
Ryan pov

"So tell me about this boxing gym?"
I asked Elias as he escorted us to the gym.

"Well the gym was founded by Selene my boss."
"She is from America just like you."
"Her family has a background in boxing."
He said smiling.

"So Selene is also the owner of the cafe?
She lives a few blocks away from the hotel right?
I asked having this conspiracy that this Selene Elias is talking about may just be Aluna.
What other women can run a cafe,cook delicious meals and train kids to box.

"Yes, she is."
Elias said smiling proudly.

"How long have she been living here in Greece?"
I asked making him look at me strangely,
he didn't answer my question instead changing the subject talking about the weather,
but I'm sure Selene is Aluna.

"I know what your brother is trying to do."
Elias said looking at Sean while pointing to me.

"What's that."
Sean asking looking at him smiling.

"Your brother is trying to um?
what you Americans say?"
"Oh hook up with my boss."
Elias said making us all laugh.

"I promise I'm not, I'm just interested in her boxing background, that's all."
I said putting my hands up.

"Well even though Selene is not like other girls,
she is dedicated to her work."
"you know the Dario the owner off the hotel you are staying at?"
Elias asked turning to look at me.

"Yes I know him."
I said looking at Elias frowning my eyebrows instantly getting suspicious.

"Well it took him two months to get Selene's attention."
"the poor guy visited the cafe every day for two months straight buying a turkey sandwich everyday for lunch just to see Selene."
"She finally gave in and went on a date with him last night."
Elias said laughing, I returned the jester laughing with him but my blood was boiling inside.

"Seriously Ryan, why are you asking the guy all those questions about his boss?"
Sean whispered while walking beside me.

"You'll see."
I said looking at him.

Aluna POV.

"Morning everyone,"
I said greeting the kids as I made my way into the gym.

"Morning Selene."
They all said in unisome back at me making my headache worse,
I guess drinking and entire bottle off wine was a bad idea last night.
I put down my bag and phone on the bench placing my hair in a ponytail turning around,
A look of confusion came upon my face as my eyes came across Dario who was chatting with one of the trainers with a bunch of roses in his hands,
God this guy is literally everywhere and he doesn't give up.

"Morning Selene,"
He said when he realized I was looking at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I decided to come by and pay you a visit,
I wasn't satisfied by the way our date ended last night."
He said walking up to me hanging me the bunch of roses.

"Thank you Dario but you didn't have to by me roses, it was my fault our date ended early last night."
I said taking the roses from him putting my face down inhaling it, I can't get enough off the smell of fresh flowers I reminds me off my mom.

"Good morning!
"Good morning kids!"
"I have a special surprise for you today!"
I heard Elias shouted with excitement in his voice.

An instant brush off confusion came to me because Elias was supposed to be at the restaurant opening up by now not at the gym.
Then another wave off confusion came to me as the entire gym went into chaos by the explosion of excitement and screams from the kids.
I placed my hand over my forehead closing my eyes as my headache got worse by the screams off the kids,
After a few seconds I opened my eyes following their screams,
A gasped escape my lips as my eyes locked with those familiar eyes once again.
It was none other than Ryan,
He was accompanied by Sean.

"Are you okay Selene?"
Dario asked placing his hand on my shoulder realizing that I was in pain from my headache.

"I'm okay."
I said watching as Ryan, Sean and Elias swerve through the kids approaching us.

"No way!"
Sean screamed rushing towards me hugging me crushing the roses in my hand.

"When Ryan told me he saw you last night at the hotel, I thought he was hallucinating,"
"I'm so happy to see you again Aluna."
Sean said stepping back.

Dario asked looking Sean and I confused.

"You guys know each other?"
Dario asked glancing at Ryan, Sean and I.

"Um, we know each other through boxing."
I said watching as Ryan stood there with an emotionless look on his face.

"And your name is Aluna?"
Dario asked looking at me frowning his eyebrows.

"Aluna is my middle name."
I said making Sean look at me confuse.

"Oh okay."
Dario said scratching the back off his head.

"Ryan, I wasn't expecting to see you here."
He asked patting Ryan on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess destiny brought me here."
Ryan said looking at me dead in the eyes.

"So how do you two know each other?"
Ryan asked still not taking his eyes off me.

"Well I'm Selene's number 1 costumer."
Dario said laughing,
he instantly stop laughing realizing Ryan and I wasn't laughing along with him.

"Your food must be out off this world to receive a bunch off roses like that from a costumer."
Ryan said while looking at the roses in my hand.

"Oh those Roses are for other reasons."
Dario said making Ryan look at him.

"Well let us see what these kids can do!"
Sean said to Ryan sensing something bad was about to go down.

"Yeah that's a good idea."
Ryan said before walking away towards the kids leaving Dario and I standing there.

"Well I better get going, I'll see you later."
Dario said with the most awkward look on his face.

"Yeah bye and thanks for the roses but you really don't have to do that again.
I said before walking away towards my office.
