Chapter 4: The Fuyuki War Ends.

I do not own any of the fate series or it's characters, All rights go to TYPE-MOON, A-1 Pictures, Shaft, ufotable.

A Few Minutes After The End Of Chapter 3*

Saber's POV*

We made it to Shirou's place and Shirou laid down to get some rest while I tended to Gelda's wounds.

I pulled her shirt away to reveal a partially healed injury.

I set her down and walked over to grab the first aide kit.

When I came back I began patching her wound shut while it healed on it's own.

After that transpired I set her down on a futon and pulled the covers over her and I let her sleep.

She took light breaths and said "...warm." in her sleep.

I smiled as I turned to Shirou who was resting.

A Few Hours Later*

Shirou woke up and I asked "Are you awake?".

He looked up at me and I said "Good morning.".

He sat up and said "Yeah. The fatigue's gone, and so is my headache. My mana is still pretty depleted, but it looks like my magic circuits haven't burned out.".

I was happy for him but I said "Shirou. Rin is my Master. Rescuing her is my duty. I will stop Archer, so you--".

Shirou interrupted me by saying "You have it backwards, Saber. I'll handle the fight with Archer.".

I said "You can't, Shirou. After all Archer is--".

Shirou interrupted me again and said "I know. I've probably known who he was since I first met him. All the more reason I can't let him get away with what he's done. I have to settle things with him if it's the last thing I do. Please. Let me fight Archer. When we fight, I want you to stay out of it no matter what happens.".

I said "If those are your wishes, then I will abide them. I shall simply observe until is is all over.".

He said "Thanks, Saber.".

A Few Minutes Later*

Me and Shirou stepped outside only to be encountered by Lancer.

Shirou said "I'm surprised you don't have better things to do.".

Lancer said "The little lady's in trouble, right? Maybe I should tag along for awhile. I'd sleep easier that way.".

I turned to Shirou and asked "What manner of spell did you and Rin use to bring him over to your side?".

Shirou smirked as he turned to the horizon and we began to head to the castle in the woods.

Gelda's POV*

I woke up in an unfamiliar setting.

I tried to move but I found it rather difficult as of now due to my currently healing injury.

I used my minds eye to peak in on everything.

I couldn't see Saber, Archer, or Shirou so I turned my attention to Shinji who was slapping Rin.

I tried to move but my wounds were still healing.

Shinji was now going on about Rin's toned legs which I found detestable.

I smiled when Lancer appeared and back handed Shinji away.

I was a bit confused when I saw Kirei entered the room.

Everyone looked a little mad and sad while all I could do is watch.

It soon looked as though Kirei planned to have Lancer kill Rin.

Lancer refused the order and Kirei showed his arm which was covered in Command Seals.

Kirei ordered that Lancer kills himself and Lancer used Gae Bolg to stab himself in the chest.

Lancer fell to the ground.

I furiously was angered by Kirei striking down such a kind man.

I smiled however when Lancer got up and stabbed Kirei up against the wall and killed him.

Lancer I assumed died for real this time.

Shinji laughed a little and kicked Kirei.

Shinji soon threw Rin to the ground and began strangling her and I felt like stabbing him but Lancer got up again and threw Shinji aside.

Lancer soon pecked Shinji with Gae Bulg and Shinji left the room crying.

Lancer soon cut Rin free and he fell to the ground.

Fires soon engulfed my minds eye and I couldn't see them anymore.

I blinked and I was back in this room unable to move or do anything.

After a bit I refocused my minds eye and when I did I saw Shirou victorious over Archer whom Shirou had stabbed.

Rin soon ran over to them and I was happy to see that everyone was together again.

Saber said something and Archer was hit in the back by blades by grandfather Gilgamesh whom was now standing nearby.

I pushed my minds eye to it's peak so that I could hear everything that was going to be said

Gilgamesh said "That was most entertaining. A truly pointless fight between two fakes.".

Saber said "It can't be! You're--".

Gilgamesh turned to her and asked "What has it been, Saber? 10 years?".

Gilgamesh turned to Shirou and Archer and asked "So, do you understand it now? Such is the heft of the genuine article. No matter how you imitate the shape or the power, they are nothing but imitations. The sight of fakes crafted by fakes is offensive to me. Scum. Shams who are nothing but copies of others should be swiftly disposed of like the trash they are.".

