Chapter 17: The War's Slave.

I don't own any of the fate series or it's characters, All rights go to TYPE-MOON, A-1 Pictures, Shaft, Netflix, and unfotable.

5 Years After The End Of Chapter 16 But 2 Weeks Before The Beginning Of The Fifth Holy Grail War*

Gelda's POV*

I was walking my basic baby sister around Fuyuki.

She asked "Big Sis Sis, where are we going?".

I smiled down at her and said "Well that's a surprise little sister.".

She made a little grumpy face and said "You never tell me what we're doing.".

I smiled and said "That's because it's a secret.".

She shook her head for a bit and said "I'll get you one day.".

I smirked and said "Looking forward to it.".

We stopped across the Fuyuki Bridge and looked out at the distance.

She said "So--".

I looked down at her only to see that she was gone.

I soon looked up and saw her in the hands of a Servant.

I angrily said "Let. Her. Go.".

My baby sister tired and out of it when she said "Big Sis Sis, I feel cold.".

I said "Princess of Colchis, let my little sister go this instance or there will be a reckoning the likes of which you've never seen!".

She smiled and said "If you were talented enough to deduce my identity then you'll be willing to listen to this. I've cursed your little sister.".

My eyes went wide.

She said "If you want her released, you'll agree to being my Servant through this next Holy Grail War.".

I looked at my little sister who was unconcious and said "I'll do it. Just let her go.".

The Princess of Colchis said "I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, she's the only thing that stands between you killing me, and you serving me.".

I sighed and said "I'll do whatever you ask of me, Princess.".

She smirked widely and said "Then step closer so I may bind you.".

I begrudgingly stepped forward.

She said "Close your eyes and I'll begin the ceremony.".

I closed my eyes but they popped open when she stabbed me in the chest with Rule Breaker.

I looked at her arm only to see all of Kirei's Command Seals appear on it.

I looked at her other arm and saw the same amount of Command Seals.

I was soon the Servant of the Princess of Colchis and she for some reason had strong power over me.

My sister levitated down to me and I caught her and held her in my arms.

I said "What do you want me to do?".

The Princess of Colchis said "I want you to come with me and bring her along to.".

She began walking away and I followed her close behind.

She said "If you are asked why you are with me, explain that you are my guard and that she is your sickened little sister.".

I said "Understood.".

She said "We'll discuss your duties and personal duties later.".

I said "Understood." as I looked down at my baby sister's well resting face.

A little while later we arrived at Ryodou Temple where I and my little sister would be staying for a while.

I was led to a guest room area where I set my little sister down on a futon.

I felt something overtake my body as I stumbled to the ground. 

My first instinct was to pull myself back to my feet, only to find that my muscles were unwilling to respond to me. 

All I could do was lay atop the cold wood plank ground as a the Princess of Colchis moved into view.

The Princess of Colchis with an unsettling calm voice said "How disappointing. I expected you to hold up better than that. But I guess I could always have my fun with you later.".

I turned and tried to reach a hand out to Gelda but It was moment later that point that unconscious overtook me entirely.


I felt myself stir awake. 

As my senses returned to me I became acutely aware of my arms being held above my head, secured by something around my wrists holding me to the ceiling.

I was forced to support myself on the tips of my heeled boots. 

Any attempt at anything more involved than keeping myself upright caused me to slip from my perch, eliciting a very painful strain in the underside of my arm.

I looked around only to find myself standing in minimalist stateroom including a bed, desk and closet all complete with a deep Japanese color scheme.

I heard the Princess of Colchis say "She's finally awake.".

I felt her hand brush across the back of my neck, and a shiver cascading down my spine at her cold touch.

The Princess of Colchis stepped into view in front of me in lingerie with a slight blush on her face.

If I was being generous I would describe the princess as darkly beautiful.

She regained her need to be in control I assume and said "I hope I wasn't too rough with you.". 

She reached up to brush the tips of her fingers across my cheek. 

I shifted myself away, only serving to enflame my already strained muscles.

I grunted as she said "You'd best stay put. I'd hate for my prized Servant to come to any harm. Personally, I find the idea of torture via Command Seal distasteful. Although..." as she reached forward to once again brush the tips of her fingers across my swiftly enflaming cheek. 

She said "I'm sure there will be plenty of fun to be had getting inside of that pretty little head of yours with a Command Seal, watching as all of your struggling is in vain.".

I remained defiantly silent in the face of the Princess of Colchis, Medea's taunts.

