Boss Mabel

(How many of you have noticed that there's no Little Dipper chapter? :])

The episode opens with Y/n, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Waddles watching Cash Wheel. Mabel and Waddles are eating Chipackerz. "Ladies and gentlemen, we now return to Cash Wheel! Sponsored by Chipackerz, the chip flavored crackers!"

"But they taste just like chips!" Mabel eats a cracker.

A contestant spins the wheel and lands on 'cash shower.' "Congratulations! You're taking a..."

Stan Pines & TV Announcer both say. "Cash shower!"

Money starts falling down on the man in the middle. When the other two contestants try to take some money, he slaps and punches them away. Stan smiled, "I like that guy's style."

Soos shouts, "Mr. Pines! We got tourists at 9 o'clock! A whole busload of 'em!"

A bus pulls up and tourists start to get out. "Hot tamales, it's a jackpot! Soos! Make some new attractions!"

"You got it, boss!" Soos glues a wolf head onto a chicken,

"Wendy! Mark up those prices! The higher the better! (Wendy puts a 0 behind a $2 price tag, making it $20) Higher! Bleed 'em dry! (Wendy puts another 0 making it $200)" Stan shouted.

Dipper looked at him. "Eesh, Grunkle Stan. It's like when you see tourists, all you see are wallets with legs."

"That's not true." Stan looks out the window and sees a family as wallets with legs.

Y/n folded his arms, "I highly doubt that."

Wallet Boy spoke, "Thanks for taking me to the Mystery Shack, daddy!"

Wallet Dad replied, "Ha ha! Now don't spend yourself all in one place."

Another wallet man comes out of a car. "I'm feeling carsick... (groans) Blaaaaaaaah! (Vomits pennies)"

Stan looks at Dipper and Y/n, "Clean-up on the front lawn!"

Dipper, "not it!"

Y/n says, "not- dang it!"

Y/n sighs, picks up a bucket of water and a mop and heads outside.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A boy puts a penny inside a penny press. A small card that says "Thanks for the penny! -Stan" comes out. The boy sighs.

Cuts to Stan leading a tour around the Mystery Shack. "Ladies and gentle-tourists! Looking around my Mystery Shack, you will see many wondrous roadside attractions. Be amazed at the only known photo of a horse riding another horse! (Points to a picture of a horse riding another horse, and many tourists take pictures and mutter, interested) That's-That's pretty good! (Tourists take pictures) Be astounded at the horrible, pre-teen wolf boy! (Pulls a curtain revealing Dipper with hair glued to his legs and fake wolf ears and teeth) Oh! Oh, look at him! All that hair! His body's changing, ah!"

Dipper takes off his fake wolf teeth, "Grunkle Stan, this is demeaning."

"What? I don't know "de meaning" of that word!" Stan and the tourists laugh at his joke. "If you throw money at him, he dances."

The tourists cheer and begin to throw money at Dipper, and he makes an attempt to dance. Stan catches money with a jar. "Ha ha ha! Ooh! Thank you!"

Cut to Mabel selling bumper stickers in the gift shop. "Behold! Mystery Shack bumper stickers! You can stick 'em on your bumper, or over your husband's mouth. Am I right, ladies? She knows what I'm talking about!"

Woman walks over, "Oh! You are bad! How much?"

Mabel smiled, waved her hand. "Hey, it's on the house. That's the Mabel difference! Thanks for visiting!"

Y/n looks at her, "ooh, you should never do that. Plus, Stan's not gonna like that."

"What!?" Stan appeared behind a cardboard cutout of himself.

"Called it." Y/n said.

"More like Jinxed it." Mabel said as Stan walked over.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" Stan angrily asked.

"Business! Ching ching ching!" Mabel presses buttons on the cash register.

Stan looked at her, "Listen, kid. You don't make money by giving stuff away. You're off of register duty!"

Mabel tried says, "But, but-!"

Stan started to push her forward, "No buts except for yours out the door. Now shut your yap and get to work!"

