Chapter 8

      Walking off the plane, I saw Marc. Running to him, we hugged as I sobbed into his shoulder. Petting my hair, he whispered soothing words in my ear. Hugging Marc, a voice protruded in my ear.

      "CLAIRE!" Hannah yelled, pulling my from Marc and hugging me. Sergi talked to Marc about something that I didn't know of. Hannah hugged me for a couple minutes until she saw Luis coming out of the plane. Walking over to him, she hugged him and thanked him for looking after me. Making his way over to me, Marc grabbed my bags and urged me to follow him.

      "Where are we going?" I asked as he opened the door to his car for me.

      "We are going to my place. Hannah is going on vacation with Sergi, so you are going to be staying with me," he mentioned as I blushed at the thought of me living with him for a couple weeks. I looked behind me and saw Hannah and Sergi hugging. Absentmindedly, tears streamed down my face as memories of Lucas and I hugging flooded my mind. Marc looked my way and saw the tears. Grabbing my hand, he squeezed it and continued down the busy roads of Barcelona.


      Pulling up to a massive apartment complex, Marc stopped the car in the garage and got out. Following suit, I grabbed my bags and followed him inside. He smiled at the receptionist as he held the elevator doors open for me. In closing them, we went up twenty floors until the doors opened and revealed a very large apartment room.

      "This is where I live during the Barcelona soccer season. The club pays for it since I am foreign," he said, walking into the living room and grabbing an apple. Offering me one, I politely refused, "come, Claire, I will show you to your room. I apologize for it not being so grand, but I rarely have company so I hope it is to your liking." He mentioned, showing me a beautiful room. 

      "I can not thank you enough Marc. Thanks for everything you have done for me," I said, hugging the tall German as he chuckled.

      "It is not a problem, I'm glad to help in any way I can. Well, I am going to go to sleep, my room is next door if you need anything, night Claire." He said, kissing my forehead, leaving me in the room.


      Sitting up in my bed, beads of sweat rolled down my face and neck as fear filled my vision. The dark room added to my fear as I started to hyperventilate. Looking at the clock, I noticed that it was almost 2 in the morning. Internally groaning, I walked out of the room and into the hallway. At the end of the hall, there was a big window. Tiptoeing to the window, I looked out of the glass and stared at all the city lights. Zoning out, I didn't notice Marc standing behind me.

      "What is wrong," his voice startled me as I turned around, "come on, I'll stay with you tonight. I bet you're still shaken from the whole event." He duly noted as I nodded sheepishly. Grabbing my hand, he led me to his bed room. Pulling back the covers, I climbed into his bed with him. We were both awkward about the whole situation when he finally broke the silence.

      "Bad dream?"

      "Yeah, I just dreamed that Lucas was going to find me and hurt me like he normally does. I'm terrified of what he can do. He's beaten me so many times before, but I imagine it would be worse," I whispered the last part in fear that Lucas was actually gonna find me and hurt me.

       "Don't worry, I will protect you, I promise," he promised, kissing my hair and wrapping me in his arms as I slowly drifted to a dreamless sleep.
