, and he didn't want to hurt his friend.

Blood started to get on Dipper's hands as more and more started to build up, before he could punch anymore, Y/n gripped Dipper's throat and made him look into his eyes. The chill that ran down Dipper's eyes sobered him up... he then looked at his hands and Y/n's face. Y/n would heal, they both knew that... but it didn't stop the guilt they felt.

"I-I..." Dipper curled into a ball, "I'm so sorry! I-are you..."

"It's okay..." Y/n stopped his teary rambling, Y/n simply didn't move and looked at the sky with an uninterested look. "I should've trusted my gut. I should've never taken you out here again..."

"What coping mechanisms have you found to be most effective for managing the aftermath of trauma?"

Y/n's seen in the room again, thinking about his answers, "mostly practice fighting, 'cause it gives me a feeling of being able to fight back."

"Have you tried any specific strategies or techniques to help you process and cope with the trauma?"

"I feel like I've already answered this question, next." Y/n waved his hand.

"Do you find it helpful to talk to others about your experiences, or do you prefer to cope with things on your own?"

Y/n has a solemn smile, "it used to be together... now it's on my own. People say, 'oh yeah, I've had near-death experiences' but it's not the same. The way I see it, everyone gets two lives. They only know about the second one after they either lose the first or almost do. Then they start truly experiencing their true life."

"How do you manage triggers or flashbacks related to the trauma?"

Y/n coughed, "Sorry, had a cough. It wasn't in the script, but I felt like using 'as' and 'like' was too many words. So...skip."

"Have you found any activities or hobbies that help you to relax and manage stress?"

"Sowing, knitting, sketching, surprisingly playing music." Y/n hummed the intro tune.

"Do you have any self-care routines that you find helpful for managing the effects of trauma?"

"I lie to myself." Y/n bluntly stated.

"How do you maintain a support system to help you cope with the trauma?"

"I lie to myself." Y/n bluntly stated... again...

"Have you sought professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to help you cope with the trauma?"

"Are you just repeating the questions, Doc? That's why I'm here!" Y/n started to get annoyed, with his clothes flashing red. "Whew... sorry sorry, it's not you... it's me. Let's keep going."

"In what ways do you think it is important to take care of your mental and emotional health after experiencing trauma?"

"Well...I think it's important, to be honest and know what your limits are. You're not gonna heal the next day... there's no timetable for healing." Y/n stated to the audience.

"What advice do you have for others who are looking for coping mechanisms and strategies to help them manage the aftermath of trauma?"

Y/n rubbed his neck, "you know... I'm still learning that myself... maybe we can learn together..."

The next scene shows Y/n teaching Mabel, though she was struggling.

"Why is this so hard, X is right there," Mabel says, sitting at her desk. Y/n put down the drinks on the table and put her lemonade against her cheek, making her flinch.

"Mabel, we're 18 now. I would've thought you'd figured this out by now." Y/n teases, and all the while Mabel groans.

"Designing is so much easier. Plus, you've already aced this, Honors Student! Can't you just do this for me?! I got a game tonight, and this monster is brutal with the grading!" Mabel shakes Y/n's shoulders.

"If you just put the time into figuring it out, you wouldn't have a problem." Y/n pulls out his phone and scrolls through the gallery.

"Pleeeeeease, Y/n! Come on~ I know you love me~ come on...come on..." Mabel has the best puppy dog eyes she could.

But dealing with her for years, and the two being almost adults, it was ineffective. "Really? The puppy dog eyes? Just do it yourself, you'll never learn otherwise."

Mabel suddenly smirked, she gripped Y/n's shirt with one hand, "Boss Mabel is back!"

"Wha-?" Y/n was confused until Mabel slammed her lips into Y/n's. The peck got more intense as Y/n was very confused, but he went along with it, closing his eyes. He held her face before Mabel hopped on his lap and went deeper into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Y/n wrapped his arms around her waist and before Mabel parted from the kiss with a teasing smile.

"Whoa, N/n~ You know, I'd love to keep making out with you, but as you know, I'm the perfect student. And I cannot continue without finishing my homework first." Mabel dramatically stated as she flipped around on Y/n's lap, picking up the pencil and paper. Y/n grumbled, "what?"

"...give it here." Y/n gave in.

Mabel did a pump fist, "yes! Feminine willies win again!" Mabel kissed Y/n's cheek, "thanks Y/n, you shall be rewarded greatly for this after the football game."

Y/n was annoyed and definitely not amused, focusing on the work, "that was a new low, Mabel Pines. You totally suck."

Mabel folded her arms, "well, not with that attitude I don't, Magic man."

"How has anxiety affected your mood and overall emotional well-being?"