Medea circled around my side once more and said "I do love the silent ones, they're always the most enjoyable to make squeal.".

I felt Medea's hand slap sharply across the broadside of my clothed ass, the material of my tan jeans did little to diminish the force of the impact. 

I fought to keep the surprise from my voice. 

Medea withdrew her hand before dropping it back onto my ass but with even greater force. 

I tried to escape Medea's next impact by moving my hips forwards.

Medea's hand once more fell upon my butt, serving to tip me off my precarious balance.

Medea reached out to steady me, her actions proving not entirely altruistic as she took the opportunity to grope at my sides.

Medea's fingers moved effortlessly across my supple body, following the delectable curve of my front until her explorative hands came to rest over my ample covered chest.

Even through my shirt and bra, Medea grasped my breasts roughly, eliciting a stifled yelp from me. 

At the same time Medea pressed her body against my back, trying to tip me from my perilous balance. 

A tiny bit later she stopped.

Medea sauntered into my view and said "I'm going to take such pleasure in having my way with you, Queen of Heroes." as she had a delectable purr to her voice.

She reached forward and she caressed her hand across my cheek.

Medea said "Maybe after I've won this war I'll keep you, as a pet".

I refused to be intimidated.

Medea pressed herself against me, her roving hands grasping teasingly. 

Medea's fingers searched their way across the my body, feeling my quote on quote elegant curves moving beneath the fabric of my tanned jeans. 

Medea's hand moved around to the front of my jeans, feeling the cold metal of the bronze button beneath her touch.

Medea released the first button with an expert flick of her fingers. 

My body quivered in reply.

I began feeling the fit of my jeans begin to loosen as it started to shift against my body. 

The jeans were now freely slipping across the smooth curves of my body.

My jeans soon slipped from around my waist, revealing my pure golden panties beneath.

Medea's hands were once more upon me, cupping her palm between my trembling legs. 

Medea lifted me ever so slightly, ensuring some part of my weight was being carried by my clit pressed against the tips of Medea's fingers. 

I fought as best as I could to resist even as my body's natural impulse was to find pleasure in the act as it swiftly degenerated into a losing battle.

Medea moved in close and said "I can feel your body quivering with excitement." against my ear, her surprisingly warm breath passing across my cheek as she spoke.

I objected "Hardly. It seems you're the only one getting excited.".

Medea smiled and said "There's a bed right over there.".

I said "Very well. Just don't hurt my sister.".

Medea nodded and withdrew her embrace against me. 

Medea reached up and she released the chain holding my arms high above my head, but my hands remained bound. 

Medea snaked her arm around my waist to support me as she guided me across the room, casting me onto the bed on my back.

I was restrained again as she hovered over the top of me.

She smiled locked lips with me.

Medea's tongue dominated mine in our rough make out

Medea soon put her hand on the back of my head keeping me in place.

Medea then groped my right breast through my shirt with enough force to make me moan into the kiss.

My legs were restrained in the middle of out make out to the bed railings.

Medea pulled away and started to slowly kiss down my neck then my nipples then my belly before ending up in front of my pussy.

Medea wrapped her arms around my legs and started eating me out which overwhelmed my senses.

I started to breathe heavily but because I was approaching my first orgasm in what felt like a decade which it was.

I soon enough orgasmed and Medea cleaned it all up by lapping her tongue.

Medea soon came back up and started forcibly kissing me again.

I could taste my cum that she was easing into my mouth 

After she finished doing that she placed both of her legs on either side of my head with her pussy pressed against my mouth.

I did my new shameful duty and started to eat Medea out for Gelda's case.

Medea began to moan from my tongues work. 

Medea moaned "OoohHmmmm... aaAAHHhhhmmmm...oh yes Gelda, that's it mmm....".

I expertly moved my tongue around her pussy looking for her special spots like she wanted.

I hit all of Medea's special spots made her scream and squirm on top of my face.

I began moaning wildly into Medea's pussy, and the vibrations of which sent pleasure waves throughout her body.

I put all of my focus into Medea's pussy.

Medea screamed "Oooooohhh...mmmmmmmMMMMNHMM... oh yes Gelda more! MORE!".

I pushed the thought of shame aside and simply kept on devouring her even more.

I could tell Medea was close to an orgasm.

Medea started to grind her hips on my face and that meant she was close.

Medea loudly said "Gelda!".

I started to give it everything I had since nothing seemed to be working.