I mentally said "Dammit. What's going on? Why is grandfather doing this?".

Gilgamesh opened up the Gate of Babylon.

He turned to look at me.

Gilgamesh said "I however can't believe my own descendant being okay with such fakes like these.".

I said "They may be fakes but they have their reasoning for it.".

Gilgamesh said "True, but I refuse to accept them none the less.".

I pleaded with him saying "Please don't do this!".

Gilgamesh said "I have to, their scum that must be annihilated.".

Gilgamesh fired spears at Shirou and the others but Archer blocked them using his body as a shield.

Archer said something to Shirou just before Archer exploded.

Rin yelled "Archer!".

Gilgamesh said "I'm surprised he had it in him to save someone else.".

Rin angrily asked "Who gave you permission to lay a hand on my Archer?".

Rin angrily fired a Gandr Shot at Gilgamesh and she missed.

Gilgamesh turned to me and said "I'll be seeing you soon Granddaughter, now leave and avert your gaze.".

I was forced out of my minds eye and back to this stupid room.

I forced myself up and weakly stood on my own.

I limped over to the door and opened it. 

I fell over due to my injury.

I picked myself up and crawled over the window.

I sat myself up and waited.

It was about nighttime when Saber, Shirou, and Rin came back.

Saber came over asked "What are you doing?".

I said "I have to stop him. I'm the only one who can beat him. None of you should risk yourselves for something I'm able to do.".

Saber helped me up and said "We'll defeat him together but first you must rest.".

She helped me back into the room and laid me back down on the futon.

She pulled the covers over me and said "Good night Gelda.".

I said "Good night Saber." as I closed my eyes and drifted off to dream.

An Hour Later*

I woke up back at 100%.

I stood up and headed out before anyone could see me.

I looked to the sky and I saw a hole to nothingness.

As I walked up the steps to Ryodou Temple I was encountered by Assassin.

Assassin said "He's waiting for you.".

I said "I know he is. Besides the kid, I'm the only one who can stop him.".

I stepped passed Assassin and I said "She'll be up to face you real soon.".

Assassin said "I know and am patiently waiting for her.".

I formed my clothes back to their original shape as I stepped into Ryodou Temple and where I saw Gilgamesh sitting on a roof with no care.

I said "Out of all the opponents I will ever face, you will be my greatest opponent, King of Heroes.".

Gilgamesh stood up and said "I know I will. You and I are family after all and no matter how far apart the ages are we will always be family, even if we are to fight.".

We both opened the Gate of Babylon around each other but neither of us fired.

I said "We may not be evenly matched but I'm betting I can weaken you enough so that Saber can beat you.".

Gilgamesh asked "You're willing to sacrifice yourself to slow me down and for the sake of those you call friends?".

I smiled and said "Yep, with all my heart.".

Gilgamesh said "Then you can perish with the rest of the mongrels. I am truly sorry for this my dear sweet Gelda.".

We began firing weapons at each other.

I summoned my unamed version of Gae Bolg and my unamed version of Excalibur to my hands and began my approach to Gilgamesh.

I mentally said "If I can get close enough I force this to an end with Gae Bolg's curse.".

I blocked his oncoming weapons with my unamed Excalibur and jumped up.

When I was within range I threw Gae Bolg at Gilgamesh only to having go threw a Gate of Babylon and come right back at me.

I blocked it with my unamed Excalibur and I landed on the ground.

I opened a Gate of Babylon and pulled my unamed Asi sword out of it and held both blades close together as I charged in blocking weapon after weapon until I got close enough only to be blocked by a shield I could barely see.

I hit the wall of the temple.

Gilgamesh said "You are adamant my dear Gelda. You're providing more entertainment then I thought you would.". 

I got up with my unamed Excalibur and Asi blades and opened the Gate of Babylon.

I said "Not kind to disappoint a King. Am I right?".

He cracked a smile and said "Right you are!".

I said "I need to inflict a wound you can never heal from and I happen to have a sword just for that.".

I dematerialized Asi and Excalibur.

I pulled my unamed Dainsleif out of a Gate of Babylon.