Y/n sighed, rubbing his palms, "I guess... I don't feel like I experience that much Anxiety... just trauma... if that makes sense.."

"Have you experienced any changes in your thinking or perception as a result of anxiety?"

"Oh, back to the Anxiety thing? Okay... um... everything seems less colorful? It's like... the reality is starting to kick in. Though, that may be due to graduation."

"Have you noticed any changes in your behavior or habits due to anxiety?"

"Already answered, next," Y/n stated.

"How has anxiety impacted your relationships with others?"

"Already answered, next," Y/n stated... Again...? Deja vu...?

"Have you experienced any changes in your sleep or appetite as a result of anxiety?"

"Y'know, being an unknown is fun... I don't have to sleep nor eat... But then I'd feel less human... that's all I'll say for my answer." Y/n spoke out.

"Has anxiety affected your ability to concentrate or focus on tasks?"

Y/n tapped his foot, "up until last year, I had really bad focus, but now, I'm rather fine... long as I lie to myself."

"Have you noticed any physical symptoms, such as increased heart rate or muscle tension, as a result of anxiety?"

"Nope. Maybe a couple of years ago, now I barely feel anything..." Y/n tried to smile.

"Has anxiety caused you to avoid certain situations or activities?"


"How has anxiety impacted your overall quality of life?"

"Um... it definitely declined after I got back home. I couldn't... really explain it well..." Y/n sighed, holding his head.

"Have you sought support from a mental health professional to help you manage the effects of anxiety on your mental and emotional health?"

Y/n looked at the therapist, then the audience, then back at the therapist... "I really hate you sometimes."

Y/n and Dipper are shown watching a football game as Mabel is a cheerleader. They perform a lovely trick and the two clap. The football field goes wild, calling the team out. Dipper looks to Y/n, "are you sure it's gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, she pulled that move off nicely!" Y/n clapped and then Dipper nudged him.

"No, not that. You said your powers aren't working right now, right?"

"Yeah, something up in my mental is draining all that away," Y/n stated, patting himself down. "I'm as much a human as you are. That's a lot of as. Add some more 's' and-"

"Y/n, focus," Dipper warned.

"Right, this book is Pg-13? Maybe, yeah, we do have some blood." Dipper slapped Y/n, "Yeah, I needed that. But that actually hurt. You are getting stronger if that means anything."

Dipper pulls out his phone, following the crowd of people to the parking lot. "So you weren't getting hurt before..."

"It barely tickled." Y/n bluntly stated, "So, where's Mabel?"

"She said she'll meet us by the car—" Dipper looks on to see some people around Mabel.

"You know, you guys are really ticking me off!" Mabel shouts and Waddles oinks at them.

"Listen, we just wanted to see more of those tricks!"

"Yeah, the way you looke-" Mabel kicked the man with a high kick, knocking him back.

"Did you get a good look?" Mabel took some pages out of Y/n's book.

"Well, time to go." Y/n and Dipper rushed forward.

"You little-" a hand gripped one of the men. Y/n was shown and he immediately punched the man in the face. Dipper took the other man and was winning. Y/n felt proud before he was suddenly hit in the back with a brick. Y/n's head slammed against the pavement and his hearing got messed up. His face was kicked while he was picked up and punched in the face. After three punches the man threw him against some trash cans. "Ha! And you thought you were some punk, did ya?!"

He tried to pull himself up from the ground, noticing the blood dripping down into his view.

"Blood...?" Y/n felt his head, his mental limit was broken. His eye turned red as he suddenly sprouted multiple arms and started to levitate, the two jerks started to shake and stand back, "How does it feel? Now you're the prey!"

"We give up!" "Please let us go!!" the men shouted but Y/n wasn't satisfied. He lifted his hand, putting a blue fire tornado in his hand.

"Y/n, calm down!!" Mabel stood between the two men, "You're losing yourself again! Remember what we talked about! Breathe!"

Y/n looked at Mabel and Dipper, before feeling the heat from his palm. He then sighed, levitated down, and walked to the others. He put a candy cane in his mouth and looked at the men on their knees, "apologize to her, now."

"I'M SO SORRY!!" they screamed out, giving small mummers, begging for their life.

Mabel smirked and put a hand on her hip, "If you get that, then scram!"

The two men scrambled and fled, they tripped over a gnome, but quickly got back up. Y/n limped to the car, but Dipper and Mabel took his arms, helping him along the way. "I hate school events..."

"Man, your face is jacked up. Mom's gonna love this." Mabel says as it cuts to their house, Mabel wiped some of the blood off with a rag.

"Shut up, I was defending you." Y/n groaned.

"I know," Mabel kissed his forehead, "my hero."

"I'm recharging." Y/n hugs Mabel from behind, "So stay with me until then."

