
Another one.
One more time.
Kill it.


I slowly sat up as I let out a groan. I rubbed my eyes, and scratched my hair. Everything was messed up. I fell back down to the bed as I sighed.

"Here's the start to another boring day"

I feel like I say this everyday, and everyday I am right. I work in the weapons industry, making guns for our "beloved military" which I must say, I hate. After finally convincing myself to get up, I walk downstairs and begin my usual routine.

I head to the bathroom, take a shower, and brush my teeth. What a typical routine you may say. I follow it everyday, frankly. I keep the TV playing on in the background whilst making my lunch for later today. As the toaster was toasting some bread, barely audible to me was the TV. I looked at it for a split second it seemed.

Bla bla bla blah Humans.
Bla bla bla blah execution.
Regular things every day.

I scoffed as I heard a buzz on the kitchen counter, coming from my phone. It was face flat on the table at the time. I picked it up and saw a notification on my phone. "Mia" it read. A smile grew on my face at that moment. She had texted me. I don't know why I grow happy whenever she texts me, and you most likely don't as well.

"Hey there, Drew"
"Hi Mia"
"Getting ready for work?"
"Yeah, you?"

Conversations of ours would start off like that. Now thinking about it, I never mentioned my name. It's Drew, in case you were wondering. That, is Mia. My best friend. She doesn't live that far from me. We've never seemed to be able to be separated, even when I moved. What a great friend she is. I stuffed my pack with work supplies as I turn off the TV and walk out the door to my car outside. I unlock it as I get in and look at my phone, finding out Mia was calling me. I picked up, being the gentleman I was.

"Hi again, Mia" I said "How'd you sleep?"
"Oh my god you would not believe. I slept like a damn rock"
"I do believe it. Kinda expected it"
"Oh shut up"
I scoffed.
"How did you sleep?" I slightly smiled from hearing this.
"Fine and dandy." I replied "Not to show off or anything"
"Yeah, that's what I thought"
"Yes, ma'am"

Silence for a good second. I could hear Mia chuckle soon after. I did as well.

"How long have we been friends for, Drew?" Mia asked me
"Ever since middle school?"
"That's 13 damn years, Drew"
"Yeah, your point being?"
No reply.
"Yeah, sorry" I said
"No, it's fine. Do you want to call later?"

Everyone in the world had their duty, whether it be to the highest ranking generals of the Furry Army, to the lowest servants. We all have our jobs. I have mine. It's an all day thing, and some days I don't come back until nightfall. Such a sad day that would be. Not today. Today was a good day. Such a man like myself would hate a job like the one I have, melting iron, forging it. A Fur would loath this. Not me. Not me at all.

"Hey, come on in" Mia said as she opened the door for me, and I walked inside the house.

It was a decent home for a Fur. A large staircase with white railings near the entrance, and an archway on the right leading to the kitchen. The living room was the first room to greet one, with a red couch, and a small coffee table. I watched as Mia threw herself on the couch, and I chuckled upon the sight. I sat down next to her as she lay on her back on the couch. I simply chuckled again.

"You're right, Mia" I said, gesturing her to sit up.
"About what?" Curiosity was shown on her face
"13 years. 13 years we've been together. Has your dad spoken to you?"
"Nope. I haven't heard from him for a while. You know how worried I get"
"I do, and I understand. You know I'm always here for you, right"
"Yeah, I do"

What a day it was from there.
