
As I sat down in my chair, I looked out the window to see the city of Rosemont. Frenzy was planning on "refurbishing" it. I don't know what he means by that, but it'll be something good, probably. I could then hear a knock at my door.

"Come in." I shouted as the door opened, and there I could see my assistant walk in.
"S-Sir." She spoke out "I have a letter from Anthropolis"
"Well, what is it?" I asked.

She slowly walked over to my desk and placed it gently down on it. Quickly, she walked out of the room. I was left curious from this, but I held the letter in my paws and opened it. I read it for a moment. I dropped the letter on the desk, expressing visual concern.


Darkness for days. Weeks maybe. I've lost track of time. I still remember the day they caught me. All the things they did to me. All the shit I've gone through. I brush it off. I ignore the pain. I've seen so many things happen in my life. My people, beat. Tortured. Forced to endure the madness of the day. The darkness of the night. In the end, we all have something we're fighting for. I do.

The cell door opens with a clank, and there standing at the doorway is Raeal. I'm too weak to do anything. I have him right in front of me. Standing next to him are two Protogens. They pick me up. They drag me through the prison halls. They take me to the "Medicine Room". As I am sat down on a chair, I could see a syringe on a table next to me, along with a vast majority of medical equipment.

Raeal stand by me as he pick up the syringe, and chuckles.

"Don't want you running away now, do we?" Raeal gloated once again as I looked at the syringe.

There was a paralyzing toxin in the syringe. One the Protogens haven't used in a long time. A family friend got this stuff once during the war. He's dead now.

I watched as Raeal picked up the syringe and held it close to my neck. Before he could inject me with it, I broke out of my restraints and grabbed the syringe. I jabbed the syringe into Raeal's neck and used him as a shield to block the guards gunfire. After they ran out of ammo, I grabbed one of their guns, and bashed their heads with it.

I was able to find out that they were carrying extra ammo magazines, and dual wielded their rifles. I rushed out of the room as I began purging my way through the prison complex, shooting any Protogen I could lay my eyes on. I ran up a flight of stairs and through a long catwalk as protogens below fired at me. I proceeded to do the same as well down at them.

As I arrived at a large gray hallway, I saw a metal door at the end. As I ran to it, I could see a Super Soldier stood at the other side. I ran towards it and slid under it's feet, firing at it's power pack, and destroying it.

I walked back to the door, and opened it with my own force. I didn't put much attention to it as I walked out, and there I arrived at a small room with a desk in it. The evening sunlight shone in it, enough for me to see who was inside. My old friend.

"Gray...?" She said to me, and there I stood for a minute.

I slowly walked over to her as I hugged her tightly. I could feel her do the same to me.

"I missed you, Gia." I spoke out, a tear forming in my eye.
"I missed you too. It's been so long, Gray. How have you been?" She asked me.
"I'm scared, Gia. I'm scared to keep going on. I'm afraid I might die."
"We all have to meet our fate, Gray. Someday, we're all going to die. It's inevitable."
"I don't want to lose myself like how I did with you. I'm sorry I could never let go when I should have."
"Why couldn't you let go?"
"Because I couldn't afford to lose someone as amazing as you. I never met someone like you ever again after you left. I thought I would never see you again."
"I understand, Gray. I told you this a long time ago. You need to learn to let go. The only way we can move forward is by brushing off our past lives. Especially those mistakes we commit. They will only drag us down deeper and deeper."
"I can't, Gia. I can't. I'm sorry."

She didn't reply, only wiped my tears off.

"I don't want this anymore. I can't keep doing this anymore." I said
"Don't give up on them, Gray. Many people in this world are counting on you. I am."

I sobbed even more.

"Don't let our death's be for nothing."

All of this must have been a dream, or something. A daydream. Last I remember is Raeal sticking that needle into me, and everything going dark.

I could hear their chants of hatred. Their screams of allegiance to the UPS. I could see myself being dragged to a massive stage. They tied me up to an electric chair. I could see Raeal standing a few feet away from me, speaking to the massive crowd of Protogen. I saw where we were. This was Moscow. I could see the Saint Basil's Cathedral in the distance. Down below was the massive crowd.

"The UFN has lied to each and every one of us! They believe that they captured the last human, but no! We are the ones who completed the task!" Raeal shouted out "They, are not the superior race! We are! The Protogen Race, will dominate both Asia and Europe. We will break the AFC in Australia, and we will trample the UFN in North and South America! We will dominate the world!"

Upon hearing Raeal's speech, the crowd became overfilled with joy, and hatred. Hatred towards me.

"Let this abomination's death be a message to all resistance fighters out there, and to the UFN, that the UPS will succeed in global domination, and that resistance, is meaningless!" Raeal shouted as he signaled the two guards standing nearby.

I felt as they put a cap on my head, with wires sticking out of it. They tied it to my head as Raeal stood close to me.

"Resistance is meaningless, Gray. Do you know this?" Raeal asked, but I didn't reply.

He signaled the guards one again, and thousands of volts of electricity went shooting through me. I didn't scream in pain, nor did I die on the spot. A slow and painful death, but one I didn't express. I could hear my own heartbeat there at that moment, and a thousand memories flooding my head. All the mistakes I made. All the wrongs I committed. All the shit people felt because of me. Dying. Dying, like me.

I could see everything going dark. No more pain. No more noise. No more anything. I'm at peace. I got what I wanted.


I could feel Mia sobbing as she laid her head on my shoulder. We were all watching the TV as it happened. They had shocked him to death. The room became silent, and all we could hear were the cheers of the people in the crowd. I patted Mia on the shoulders as Tim stood up, and walked to the window nearby.

"We've lost too many good people." He said.
"I can't believe he's gone." Mia sobbed out.
"What the hell were we supposed to do about it?" Max asked "There was no saving him. The UPS had got him, and that was the end."
"There has to be something we can do. The AFC will die if we don't do something." I spoke out.
"Sorry buddy, but only a miracle will save us."

As we heard that, a beep could be heard by the table. I stood up and walked over to it.

"Comms buoy." I spoke.
"Answer it!" Mia replied as I picked it up

It was silent for a second.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Is this the AFC?" A voice asked, sounding native in a way.
"Yeah, who's this?"
"Have you heard of the Furry Resistance?"
"Yeah, we have. Why?"

A chuckle.

"They've been feeding lies to you, my brothers. All lies. Come find us in Africa. You'll know where to search."

The line ended. I looked back at Mia and the others.

"So, who was it?" Billy asked
"Set The Elysium on course for Africa. We got people there waiting to meet us."