Mabel felt Y/n's hand shaking, so, Mabel turned around and hugged him. "Of course."

"Have you noticed any physical health effects as a result of your trauma?"

"Nope, perks of unknown being. Unless you count the almost murders... then yeah, that." Y/n is back in therapy.

"Do you experience any chronic physical symptoms, such as headaches or stomach pains, related to the trauma?"

"Just nightmares, how fitting..." Y/n groans.

"Have you been diagnosed with any physical health conditions that may be linked to the trauma?"

"Nope. In fact, Mom's never taken me to the doctor ever." Y/n revealed.

"How do you manage any physical symptoms related to the trauma?"

"I recharge with my friends, was gonna say family but... They're no longer with us. That could include watching movies or knitting, or anything in between." Y/n spoke.

"Have you noticed any changes in your sleep or appetite as a result of the trauma?"

"Sigh, we're going in circles.." Y/n held his head.

"Do you have any physical triggers that can cause a worsening of your symptoms?"

"Just admit it, you got these off the internet." Y/n got irritated.

"Have you sought medical treatment for any physical health effects related to the trauma?"

"You're not even asking me to go deeper into my answer!" Y/n shouted.

"How do you prioritize your physical health in the aftermath of trauma?"

"Y/n sat there like an idiot. Is that what you want from me?" Y/n grumbled.

"In what ways do you think it is important to address the physical health effects of trauma?"

"Again, what's with these loop questions?" Y/n shook his head, the room also shook strangely enough.

"What advice do you have for others who are dealing with physical health effects from trauma?"


It shows as days pass, Y/n and Mabel get closer, shopping at the store. Mabel is seen in the shopping cart with a few of the groceries, looking at some of the boxes, "I swear to god, without me, you'd starve."

"Without ME, you'd never eat anything but pixie Stix," Y/n said as he pushed the cart around. Mabel scoffs and raised her hands, as Y/n pulled her out.

"I've gotta go find some 'girly things'." Mabel started to sweat, pointing at Y/n, "S-so I'll go alone!"

"... you, girly-?" Y/n started to say until Mabel punched him in the stomach, making him lose air. While she runs off, Y/n suddenly gets a call. "Huh... that's weird...?"

Y/n answers the FaceTime request, "Hello, Pacifica?"

"Hey, little bro. I just wanted to check in with you."

"Wow, you've grown a bit if you're asking that," Y/n says, pushing the cart around. He looked at his grocery list, "how's that trip to New Orleans going? Have your parents found out about the Darkside yet?"

"Do you really think I'm dumb enough to follow them there? Of all places?" Pacifica gave a snarky remark, though they both laughed.

"Fair enough, so, how's the gang so far?" Y/n asked while crossing off some things on the list.

"It's been good. Steven's been driving back and forth. Apparently, Wendy's cousin visiting with his girlfriend. She outta this world apparently. Uh... what else ... This guy riding a cloud keeps coming in...along with this guy who keeps manipulating matter.. kinda reminds me of you." Pacifica listed off.

"That's great, but I meant the old gang." Y/n chuckled.

"Oh, well, I'm learning some skills from the old man, machines aren't THAT hard to figure out. I think Grenda and her boyfriend are hanging out. Candy is working with the FBI with her lasers." Pacifica saw Y/n's face suddenly dips as
Mabel was in view. Pacifica snickered, "Hey, Mabel."

"Hey, Pacifica! It's been a while since we've been down! I believe it's five years." Mabel had a huge smile, giving a suave look, "tell me about all the details, darling."

"Well, I-"

"Just kidding! I heard it all!" Mabel giggled and Pacifica sighed.

"That sounds like something you'd do." Pacifica nodded.

"So, how are you and Dipper doing?" Pacifica got flustered, and Y/n gained a cocky smirk.

"Oh yeah, the two of you have been using my magic to sneak to different countries... that still working out...?" the two gained a dark aura of amusement.

Though, Pacifica tried to fight back, "yeah, it's well. How about your wedding? When's that going down?"

"Not anytime soon." "Soon."

Y/n and Mabel look at each other in confusion, Pacifica sensing some tension, started to sweat, "I'm... gonna go before this can get anymore... annoying..."

"Have you sought any professional help to support you in dealing with the trauma?"

Y/n started to bang his head on the ground, "no... that's why I'm here."

"What treatment options have you tried, and which ones have been most effective for you?"

"I don't take treatment, so I don't know." Y/n keeps banging his head in the wall.

"How do you decide what treatment options are right for you?"

"I don't take treatment, so I don't know!!!" Y/n keeps banging his head in the wall.

"Have you found support groups or peer support to be helpful in your healing process?"

