Chapter 3: The War Rises.

I do not own any of the fate series or it's characters, All rights go to TYPE-MOON, A-1 Pictures, Shaft, ufotable.

A Day After Chapter 2*

Gelda's POV*

I woke up and got dressed as usual running the events of yesterday over and over in my head.

On my way to school I hypothesized that Shinji somehow made my grandfather his Servant which means my grandfather can't be blamed for any of this.

I passed by Mr. Kuzuki and got a chill down my spine.

I stopped and mentally said "Caster's Master is an odd one but using school as a cover as well as a teacher is very fortuitous.".

My minds eye revealed that Shirou and Rin were planning on testing Mr. Kuzuki's being a Master tonight.

I went through my daily rounds and went home to my happily awaiting hot tub.

I got undressed down to my sports bra and my sports shorts and got in the hot tub.

I used my minds eye to peek in on how it was going.

Rin and Shirou were hiding in a rundown gas station while Saber hid in the woods quietly almost out of my sight and Mr. Kuzuki was walking along unaware of what was about to happen.

Rin shot a Gandr shot at him and it had no effect.

Caster warned him about the dangers of not staying at Ryodou Temple when she conjured a familiar of herself there.

It appears Mr. Kuzuki planned on them coming for him which I found enlightening.

Shirou got up and headed outside to face Caster and Mr. Kuzuki by himself against Rin's orders.

I stood up from my hot tub and formed a bow and a mystical arrow to my hand.

This arrow would set an eternal fire to whoever it hits and wont stop until the targets been burned to death.

I took a deep breath and waited while also keeping an eye on the impending battle.

Rin took a shot at Caster but Caster blocked it and Saber went after Mr. Kuzuki.

Caster shot at Saber but Saber used Magic Resistance and sped to a few feet between her and Mr. Kuzuki.

What happened next was Mr. Kuzuki catching Saber's invisible blade with his elbow and knee.

I took a deep breath and released my arrow to hit Mr. Kuzuki.

Mr. Kuzuki kicked Saber away and caught the arrow and crushed it with one hand.

I dematerialized the arrow and sat down in my hot tub and watched Rin, Shirou, and Saber struggle against Caster and Mr. Kuzuki.

I mentally said "When I figure out how to summon the Chains of Heaven, it'll all be over for them.".

I was deeply impressed with Mr. Kuzuki's skill against Saber and was a little frightened.

I tried to form the Gate of Babylon around him from a far but I was unable to.

I mentally said "Dammit! I can't provide assistance.".

I formed battle clothes around me and teleported off to beat him down because he was choking Saber.

I arrived and ran at him.

I jumped and kicked him away making him drop Saber in the process.

I said "Saber, you rest up. I'll handle Kuzuki myself.".

I popped my knuckles and stood off with the man.

He said "I am impressed that you'd actually come all this way to fight. I thought that arrow was gonna be the end of your assault Uruk.".

I said "Well, when a cute blondes at risk, how could I refuse.".

I summoned one of my giant battleaxes to my hand.

I picked it up with my inhuman strength and set it on my shoulder.

I said "You can either leave or die, it really doesn't matter to me, but I'd rather not kill a teacher if I can at all help it.".

I turned and saw Shirou using Projection Magic to create weapons.

I smirked but was immediately punched by Mr. Kuzuki landing by Saber.

I dematerialized my battleaxe and said "I deserved that.".

I formed the Gate of Babylon all around Mr. Kuzuki and said "Beat this Mr. Kuzuki.".

Caster said "Master!" as she flew over and they flew off before disappearing.

I said "Serves you right.".

I got up and turned to Saber.

I asked "Are you all right?".

Saber said "I'll be fine. How are you doing?".

I said "Me. I'll be fine. You should probably check on Shirou while I go home.".

She smiled as I got up and I teleported away back home where I pulled my shirt off only to see a massive bruise formed from where he punched me with his Strengthening Magic.