"Why aren't you moving Y/n?" Mabel asked as Stan looked at Y/n.

"Because that kid actually knows how to cheat people in deals and run a business. Don't know how he does it." Stan says and the two look at Y/n. Y/n looks up and winks before flipping his eyepatch down.

"Grunkle Stan, whatever happened to please and thank you? Hmm? Oh wait. Here they are!" Mabel takes out a bag of stickers and puts two stickers that say Please and Thank you on Stan's face, "Wop wop!" She chuckles.

"Ugh. 'Please' never made me any money, kid." Stan puts the 'Please' sticker on the back of the cash register, "In fact, just saying the word is giving me a burning sensation."

Stan slaps the 'Thank you' sticker on Soos' back as he sweeps by. Soon after that, Dipper comes in. "Grunkle Stan, why do I have to wear this wolf costume? I think I'm getting hookworm."

Stan laughs, "Yep. Gluing dog hair to your body will do that."

Dipper looked at Grunkle Stan, "You've got all these dumb, fake exhibits in the Shack. Meanwhile, I've seen actual, amazing things in the forest every day! What if you hunted down a real attraction instead of lying to people for a living?"

Mabel added, "And you should be nicer to your employees, too!"

"Yeah!" Dipper high fives Mabel.

"Look, you guys got a problem with how I run the Shack, take it up with the complaints department." Stan holds up a trash can. "Zing!"

"I am going to write them such a letter!" Mabel starts writing a letter, covering what she's writing with her arm.

Cuts to Mabel, Y/n, Dipper, Wendy, and Soos painting the Mystery Shack sign a glittery pink. "And don't stop 'till you've covered that sign with glitter! Glittery signs attract tourists! Also large birds."

A bald eagle attacks Soos and he tries to run away from it. Stan laughed, "Ha ha! That's funny."

Dipper was unamused, "Okay, is it just me, or is having Grunkle Stan as a boss seriously the worst?"

"Sometimes I definitely feel like he's out to get us..." Y/n said as he painted.

Wendy stopped working, "I know, right? Why do we even put up with it?"

Soos spoke up, "I gave him a suggestion to improve the Shack once. I had this idea where I could be, like, the Mystery Shack mascot: Questiony the Question Mark. I ask people questions, you know. Do the question dance."

"That sounds amazing!"

"Oh, cool!"

"Yeah, totally!"

Soos put his head down, "Yeah, well...Stan said I couldn't handle it."

Mabel was enraged, "He said what?!"

Cuts to Stan saying goodbye to the tourists outside of the Shack. "And remember, folks! We put the 'fun' in 'no refunds!' ( Walking back into the Shack) Ha ha. Suckers."

Mabel points, "You!"

Stan shouts in surprise, "ah!"

"Grunkle Stan, you've gone too far this time!" Mabel was following him into his office, "Did you seriously tell Soos not to follow his hopes and dreams because he 'couldn't handle it?'"

Stan explains, "Look, kid, let me break it down for you. Being a boss is about commanding respect. If you give people everything they ask for, they'll walk all over ya."

Mabel looks at him, "No way! I bet you'd make way more money being nice then being a big grumpy grump to everyone all the time."

Stan was amused, "Ha! You think you know more about business than I do? You think you could wear this hat?"

"Yeah! 'Cause I give people respect! And glittery stickers!" Mabel stamps a pink star sticker on her left cheek.

Stan scoffed with a smirk, "Ha! I'd make more money on vacation then you would, running this place!"

Mabel suggests. "Then why don't you go on vacation?"

"Interesting...All right, I'm a wagering man. 3 days. 72 hours." Stan sets an alarm for 72 hours, "You run the Shack, and I'll go on vacation. If you make more money than me, I guess it means you're right about the way I run my business. BUT if you lose, you, uh... (writes "LOSER" in marker on a white T-shirt) You have to wear this "LOSER" shirt all summer!"

Mabel folded her arms, "Fine. But if I win I get to be the boss for the rest of the summer! Plus, you gotta sing an apology song with lyrics by me! Mabel."