Y/n glared, trying to close his ears, "I don't know!! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!"

"How do you prioritize your mental and emotional health in the aftermath of trauma?"

Y/n grew more arms and started to punch the walls. "Shut up!!"

"How do you navigate the challenges of finding and accessing appropriate treatment and support?"

"I already told you, I don't take treatment!!" Y/n slammed his fist into the wall, but they grew with fire.

"Have you found any alternative or complementary treatments, such as meditation or acupuncture, to be helpful in your healing process?"

"I'm gonna tear it down! I'm gonna do it!!" Y/n started to gain a devilish appearance.

"How do you manage the cost of treatment and support, and what resources have you found to be helpful in this regard?"

"I don't buy gold!" Y/n started to grow in size.

"In what ways do you think it is important to seek out appropriate treatment and support after experiencing trauma?"

"NOT GOING IN LOOPS IS AMAZING!" Y/n shouted as his face started to crack.

"What advice do you have for others who are looking for treatment and support options for dealing with trauma?"

"NONE! I'M $&#%*$? HOPELESS!!"

Y/n walks into the graveyard, stepping on the dead leaves. The cold, sharp air pierces his lungs, but he ignores it. Holding his arm, a sorrowful expression rests on his face. When he finally arrives at his destination, he still wish he didn't. "Hey, Mom. I know.. I haven't visited since... we set this whole thing up... everything is...moving slowly."

Y/n dropped off her favorite food and some flowers, "Heh, you know I wasn't the best cook, but I think I've gotten better as the years pass."

Y/n took deep breaths, "it's been hard without you here... to watch over and guide me... I know one of your fears was that I'd be alone, that I would discover my past, and that... made you feel like you failed me..." Y/n sat down, "but you didn't, you raised me. You are my mother, and I'm not alone. It's hard, yeah, but Dipper and Mabel, the guys in Gravity Falls, and even some newbies... they all give me the strength I need. I'm not alone."

"How important is it to have a support system in the aftermath of trauma?"

Y/n is shown in a destroyed white room, "having that support system is key as it gives you something to fall back on, reassurance that you aren't alone."

"How do you maintain a network of supportive individuals to help you through your healing process?"

"Mostly it's my friends, if I have an issue, I ask them for help. Together, we all make sure that we talk about our issues." Y/n nodded.

"Have you found any online or in-person support groups to be helpful in your healing journey?"

"Sometimes the folk from Gravity Falls come online and want to chat. I have to make sure it's not any of the old monsters playing me though." Y/n rubbed the back of his neck.

"How do you involve your loved ones in your healing process, and how do they support you?"

"I ask for help, they give me affection, comfort, and love." Y/n sat straight up.

"In what ways do you think the support of a community can be beneficial in the aftermath of trauma?"

"After Gravity Falls went through that whole event, it was talked about, and there were multiple sites and people dedicated to help those that were traumatized. Having a huge amount of people willing to help... it was amazing."

"Have you found it helpful to connect with others who have experienced similar traumas?"


"How do you manage feelings of isolation or disconnection from others during your healing process?"

"I make sure to remember I'm not alone."

"Have you sought out professional support, such as therapy or counseling, to help you with your healing process?"

"I believe that why my family put me here."

"How do you prioritize self-care and self-compassion in your healing journey?"

"I... I'm honestly not sure. I know I deserve to be alive, and I've earned it."

"What advice do you have for others who are seeking support and community in their healing from trauma?"

"Sigh, what's the point? You're not real. This just in my head." Y/n said as in reality, Y/n was talking to himself in his room. But back in his head, "how do I know?"

"Know what?" he asked.

"That this is the real world!! That I'm not trapped in the bubble, that we ended the invasion!" Y/n shouted, he grabbed the man,  "tell me that she's alive, that I can bring her back!"

"You... are not God. Don't act like one." The therapist said, "I can't guarantee your life will be better, but make the most of it. You do got college coming up."

"Sigh... yeah..." Y/n walked out of the room. "Hey... thanks."

"Heh, no problem, Sport. Same time next week?" Comet joked but Y/n flipped him off.

After that, the months go by and the three stooges are seen having fun together, Y/n manipulating the year book so that the three are together, Y/n and Mabel kissing, Parris and Multi-Bear's kids running around causing mayhem, Waddles having fun with Mabel, Pacifica and Dipper getting lost and fending off a shark, and finally....

Y/n is shown with a new haircut and sitting in the same row he did all those summers ago. Mabel leaned on him while sleeping, Dipper was right there with Y/n. They wave bye to the parents and the bus takes off. The city, soon, disappears and is replaced with the trees and magic flowing from everywhere. The scene changed to show the Gravity Falls sign with the bus entering the town as the three get ready for the Summer.
