
Days had passed since we came across the AFC. Good people. This trip turned to a whole other level. I can't believe I've been betrayed by my own Furs. My own race. Frenzy ain't nothing but a demon. Can't believe I realized that now. A knock at my door.

"Hey, you alright there?" Gray asked, standing by the doorway.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda tired." I replied.
"Oh, well. It's lunch time. Are you coming?"
"I may. Is Mia there?"
"Yeah, she really seems to be bonding with the others. Such a good sight. Are you going?"

I slowly stood up from my bed as I walked out my room and down the halls. I continued through until I arrived at a large cafeteria. There, I could see Mia speaking with a large groups of Furs. They were laughing. I approached as Mia greeted me with a cheery wave and smile. I smiled back, and waved.

"Drew, hi!" She said to me as I sat down "Meet Max, Tim, and Billy!" Mia said, showing me three Furs who sat with her. They greeted me as I greeted them back.
"Good to see you, Drew" Max said as he put his paw out, and I shook it.

I took a good look at everyone. Good folk. Everyone was talking to each other. Mia would eventually try to drag me into the conversation but I quickly dropped out. I just ate. I simply just ate. Why was I silent? I don't know. Not even I can answer that. Maybe it was the beans. I don't know. All I knew was that I quickly stood up and left to my room.

I went down several hallways, but came across a door that was slightly opened. It was open enough to where you could see the table in the middle. This was the War Room. Gray and his buddies would come here and discuss their plans for the future, or at least that's what he told me. I could see him, Fang, and Crimson in the room. I could overhear their conversation.

"And the plan went a success?" Gray asked
"Yeah, it did. Alex is dead. As long as Philip did the right thing and said he was part of the UPS, war will grow out." Crimson replied, having his paws on his hips.
"It sounds like he did. Comms prove that he did the job. Raeal is pissed with Frenzy. Frenzy wants to hold back but Raeal is doing this. 100%."
"Do we know what he has in store?" Fang asked
"Raeal wants to do something dumb. I just don't know what." Gray replied.
"Then we keep our eyes on Raeal. Operation Firecracker can't start until either Raeal or Frenzy push the big red button."

I was left curious after that. I left and walked back to my room. As I entered, I closed the door behind me and laid down on the bed. Soon the door opened and in walked Mia. She closed the door behind her as she noticed me.

"Drew?" She asked
"Are you okay?"

No response after that. Mia just sighed and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to me. I pat her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for making you feel bad back there. I was just stressed, is all"
"About what?"
"I don't know. I was trying to answer that question myself. I think it's because I'm worried about you."

A concerned expression came on Mia's face. I didn't say anything as Mia quickly hugged me. I softly hugged her back as I could feel a smile on my face slowly grow. It went to a surprised one after she told me something.

"I love you." She spoke, my mind racing. I didn't know what to say. Or did I?
"I love you too."


"Furs, we are at war with the UFN. It's no doubt they want to take us out of the map. I should have seen it in Frenzy's face the second we won the war. Now, it's time we perform our charge. It's time we take down the UFN before they can do the same to us. We will win. And I know exactly how." Raeal explained to the various Furs in the Meeting Room as they all sat, curious.

"Lord Raeal, if I may intervene. Our researchers have been developing a certain device that could help with the annihilation of the UFN. I'm unsure if you heard." General Garo spoke.
"I believe I have. Forty years ago, the Humans were creating a certain device just like the one we have, called the hydrogen bomb. This device was capable of mass destruction. It could destroy entire cities. They kept it in a safe keep, in which we took over. After Humanity lost the war, the UFN disposed of the safe keep, destroying all knowledge of it to prevent a war. Well, we found the safe keep, and now we make it stronger than ever." Raeal explained, placing his paws on the table.
"Are you saying you reversed engineered it or something?" First Cowommander Philix asked
"More than that. Before, it could only destroy cities. Now, it can destroy entire states. Countries, if we wanted to. The UFN will be at our knees by sunrise."

Words spoke amongst the leaders, and a smile grew on my face.

"So, we are to launch this device at the UFN?" Prima Cowommander Alexis asked
"We call the device, the Über. And, yes. We will strike this at the very heart of the UFN. Anthropolis." Raeal replied, showing a diagram of the city of Anthropolis on the map.
"This'll surely start that war you wanted, Lord Raeal." First Cowommander Philix spoke
"I believe that was the idea."