Stan smirks, "Whoa ho! You got yourself a deal, missy!"

Mabel retorts. "No, you got yourself a deal!"



Stan slams his fist on the desk, "Deal!"

Mabel slams her fist on the desk, "Deal!(Mabel stamps pink heart sticker on Stan's nose) Deal..."

Cut to Stan loading things onto the trunk of the Stanmobile. "See you in 72 hours! We'll see who makes more money."

Stan throws his fez on Mabel's head and drives away, laughing. Dipper comes out, "Did you just make a bet with a professional con man?"

Y/n folds his arms, appearing as well, "Bad move, Mabel."

"Oh, come on. Being a better boss than Stan will be a cinch. Profit, here we come!" Mabel holds up a jar, then drops it and it breaks.

Dipper bluntly says, "You broke the jar."

Mabel Interrupts, "We'll get a new one."

Dipper shrugs, "I guess I shouldn't be too worried. I mean, how much money could Stan even make on vacation?"

Y/n sighed, "just remember he has years of experience. He's bound to have something up his sleeve."

Cuts to a man writing on a clipboard. "Can I help you, sir?"

"I'm here to take all the cash from your wheel." Camera zooms out showing that Stan is at Cash Wheel.

Cuts to Y/n, Soos, Dipper, and Wendy coming into Stan's office. "You wanted to see us, Mr. Pines?"

Mabel turns around in chair and scoots toward them, "Stan is no longer with us."

Soos has a breakdown, "He's dead? No! It should have been me!"

Mabel calmed him down, "Whoa, Soos! Stan's not dead! He's on vacation for 3 days. We made a bet."

Soos calmed down and got up from the ground, "Thank you for that clarification."

Y/n pat him on the back, "it's okay, Soos. It's okay."

Mabel smiled again, "Mabel's in charge now!"

Dipper questioned her attire, "Are those... shoulder pads?"

"Uh huuuuuuh!" Mabel shakes shoulder pads up and down, "It's just one of the up-to-date managerial tricks I learned from this book I found propping up the kitchen table."

She holds up Succeeding In Management 1983; Y/n gave a deadpan expression, "yep, about to say that tactics were from the 80's."

Mabel drinks out of a mug that says '#2 boss'. Dipper raised an eyebrow, "Why does your mug say '#2'?"

"Because the real #1... is you!" Mabel holds a mirror up to them.

Dipper, Soos and Wendy laugh, pleased. "Morale!"

"Walk with me. With me as boss you're gonna notice a few changes around here. My job is to help you be your best 'SELVES.' Satisfied, Everyday, Loving Life, Very Much, Everyday, Satisfied. Great listening ears so far!" Mabel stamps a thumbs up sticker on each of them. "Waddles, hold my calls!"

Waddles grabs the phone with his mouth. Y/n, Mabel, Dipper, Wendy and Soos arrive at the gift shop, and Mabel pulls up a chair. "Alright, people, now rap with me. Wendy, how can I make your work space more Wendy-friendly?"

Wendy thinks about it, "Hmm, well, Stan never lets me hang out with friends at work."

Mabel opened her arms, "Stan ain't here, sister! Door's open!"

Wendy smiled, "Sweet!"

Y/n frowned, "oh no...I can see where this is going..."

"And Soos, I believe this is yours." Mabel pulls out a Questiony the Question Mark costume from a cabinet.

Soos was amazed, "Questiony the Question Mark!? I wish this was an exclamation point to show how excited I am!"

"As for you Dipper..." Mabel holds up Dipper's wolf costume and tosses it in a shredder, "Die, wolf costume, die! I want you to head into the woods, and don't come back until you found an amazing attraction!"

"Finally! It's time to show Stan how a REAL mystery hunter does it!" Dipper runs off, grabs a flail and opens the window. "Dipper out!"

The flail's weight causes him to fall of the window. Mabel then turned to Y/n, "and N/n! How can I make your work life happier?"

Y/n was sweeping away, "nothing. I don't need anything."