I used my Healing Magic to heal my wound from the attack and the bruise disappeared after I used a droplet of Mana to heal myself.

I laid down in bed stretching out thinking to myself what it would be like to fight against Mr. Kuzuki with full seriousness only to realize that he would die in an instant.

The Next Day*

Classes went along as they usually did and I went home in order to relax in my hot tub and watch the war proceed as usual.

Rin, Shirou, and Saber were discussing how to handle Caster.

Then Rin started being all cutesy around Shirou and I found it playfully funny.

I turned my attention away and began surveying the city looking for Lancer and Berserker.

I found Berserker in a castle not to far out from the city and I couldn't find or see Lancer anywhere in the city or surrounding areas.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when it began snowing.

I sighed as I got out of my hot tub and I got dried off.

I mentally asked "Where the hell are you Lancer?".

I laid down on my bed and started sleeping.

The Next Day*

I woke up to my day off so I decided to train with some of my weapons.

I walked down to my courtyard and summoned my unnamed version of Excalibur to my hand.

I smiled and said "Maybe I could give this to Saber as a gift.".

I shook the thought off and began training.

1 Hour Later*

I finished my training with my one handed sword and moved onto endurance training.

I grabbed a bar with one hand and hung over a fire and did pull ups one handed while over the fire.

12 Hours Later*

After I was sore in the arms I decided to lay down in bed while I rested.

I listened to an orchestra while I rested and it miraculously put me to sleep within a few moments.

The Next Day*

I awoke to a whole bunch of news.

Saber was now Casters Servant, Caster attacked the church, and Kirei the Overseer of the Holy Grail War was missing.

I used Healing Magic on my body before I got dressed up and went out to deal with this once and for all.

It was about close to evening by the time I made it to the church's grounds.

I looked around only to see Rin and Archer.

I walked over and asked "Are you here looking for the priest to?".

Rin said "Yes. And I don't think it's a coincidence that Caster came here looking to attack Kirei.".

I said "Well. I'm gonna go kill Caster and Kuzuki. You two can wait here and-".

Rin interrupted me and said "No, we're coming with you to provide support.".

I smirked and said "Well okay then. Let's go kill Caster and free Saber.".

Rin said "So Saber can reform her pact with Shirou.".

Archer stopped and I looked back to see a small frown on his face.

I mentally said "He ain't having it today, huh?".

Later On At Night In The Underground Part Of The Church*

I was standing there all kinds of pissed off because of what Caster was doing to poor Saber.

Rin asked "So, did you make sure he was dead?".

Caster asked "And what's that supposed to mean?".

Rin said "Nothing at all. Just means he's somewhere clinging to life, that's all. But enough about him, let's get this over with. You don't have a human shield this time, so we can go all out against you.".

Caster asked "Do you really think you can beat me in a magic battle?".

I said "I don't know about Rin, but I know for a fact that I can destroy you with the shear amount of weapons in my possession.".

Rin said "It also depends on how I do it. I can see you don't have full control of Saber yet, thankfully. Plus, I know how strong Mr. Kuzuki is. He's no match for my Archer.".

I opened the Gate of Babylon a little and Rin turned to Archer and asked "Are you ready, Archer?".

He said "I am. As planned, then, Rin?".

Rin said "Yes. Don't hold back. I'm using everything I've got!" as I began walking towards Caster with the intent to kill her brutally for harming Saber in the way that she has.

Caster summoned a few balls of magic around her and said "You think you have a chance against me two-on-one? However, are you forgetting my trump card?" as she floated up into the air.

The balls of magic formed into something like my Gate of Babylon and Caster said "With my Command Seals, I can make Saber my puppet right now.".

I said "If you do that Caster, I want you to know that I'll kill you without mercy." as I opened the Gate of Babylon wider.

I began firing low quality weapons at Caster while she blasted them destroying them.

I was stopped when I was stabbed in the back.

I turned and saw Archer.