Medea started groping her own breasts aggressively as I ate her out.

Medea screamed "Oh-OH Gelda! I'm sooooooo close, oh god I'm so close!"

Medea continued to aggressively grope her own breasts for every extra bit of stimulation she could while I brought her closer and closer to the edge.

I finally got to the point where I sent Medea over the edge and made her orgasm.

Medea loudly moaned "OOOHHOOOOOHHHH!" as she now brought both her hands to the back of my head and forced me in as much as she possibly could.

Medea exhaustively fell over onto her side and onto the incredibly soft bed catching her as she started to catch her breath.

Medea soon released me and sent me to be with my little sister.

I laid down beside my baby sister as she scooted up next to me.

In Gelda's Dream*

I attempted to investigate a foreign presence in my mind but was interrupted when I felt hands delicately caressing my, eliciting a sharp yelp of surprise.

I asked "Who's there?".

No reply returned. Instead, I began to feel the soft brush of air against my earlobe. 

I felt my body convulse at the sudden feeling. 

I persisted "Why-".

Anything more was silenced as I felt a pair of lips latch onto my neck. 

It was a tender kiss at first until the lips began to take hold. 

I could feel them sucking at my neck, even the brief brush of teeth across the surface of my skin.

My whole body suddenly felt as if it were putty in whoever's hands these were, forcing me to brace my hand against the wall to keep myself from falling over. 

Only Artoria knew quite how sensitive her neck was and precisely where best to focus her attentions.

The shifting of hands from her sides to massage her breasts was my new favorite thing going on right now.

Her hands shifted across my front, lifting the material of my top with one hand and the other gently moved across my toned stomach. 

My top passed over the swell of my breasts, the touch of the cool night air bringing my burgeoning nipples to immediate attention. 

Her adventurous hands turned her attentions to the newly emerged mounds on my chest, grasping them between the tips of her fingers.

Applying just the faintest amount of pressure succeeded in sending a sharp jolt of pleasure through my body. 

She released her hold on my nipple for a moment only to reassert the pressure once more, eliciting a low moan from my lips. 

She continued her rhythm of pinching and release at ever more varied moments, ensuring that I had little capacity for any thoughts beyond when the next thrill was coming.

While one hand continued to focus on my breast the other began to trace elegant lines down my front, teasing along the waistband of the sweatpants I used as pajamas.

I prepared to ask "Oh, don't you want me to-".

Her fingers dipped beneath the lip of my sweatpants, tracing lines across the cotton material of my panties. 

The seemingly random movements of her fingers managed to brush their way across my clit on more than one occasion, eliciting a surge of pleasure from inside of my body I never knew had ever existed.

I quickly retorted "Okay, never mind.", any lingering thoughts of altruism quickly being swept aside as my mind was overtaken by my own pleasure.

Her fingers started to tease in and out of my pussy, tracing across the outside at first before delving further with each repetition. 

At the same time her mouth latched tighter onto my neck, sucking at the exposed skin while her tongue lashed across the surface. 

I glanced back and caught a glimpse of my partners pale white skin beside her, topped by beautiful long hair all with beautiful pale lips. 

Part of me yearned to reach out and kiss those lips but an even greater part of me couldn't bear to allow this euphoria to subside for even a second.

The deep moans escaping my mouth only grew at my lover's insistent advances, each avenue of enticement only adding to the pleasure forming inside of my body. 

The agile licks of her tongue across my neck. 

The firm but enthralling handling of my now sensitive nipples. 

The seemingly clairvoyant searching of her fingers as she excited every sweet spot inside of me, including some I had only just now learnt existed. 

All of it combined was utter bliss.

In the end it all proved too great for me to resist any longer. 

I felt my release rise up from my center, rippling outwards like some grand explosion to overtake my entire body in an instant. 

Relying heavily on the support of her lover, as I felt my legs beginning to give way even under my lithe frame, I allowed myself to be guided daintily to my knees.

Truly, there was no doubt in my mind that there was anyone else who could possibly be feeling as wonderful as she did now.

I looked up to see the one who delivered me all these wonderful feelings.

I asked "Who are you?".

She turned away and said "Someone who cares very deeply about you, Gelda.".

I asked "Will I ever see you again?".

She turned back and said "As long as my heart still belongs with you, then yes.".

I smiled as I began to wake up.

I felt a stir underneath me so I pulled the covers away to reveal little Gelda holding onto me.

I smiled as I picked her up and held her in my arms.
