What I what.

"Mind if I sit here,"
Ryan said making me look up at him.

"Yes I do."
I said putting away my headphones.

"Very funny."
he said sitting next to me opening my sketchbook making me instantly grab it from him putting it away.

"Aluna doesn't like anyone looking into that book."
Joe said smiling.

"So you are a dad?"
I asked sitting up looking at him smiling.

He said returning the smile.

"So where is the baby mama?"
I asked making Joe roll his eyes at me.

"You mean baby mamas, they both have different mothers."
Sean, Ryan's brother said taking a seat next to Joe as Ryan gave him a nasty look.

"Well you're a very busy guy."
I said making Sean and Joe laugh.

"To answer your question both the baby mamas and I are broken up but we have a civil relationship for the kids."
Ryan said looking down at his hands.

"Someone has a commitment problem."
I said making Sean laugh.

"Look who's talking, it takes one to know one."
Joe said catching me off guard, I was about to defend myself but then I realized he was right,
so for once in my life I shut up.

"Well it's nice seeing how compassionate you are towards them."
I said looking at Ryan.

"So what commitment problem do you have Aluna?"
Sean asked catching me off guard.

"I'm trying my best to figure that out right now because Joe insisted that I have one."
I said taking a deep breath.

"Did you have the problem before or after you came to California?"
Ryan asked looking into my eyes.

"I need to use the washroom, please excuse me."
I said looking at Ryan as he got off the seat with an confused expression so I can pass.
I walked the the washroom closing the door behind me, I opened the faucet splashing some water on my face when suddenly I heard a knocking on the door.

"Just a minute!"
I said grabbing a towel drying my face then putting my hair up in a bun.
I opened the door seeing Ryan standing there.
I was about to step outside when he blocked me stepping inside closing the door behind him.

"Did I say something to upset you?"
He asked scanning my face.

"No actually yea, I'm tired of people asking questions about my relationship,"
"I understand Joe he's my family."
"But you don't have the right to ask me personal questions, our relationship is professional nothing more."
I said watching as his facial expression changed.

"You have serious issues, you are the most cold hearted person I have ever met,"
He said looking at me with the most disappointing look on his face, a look that I have never seen before.
I watched as he turned his back to me opening the washroom door storming away.

I said taking a deep breath instantly realizing how harsh my words was to him.
But he ignored my call walking away.
A felling off repentance came over me, regretting what I said to him,
Because as much as I refuse to admit it,
Ryan is probably one off the many reasons I don't want to go back home to Paris, as much as I deny it he has made his way into my cold heart as he just comment.
I made my way out off the washroom walking back to my seat, Ryan was back in his seat with his headphones on strolling trough his phone and by the awkward silence off everyone I definitely knew they overheard our conversation earlier, we were in a small jet after all.
I let out a sigh putting on my headphones closing my eyes.

Later that day

"This is his and this is for the girls."
I said to the kitchen staff before placing Ryan's food on the trolley thingy so room service may take it to his suit, I thanked the hotel staff once more for letting me use the kitchen before heading to my room.
I didn't attend the press conference because I had to prepare Ryan's Dinner.
Yes even though we are in a different state I still have to make sure he keeps to his diet plan in order to reach he desire weight for the fight.
I did make him salmon and potatoes which is his favorite as a little apology for being harsh towards him this morning on the jet.
I entered my room packing my luggage, my flight is in and hour I'm heading back to LA tonight, flying back with everyone tomorrow morning would be easier but I really don't want to face Ryan right now.

Ryan POV

I entered the suit followed by my team, today wasn't the best, my opponent pissed me off by being two hours late for the press conference.
I'm furious and hungry at the same time, I got up walking to the dining table seeing my food already served and Aluna no where to be seen, of course she wouldn't be be here especially after the whole incident earlier in the jet.
I have to admit my words was a bit harsh towards her but she is very difficult sometimes with that wall she has up.
I was taken out off my thoughts by my daughters walking towards the dining table with plates off Mac and cheeses and nuggets in their hands.

"Wow that's a very delicious meal you two got their."
I said helping them.

"Aluna made it,"
Rylie said with a big smile on her face as she dug into her food.

"That looks really good, may I have a bite?"

"Nope, Aluna said not too share with you,"
"You are on a special diet."
She said shaking her head making me laugh.

After dinner I couldn't stop thinking about her,
I left my suit making my way to her room to thank her for dinner and apologize for what I said on the plane.
I knocked on her door nervously waiting for her to open it,
After a few seconds she opened the door with her bag in her hand.

"Where are you going?"
I asked looking her confused.

"I'm headed back home to LA my work is done here,"
She said while looking at her watch.

"So why can't you just wait and leave with everyone in the morning?"
I ask but instead off answering my question she just strud her shoulder taking a deep breath.

"What is wrong with you Aluna why are you acting like this today,"
I asked raising my voice, walking inside the room closing the door taking a step towards her,
I was already pissed from earlier because off my opponent and now she is acting up.

"You are not leaving."
I said making her scrunch her eyebrows.

"And why is that?"
She said putting down her bag taking a step towards me.
I instantly knew my comment enraged her, she is definitely not a woman who likes to be ordered around.
But at the same time I knew it intrigued her because she likes chaos she likes a challenge.

"I don't need to give you a reason,"
"On the jet you said our relationship is professional remember?"
"so you work for me and I'm telling you that you can't leave."
I said making a gasp escape her lips.
For the first time she was silent she had nothing to say.

"Then how can I assist you?"
She said folding her hands.

I stuttered looking at her confused.

"You said you wanted me to stay,"
"what do you need?"
"Do you want me to make you something?"
She said her eyes piercing at me.

Aluna POV.

"Yes I do want something,"
"He said taking a step towards me closing the distance."
I unfold my arms looking up at him, he was way taller than me so my gaze went directly to his lips.

"You know what Aluna?"
He said calling me by my full name for the first time,
A gasp escaped my lips as he placed his hand on my face behind my ear softly trailing his fingers down my neck, I took a deep breath as his fingers felt like slight jolts off electricity on my body.
he continued tracing his fingers down my arm taking my hand looking at my engagement ring.

"Actually Love,  I don't know if I'm allowed to have what I really want."
He said leaning towards me making my heart nearly pound out off my chest our lips inches away from each other.
At this point I basically had no control over my body,
It felt like my body and mind was under his command.
The temptation was high very high.

"Fuck it,"
I whisper crashing my lips onto his,
he instantly placed his hand on the back off my neck pulling me closer towards him deepening the kiss.
My heart started beating so fast I couldn't get a decent breath as he ran his hand down my back grabbing my waist firmly, our lips moved passionately in sync as out hunger grew not wanting to stop to take a breath.
After what felt like forever but not enough we parted lips looking at each other, his eyes piercing at me with lust and hunger.
He parted his lips about to say something when suddenly we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