I weakly asked "Why?" as the Gate of Babylon closed itself and I fell to my knees before hitting the ground.

I couldn't reach the blade he stuck in my back so all I could do is lay there and watch as he hit Rin aside.

Rin questioned Archer the same way I did and then fired a Gandr shot at Mr. Kuzuki only to have it blocked by Archer.

I coughed up blood as I laid on the ground helpless and unable to help Rin.

As Rin questioned Archer, I closed my eyes and began trying to get up against the pain in my back but Mr. Kuzuki was there.

He tried to throw a punch but I blocked it and headbutt him just before Archer blindsided me and kicked me into a column.

I almost blacked out but when I came too I saw Shirou attempting to save Rin.

They fled while I was pulled up by Caster's threads.

I began breathing heavily while I continued losing blood.

Caster came over and grabbed my chin.

She tilted me up and said "What to do about you? Maybe I could bound her to the Command Seals and she'd be my Servent.".

I passed out due to blood loss and just hung there.

The Next Day*

I squinted my eyes opened only to see myself strung up to the column nearest to Saber.

I wasn't able to maintain consciousness for long before I passed out again.

A Few Hours Later*

I regained a little bit of consciousness and I looked to see Caster reminiscing about something while Saber looked to be in agony.

I tried to move but the strings just got tighter and I lost consciousness again due to blood loss.

A Few More Hours Later*

I regained a little of my consciousness again only to barely hear Caster talking with Mr. Kuzuki.

I looked down to see Saber on the floor barely holding on.

I mentally said "Gotta get free or-" I started breathing heavily as I was trying to keep myself awake in order to help Saber.

I closed my eyes for a moment but when I opened them again I heard fighting.

I looked to see Caster mono-logging at Rin while Shirou fought with Mr. Kuzuki.

I struggled but was able to open a single Gate of Babylon up and I used it to summon a single spear and it was the legendary spear Gungnir.

I fired it at Mr. Kuzuki once Caster was already hit by Archer who betrayed her.

I hit Mr. Kuzuki as Caster faded away.

I dematerialized Gungnir.

I felt my eyes getting heavier and I closed them after I fell.

Saber's POV*

I sped over and caught Gelda and I set her down before returning to Shirou's side in order to defend him from Archer.

I asked "Archer, how could you?".

Archer asked "Saber, do you remember what you asked me? Well, I do. You asked me if I had any pride as a hero? The answer of course, was no. In fact, all I have left is foolish regrets. The thing is Saber... It was a mistake, I should never have become a hero.".

I was a bit shocked at his disposition.

Archer said "Stand down, King of Knights. If you try to fight without a Master, you will disappear. After all, Shirou Emiya is no longer qualified to be considered a Master. Aiding him will not help your wish come true.".

I could not and would not move.

I said "I promised I would protect him. To be his sword in battle. Even without our pact that pledge remains the same.".

Archer said "I see. In that case...".

Archer summoned two blades to his hands.

I and Archer began our fight.

I was being pushed back and was unable to summon my armor to me.

Shirou attempted to come to my aide but he was soon kicked aside.

Shirou and Archer began fighting.

Rin said "Heed my words!".

I turned to look at her.

Rin continued saying "My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny! If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason...".

RIn formed Command Seals as Shirou distracted Archer.

Rin said "...then answer me! If you do so, then I will entrust my fate to your sword!".

I got up and headed over to Rin.

I said "I accept on my honor as a Saber. I accept you as my Master, Rin!".

I touched her hand and the pact was made and I already felt the mana pour into me.

I formed my armor around me and cut Rin free.

I looked at Archer and he asked "What now, Saber?".

We began fighting at superhuman speeds around the room while Rin and Shirou watched.

Archer soon enough took Rin and it was decided that Shirou and Archer were gonna meet at a castle to discuss things.

Archer then took his leave and I piggy backed Gelda out of there as Me and Shirou headed to his home for rest before he faced Archer.