Mabel was taken back for a sec, "nothing? There's gotta be something!" Y/n looked at her with a blank stare as Mabel realized he wasn't joking. "I'll get back to you in a second then. Okay, guys! It's time to prove that nice bosses finish first. In the next forty-eight hours, we're gonna fill this jar with six hundred billion dollars!"

Mabel draws a line on the jar, Soos and Mabel shout, "Yeah!" As they high five.

Wendy was suspicious, "Wait. Do you know how money works?"

"Of course. Waddles, run down to the shop and grab me a latte." Mabel gives Waddles a bill and Y/n immediately rips it out of Waddles mouth before he eats it. "Well, you'll do it?"

"Sigh, yes ma'am..." Y/n said as he walked out. Mabel was confused why he was grumpy.

Cuts to Stan in a line for an audition for Cash Wheel. "Ugh! This line is taking forever! Time to use my old man powers...AH! I'm having a heart attack! And the only cure is to be a contestant on... on Cash Wheel! Aaugh! Someone give me a part! I'm old!"

Several people go over to Stan and try to call people to help. "Should we escort him off the lot?"

Cash Wheel Man looks at him, "That man is a self-centered attention hog, with no regard for human decency. (Pause) Get him on T.V!"

Someone sings over a montage of Mabel giving herself a thumbs up in the mirror, letting sunlight in the room, drinking a milkshake, looking at a profit graph that is going down and making a smiley face out of it.

"Whoa, yeah!

Come on, girls!

Shoulder pads!

Make that money!

Mabel's the boss now!

Walk in, girls!

Show them boys!

Make that money!

Ooooooo, ooooooo, oooo, oooo, ooooo, ooooooooo!"

Mabel looks at Wendy, "Top marks! (to Soos:) Top marks! (to a squirrel, which runs away:) Top marks! (spinning around in her chair) Boss boss boss boss boss!"

Later, Mabel puts up a poster of an Eagle and underneath it are the words 'Leadership.' However, Mabel has taped a picture of her face on top of the eagle's, "It's beautiful..."

Tourists are seen exiting and dropping money into Mabel's jar. "Thank you! Ha ha! See you soon! Tell 'em Mabel sent you! (Looks happily at the money in the jar)"

Dipper comes up with a large moving bag, "Mabel! I captured something! This is gonna blow those tourists away! Ha ha!"

The creature inside the bag grabs Dipper's arm, and Dipper punches it repeatably, and the creature lets go, Mabel smiled, "Marvelous work, valued employee! (gasps) Who's that? Is it Questiony the Question Mark?"

"Uh, I'm starting to have second thoughts about this, Mabel. I keep forgetting my lines. And this costume is more um..."Soos steps out from behind the porta-potty, showing he only has his foam Question mark and underwear on, "revealing than I expected?"

"Soos, don't give up. Anything is possible when you..." Mabel flips through 'Succeeding in Management 1983'. "imaginize it!"

Soos admitted, "But I don't know what that means."

"Ssh." Mabel puts finger to Soos' lips, "Ssshssssshshsshsssh. (rubs finger around Soos' face) Believe in yourself..."

She walks away, Soos shivered, "Bu-but I...! So-so cold..."

Mabel enters The Mystery Shack, "How's my favorite Wendy?"

A can of soda falls on the ground, and Mabel looks up to see Lee, Nate, Tambry, Thompson, and Wendy wrecking the gift shop while kicking around a shrunken head. "Keep it going!"

Billy was holding up a box, "Oh, what's this?"

He gets hit in the face with the shrunken head and cries. Billy's Mom rushed over, "Billy! Your face, it's ruined!"

"I'm so sorry. Please, have a refund." Mabel gives money. Billy's Mom takes more money out of the jar and leaves with Billy. "Wendy, you got a lot of cleaning up to do. Pleeeaaase. (Pokes the "please" sticker on the cash register)"

Wendy looks at her, "Whoa, all this rule stuff's starting to make you sound like Stan."

"What?! No! I'm nothing like Stan! In fact," Mabel nervously says, "take the rest of the day off?"

