Chapter 7

      The next morning I woke up to the smell of food.

      "Buenos Dias Claire!" Luis exclaimed frying up some bacon and eggs. Walking over to the big kitchen, I sat down on a stool as he put some food on a plate for me.

      "Thanks again." I blushed lightly as he waved it off.

      "It is not a problem. Glad to help in any way. So, I think we should stop by your place to pack your other stuff into a luggage. Fortunately, I had a private plane for me, but now I guess I have a private plane for us back to Barca, so how much luggage you carry is not a problem," he smiled as he ate the food he prepared.


      Walking out of my house with all of my belongings, we headed back to his car.

      "So, how about we go sightseeing as today is my last day here okay?" Luis asked me as I nodded my head. Driving back to the hotel, we placed the luggage in his room and went downstairs and walked out of the building. Gliding down the streets, I was rambling on about all the sights and their history like a good New York Civilian would do to a foreign tourist. However, all the fun I was having with Luis immediately disappeared when I saw him. Stopping in my tracks, Luis looked at me, but I could only mutter one word.

      "Lucas." Quickly, Luis dragged me into a shop and sat at a far table, out of sight from the bastard boyfriend.

     "That's him huh?" Luis asked as I nodded my head, too afraid to speak. He grasped my hand reassuringly as we secretly watched Lucas go by without noticing us. After he passed we waited for 10 minutes before we properly left. Looking out of the shop, Luis motioned me forward saying the coast was clear. I thanked him as my phone vibrated in my pocket. The caller id? Hannah...


Hannah's POV

      I sat at a coffee table with Sergi and Marc in Barcelona when I suddenly noticed how Marc was zoned out. Looking at my boyfriend, he also noticed. Excusing him and Marc, Sergi left the room to talk to the German goalkeeper. Sighing, I took a drink of the coffee in the mug and looked out the window. Sergi seemed flustered over something that Marc said, must've been pretty juicy. Walking back into the cafe, Marc sat down as Sergi dragged me outside.

      "Babe? What's going on?" I asked my boyfriend of two years.

      "Marc received a call from Claire this morning at around 3:50 and Claire was crying pretty bad. He said that apparently, Claire came home from the airport and walked into Lucas and another girl having sex. So she is with Suarez right now in his hotel room and is coming back to Barcelona with him tomorrow," he explained as steam rose out of my ear. Kissing his cheek, I pulled out my phone and dialed her.


Claire's POV

      "Hello?" "Yeah I guess I'm fine, I'm upset." "I don't know why I didn't call you, he just popped into my mind!" "Yeah ok mom, love you too." Hanging up the phone, Luis pointed to the Statue of Liberty.

      "That's so cool!" He exclaimed as I chuckled.

                                                                                         Time Skip

      Today was the day that I was heading back to Barcelona. Loading the private plane, I sat in one of the comfy seats while Luis sat in the seat next to me across the aisle. Turning to him, I poked his arm for him to take out his headphones.

      "Thanks again for letting me crash at your place and for letting me catch a ride with you to Barcelona," I softly smiled as he waved it off.

      "Glad to have helped." He replied as I looked out the window, about to start a new life.