I said "Dainsleif, the legendary sword of the Norse King, Högni in ancient Scandinavia. This blade is said to inflict wounds that will never heal.".

Gilgamesh said "Impressive. A fine weapon for a King, but do you really think you'll be able to get close enough to use it?".

I said "Maybe. If I'm fast and agile enough I'll be able to beat you... But for good measure...".

I pulled my unamed Sword of Peleus out of the Gate of Babylon.

I said "This is The Sword of Peleus. This magical sword belonged to Peleus, father of Achilles. Its magic ensures victory in battle.".

Gilgamesh laughed and said "So you're plan is to inflict a wound on me that cannot be healed, and you're insurance is a magic that ensures victory for it's wielder. A fine strategy befitting a true warrior.".

I used my Gates of Babylon to release a suppressing fire while I charged at Gilgamesh with the intent to win and defeat and kill him.

I charged at him blocking and dodging all his weapons until I was close enough to slash at him.

I was however pulled back.

I hit the ground but I got up to see part of the Chains of Heaven around my leg.

I looked up at Gilgamesh and said "A bit unfair, isn't it?".

He dematerialized the chain and said "Yes, but you got close to winning that time.".

I smiled as I formed a scabbard of Albitr on my back.

I put The Sword of Peleus in the scabbard of Albitr.

I formed a Gate of Babylon right next to me and I pulled out my unamed Albitr.

I said "Albitr. A sword who's legend states it could cut through anything, except for the sword's scabbard.".

Gilgamesh said "So a sword that inflicts wounds that can never heal, along with a sword the ensures victory, and on top of all that, you now have a sword that can cut through anything. Maybe I should start taking this a little more serious.".

He opened more Gates of Babylon with the Chains of Heaven poking out of them.

I got ready to fight while he stood there.

Gilgamesh said "You know. I haven't had this much fun since my days with Enkidu.".

I asked "Your friend?".

Gilgamesh said "Yes. The only one I trusted in the world at the time.".

I nodded and said "Then I'll just have to keep what I'm doing up then.".

Gilgamesh smiled and said "Indeed you shall.".

I charged at him and flipped over all the weapons and cut through the Chains of Heaven but I was blasted away by a Enuma Elish from Gilgamesh's sword, Ea.

I said "Well that changes things now doesn't it.".

I stood up and dematerialized my blades and scabbard for one weapon that could cause some real damage.

I opened a Gate of Babylon and pulled my unamed Dyrnwyn out of it and the blade was already on fire.

I said "Dyrnwyn. In Welsh legend; When this sword is drawn, it blazes with fire; if it is drawn by a worthy man or woman in my case, the fire would help me in my cause, but if my cause is an unworthy purpose its fire would burn me for summoning it. And since I'm not on fire, I guess this is the end for you.".

I summoned the fired to burn Gilgamesh and all he could do was blocked the flames with a shield of his.

I was hit by water and the unamed Dyrnwyn was forced out of my hands by the Chains of Heaven.

I stood there thinking of my next weapon.

Gilgamesh asked "Done already? And just when I was beginning to enjoy myself.".

I summoned my unamed Caladbolg to my hands.

I said "Caladbolg, the two-handed sword of Irish legend; said to make a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to cleave the tops from the hills off.".

Gilgamesh said "An exquisite weapon.".

As I began to swing the legendary two handed sword it was grabbed and pulled away by the Chains of Heaven.

My arms and legs were bound in the Chains of Heaven and were pulled out.

I was stabbed in the chest by my unamed Caladbolg and I started coughing up blood as I was lifted up.

Gilgamesh said "It was a fun fight while it lasted. I will allow you to watch as I end this world.".

We were pulled into a world unknown to me.

Where Shirou began fighting with Gilgamesh.

I couldn't hear their dialogue but I saw Shirou getting closer and closer to Gilgamesh until he was able to cut Gilgamesh's arm off before he could use Ea.

When we reentered the real world the Holy Grail attempted to use Gilgamesh as it's vessel but I lost consciousness due to blood loss before I could see what happened.

Two Years Later*

It's been two years since Gilgamesh died and the Holy Grail War ended and I was living in London along with Shirou and Rin.

I swear they get cuter as a pair every time I see them.

I was finishing my classes since they were so easy and I was gonna head out into the world to explore it a little.