Wendy pressured a 12 year old, "With full pay?"

Mabel nervously says, "Of course."

She shifts her suit around and laughs nervously, while Wendy gives a 'thumbs up' and leaves. Mabel pats herself, "Mabel Pines, you are the best boss ever."

Soos speaks to a woman in the background, "I'M QUESTIONY THE QUESTION MARK!"

The Woman screams and sprays him with pepper spray, "Aw dude, it stings so bad!"

Y/n walks in, he looked at the mess. "Are you kidding me?! I just cleaned this up!"

Mabel smiled at him, "just they boy I wanted to see! How are you doing, Y/n?"

"Terrible." Y/n says, as he folds his arms.

"Glad to hear you can state for emotions out loud clearer." Mabel said as he looked at Mabel.

"I just cleaned this up, they were wrecking the store! And you're just gonna let them get away with it? They gotta pay for this!" Y/n said as Mabel waved her hand.

"Come on, Y/n. It'll be fine, Mabel Difference!" Mabel smiled as Y/n was not having it.

"Mabel, you need to be tougher when your in a job, this isn't Wendy's playground, Dipper's Laboratory, or Soos' beauty pageant. This is the Mystery Shack, and I'm one of only people who actually care for it." Y/n argued as Mabel got a little mad.

"I, I don't think that's fair." Mabel said as Y/n was annoyed.

"You know what else isn't fair? I feel like I broke my legs." Y/n lied and handed the broom to Mabel. "So why don't you clean this up, Boss."

Y/n walks away as Mabel glared a bit. Cuts to Cash Wheel. Rich announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to CASH WHEEL! (The cash wheel logo appears on the screen.) Now, let's meet those contestants."

Doug says as his name appears on the screen, "I'm Doug from Fairfield, California."

Donna says as her name appears on the screen, "I'm Donna from-!"

"I'M STAN, STAN PINES! HA HA!" As his name appears on the screen, "Did we- did we already do me? Hello, I'm Stan."

Rich laughed, "Ha ha ha, okay, It's going to be a long night, folks. (Cash Wheel Audience laughed) It's time to solve...(Stan laughs)"

Cash Wheel host says, "It's uh, time to solve that puzzle! Carla!"

Carla replied, "Yes, Rich?"

Stan asked, "Are there any 's' es?"

Rich told him, "Actually, it's not your turn yet."

Two 'S'es appear on the first slot and the last slot of the Cash Wheel board. Stan shouts, "I'm ready to solve!"

Rich tried to say, "No, the game hasn't started-!"

"Is it 'shut your yaps'?" The answer appears on the board. The audience claps.

Rich sates, "Well played."

Stan spins the wheel, "Cash shower, cash shower, cash shower!"

The wheel lands on Cash shower, "Cash shower!"

"Yes! Doodle do.." Stan starts to undress.

"Mr. Pines? No! You don't need to take your clothes off! Nope!" The host goes in front of camera, "Go to commercial! Go to commercial!"

Cuts to the Mystery Shack. Soos comes in looking at Mabel, "Miss Pines?"

"Hellooooo, Soos! What can I do for you?" Mabel asked as she noticed Soos' sad face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Well, I was outside and then was approaching this lovely family with my costume and then Y/n snapped at me, yelling 'Go inside'. Went totally Stan on me and it really hurt." Soos explained as Mabel rubbed her forehead.

"Sigh, and I just got a complaint from Dipper about Y/n trying to release the monster." Mabel gets a shadow over her eyes, "guess I have no choice."

"You're kidding me." Y/n is seen holding his cane outside the shop.

"I'm not unfortunately. You've been ruining the good vibes and positivity I've been setting up!" Mabel says as Y/n was unamused. "You're being just like Stan!"

"Mabel, Wendy and her friends destroyed the store, Dipper brought a wild beast into a small shack, and Soos is gonna get arrested for public indecency." Y/n told her.

"You're fired! Leave and never return!" Mabel says in the nicest way possible.

"I live here." Y/n stated.

"Then go take a walk." Mabel says as Y/n turned to walk in the forest, "please come back safely!"

Meanwhile with Dipper, "Ladies and Gentlemen! My name's Honest Dipper, and unlike my cheating uncle, I have something to show you that isn't a hoax! It nearly killed me getting him into that cage, behold, part gremlin, part goblin, the Gremloblin! (Takes the cover off the cage)"

Gremloblin was growling and pulling on the cage bars; Roars more and spits out a human skeleton arm. Man laughed, "Well that's fun."

Woman told him, "It's fake, honey. You can see the strings."

Dipper was shocked, "What!? Those aren't strings, that's body hair!"

Woman turned away, "Oh, look at this dear. The Six-packalope."

Man then laughs, "Wordplay!"

He takes a picture, Dipper pulls back the couple, "No, everything else here is fake. This is a real paranormal beast. Hey, fun fact about this little guy, if you look into his eyes, you can see your worst nightmare. (The Man and Woman look into the Gremloblin's eyes; eyes start to glow) Amazing, right? I work for tips."

Ambulance comes to take the scarred couple away. Dipper sighed "Thanks again for visiting!"

Mabel is seen helping customers, "Thanks for shopping with us! (As kids knock over a stand) I'll get that! Here you go. (flattens a dollar that someone was trying to put in the vending machine) Sorry. Have a refund. (Takes money from customers and hands all the items to the customer in front) That's the Mabel difference....(sighs)"

Dipper looks at her, "Well, I just made two people go insane. How about you?

Mabel sighed, "I'm so tired. I gave Wendy the day off and fired Y/n so I had to do their job."

"Y/n was one of the only people who actually knew how to run a business, I may have complained but..." Dipper stopped and looked at her, "maybe he's right. Maybe you need to start being a little bit tougher around here."

Mabel denied it, "No way, that's what Stan would do! I just need to think positive, be friendly, and everything will work out fine."

Gremloblin roars and breaks through the wall. Tourists scream and run out of the shack. "What? How did he get out of his locked cage!?"

Mabel looks guilty, "Well..."

Flashback to Gremloblin in the cage, looking up at a key Mabel taped on the ceiling for his '5 min break'. Dipper was in disbelief, "YOU GAVE HIM A BREAK?!"

Mabel explained, "He's an employee...sort of."

Dipper looked around. "We've got to round him up. Where's Soos?"

Mabel also explained, "He was stressed out so I told him to take a soothing nature walk, maybe he'll run into Y/n."

Soos was outside somewhere in the woods, "Hello? Civilization? (Thunder booms and a wolf howls) Doggy?"

Cut back to the shack. Dipper and Mabel see a television playing 'Cash Wheel.' "Ladies and Gentlemen, Stan Pines is poised to become our grand champion! Anything to say to your fans out there?"

"See you tomorrow night, Mabel!" Stan holds up the 'Loser' shirt.

Gremloblin roars and throws a Mayan calendar inches away from where Dipper and Mabel are. Mabel and Dipper run past and hide in the living room. The Gremloblin starts putting stickers on his face. "What do we do? He's awarding himself stickers that he didn't even earn!"

Dipper opens journal 3, "Uh, got it! When fighting a gremloblin, use water...(Mabel Splashes a cup of water in the creature's face and he roars. Dipper turns page) "...only as a last resort as water will make him much much scarier! AH! Who writes sentences like that!?"

Gremloblin roars and grows spines. Cuckoo Clock chimes and he breathes fire on it. Dipper looks, "Don't worry, he's gotta leave eventually!"

Much later...

Singin' Salmon sing, "I'm the singin' salmon spendin' all day jammin'. (Gremloblin presses the button again) I'm the singin' salmon spendin' all day jammin.' (Gremloblin presses the button and the fish repeats it again)"

Mabel was annoyed, "Ughh, why doesn't he just leave?"

Gremloblin sniffs the money jar and starts eating the money, "Our profits!"

Mabel runs over to the monster, Dipper panics, "Mabel, wait!"

"Stop, stop!" Gremloblin looks at her and grabs her. Mabel screams.

Dipper warns, "Don't look into his evil eye; you'll see your worst nightmare!"

"I wish we had an evil eye to show him!"Mabel looks into the Gremloblin's eye. "Oh no! Ahh..."

"Wait. Hey, monster! Take a look at this!" Dipper shows the Gremloblin a mirror.

Gremloblin imagines himself looking in a mirror wearing glasses; in the nightmare, "You've become your father."

In real life, it screams, breaks through the wall and runs away. Dipper smiled, "Well at least he didn't do that much damage."

Gremloblin grows wings and flies away, breaking the totem pole and setting off a car alarm, Dipper Sighed, "Oh boy."

Mabel looked at her brother in a panic, "Dipper, it's the third day! We've only got 7 hours to earn back our profits, or I've got to wear that loser shirt all summer!"

Wendy walks over with Soos and Y/n, "Hey guys! Am I nuts, or does this place look different?"

"I forgot to grab Parris." Y/n stated.

Mabel smiled, "Y/n, Wendy, Soos! Am I glad to see you. We've got a lot of work to do but if we hurry, we can still beat Stan!"

Wendy lied, "Uh, yeah. I've got a little headache, so maybe I should like, not work today."

Soos explained. "And I actually just met this pack of wolves, and I think they're gonna like, raise me as one of their own, so I should really be at the den right now."

Y/n rolled his eyes, "and remember? I don't work here anymore. I was fired."

Mabel stutters, "But-but..."

Wendy says, "But hey, see ya on Monday."

Y/n started to grab Parris and walk away. Soos starts pointing to popsicles on the ground, "Uh, BT dubs, is anyone gonna eat these?"

Mabel twitches angrily, breaking the pen in her hand, "ENOUGH! I have HAD IT! I fought a monster to save this business, and this is how you repay me?! I'm gonna get an ulcer from your lollygagging!"

Wendy looked at Mabel confused, "Lollygagging?"

Soos was also concerned, "Ulcer? You're acting... different."

Mabel shouted. "You shut your yaps! I've been doing everyone's job while you bums have been bleeding me dry!"

Wendy and Y/n we're gonna say, "But I..."

Mabel yelled, "No buts except yours on the floor cleaning! Now quit loafing and get to work!"

Wendy shut up, "Yes, Mabel."

"That's yes, BOSS!" Mabel slams her hand on the counter and Stan's fez falls and lands on her head. She looks in the mirror and gasps, "Dipper, what have I become?"

Dipper pats her, "What you had to, Mabel. What you had to."

"We've got seven hours to turn this around! Let's go, people!" Mabel holds up money jar)

Y/n tried to escape and was almost to the door before Mabel grabbed him, "and where do you think you're going?!"

"Um, I don't work here, remember?" Y/n explained.

Mabel kept her same angry face. "You're rehired."

"I don't want to work." Y/n teases.

"Too bad! I need you! And I can't do this without you, so I need you to help me!" Mabel gripped his shirt and yelled. Y/n started to blush and look away. "You're helping whether to like it or not! Understand."

"Y-Y...yes." Y/n shyly said.

Cut to Cash Wheel. The wheel lands on 'Cash flood.' "You landed on Cash Flood!"

Stan Getz covered in money, "I'm givin' none of this to charity!"

Rich stated, "And now you can go home a thousandaire! Or you could risk everything to double your money with the bonus word!"

"Rich, I'm a simple man. So I'm gonna take my winnings, pack my bags, and... BET THEM ALL ON THE BONUS WORD! Come on!" Stan says as the people cheer.

Cut to the shack. A crane is repairing the totem pole. Mabel is yelling into a megaphone, "Time is money, hard hat! You got complaints, file them with the complaint department! (holds up a trash can) Ughh, my back. (tour bus pulls up) Dipper, we've got tourists at 9 o'clock!"

Dipper looked at her, "But what do I show them? Real magic just freaks people out."

Mabel yelled, "Figure something out, knucklehead!"

Cut to Dipper back inside the shack, wearing a tuxedo with an eye patch, giving the tourists a tour. "Ladies and gentle-tourists! This shack is filled with wonders, NEVER before seen by human eyes! Behold, the horrible giant question baby!"

Mabel directs their attention to Soos dressed in his Questiony the Question mark outfit. "Am I a man? Am I a baby? These are legitimate questions."

The tourists gasp. "Have your picture taken with it for a buck. Uh, ten bucks. (Adds a zero after the 1) A hundred bucks! (Adds another after the other 0)"

Cut to the tourists leaving happy. Y/n waved, "We put the fun in no refunds! (Goes back into the shack) How'd we do?"

"We filled the whole jar!" Mabel stated as they cheered.

"Minus the money to replace all the furniture. And supplies to fix the shack, that leaves us..." Dipper puts all this into a calculator, which prints out some paper.

Mabel says, "One dollar."

Stan enters with a clock buzzing, "Tick-tock! Time's up, kids!"

Mabel panicked. "Oh, no!"

Stan says to Dipper, "Nice to see you learned how to dress while I was gone."

Mabel asked, "How much did you beat us by?"

"I won $300,000! And then..."

Flashback to the Cash Wheel. "For a chance to double your cash or lose it all, what is the six-letter word you use to ask for something politely? For example, 'May I blank have that?'"

Stan scoffed. "Do I look like an idiot, folks? The word is 'gimmee.' Two E's."

Rich winced, "Oooh! You know, because you've gone this far, we're gonna give you one more chance. Let's try again. It's a 'P' word. Some might even say it's the 'magic word.'"

Stan shouts, "Pabracadabra! Final answer!"

"I'm sorry, Stan, but the word is..." Cut back to the present.

Mabel understood, "Please?"

Stan sighed, "Apparently that word can make you money."

Dipper paused, "So, wait. If you lost everything, then that means...Mabel!"

Y/n smiled, "You won!"

Y/n, Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy shouts. "We did it!"

Soos froze, "Wait. What did we win again?"

Stan nodded, "Well, according to our bet, I guess Mabel's the new boss?"

Y/n, Dipper, Mabel, Wendy and Soos all shouted, "No! No! Don't do that!"

Stan was taken back, "Huh? What?"

"Grunkle Stan, I had no idea how hard it was being boss. This place was cuckoo bananas until I started barking orders at people like you." Mabel hands him his fez.

Stan shouts, "Yeah, well, I got to admit, It's kind of nice to be back, ya know? Okay, okay, that's enough, get offa me! And Soos, Wendy; get to work! Ahem. Please. Uhh! Still hurts."

Dipper looks at Mabel. "Mabel, didn't your agreement say something about Stan having to do some kind of apology dance if he lost?"

Stan lied, "N-no. No, it didn't."

Mabel smirked, "Actually, yeah, I think I have it in my notes here."

Stan shook his head, "No! That never happened!"

Wendy walked away, "Ha ha! I'll get the camera!"

"All right, let me just..." Stan runs away.

Mabel shouted, "Grunkle Stan!!"

Y/n chased him down. "I got him!"

A crash is heard as Stan shouted, "dang it! Why are you so good at catching people!?"
A camera is filming Stan, who is dressed in a sparkly orange suit. "Uh, look, I'm not gonna..."

Mabel shouted, "Do it!"

"I'm Stan, and I was wrong,
I'm singing the Stan Wrong Song,

I shouldn't have taken that chance,

Now here's my remorseful dance."

Mabel shouted, "Do the kicks! (As Stan kicks) Jazzier!"

Stan's fez falls off; he looks at Gompers, who tries to eat it, "Hey, gimme that! Ow! My back!"

Mabel looks to Waddles and Parris, "What do you think?"

Waddles oniks, "Oink!"

Parris growled, "grrgggh."

Mabel shouts, "Take thirty!"

Mabel and Y/n take a picture with Waddles on the cameras chairs.
