9| not my gurlfriend

"i don't know about that, i've never been into relationships,"

(r.i.p jahseh 😔❤)

the ride home with friday was disturbing to say the least. thomas couldn't focus, she was really handsy when she was drunk.

"are you always this touchy when you're drunk?" he asks as he felt her hands slip up his jersey.

"not really, only around you," she hiccups and giggled softly, "can you fuck me tommy? i'm really horny and drunk sex should be amazing,"

"day, no," he groaned as she tangled her hands in his hair, pulling his face to hers.

"please," she whispered against his lips with a soft sultry voice that made his pants tighten, "please fuck me tommy,"

thankfully they were only a few houses away from her house, so thomas didn't have to deal with this for much more than a few seconds.

"c'mon friday," he pulled into her driveway, "let's get you to bed,"

"but whyyy," she whined

"because you're gonna wake up with a killer headache," he chuckled, "you mixed your drinks,"

he made his way to her side and attempted to open the door, but she locked it. she locked all the doors.

"open the door friday," he deadpanned.

"no," she pouted, "why should i?"

"because i'm tired," he stated, "and it's four in the morning and i have to get home,"

"spend the night with me," she smiled up at him through the window

"no, you're just saying that so i can dick you down," he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"ugh, you're difficult," she groaned, "i'm not opening these doors if you're not spending the night,"

"okay," he smiled.

"okay what? you'll spend the night?" she grinned

"no, okay, i'll open them myself," he said and used his car keys to unlock the door.

"when did you take those keys?" friday whined.

"c'mon babe, let's get you inside," he cooed as he picked her up and she clinged on to him like a koala.

"no, let's get you inside," her voice muffled against his neck, "inside of me,"

"jesus," he breathed as she began sucking on his neck.

tom did his best to not let friday get the best of him, as bad as he did want to fuck her, he needed to speak to her about something first.

he slowly placed her on the bed; only to be pulled on top of her.

"friday," he groaned out, trying to suppress any signs of arousal.

"i know you're hard thomas," she placed a wet sloppy kiss on his lips, "let me fix it,"

"no," he raised his voice a bit.

friday watched with wide eyes, not scared or anything, but more turned on than ever.

"go take a shower," he said sternly, "i'll be leaving soon,"

friday bit down on her lips and clenched her thighs. she loved the way he was speaking to her right now, it made her wet.

"ugh, this clearly isn't working," he sighed when he noticed the look she was giving him.

"spend the night with me," she breathed out softly and looked him in the eyes, "i promise to not try anything funny. promise,"

"promise?" he looked at her skeptically and she nodded slowly, "fine. i have spare clothes in my car,"

friday grinned and pushed herself up with her elbows and pecked his chin.

"i'll go shower," she said finally sobering up, "there's a shower down the hall, you can use that,"

after thomas had showered, he made his way back to her room. softly knocking on the door, he heard a soft 'you can come in'.

when he entered her room, she had just stepped out of the shower with a robe that loosely covered her panties and clung on to her bare breasts.

she thinks she's slick, he thought to himself.

he made his way to her bed, making himself comfortable and then watched her moisturize her face.

"what did you wanna talk about?" she asked as she turned to face him and removed her robe, confirming that she was wearing nothing but some lace panties.

tom felt his dìcķ twitch at the sight and cleared his throat.

he watched as she made her way over to him, bending over his body.

"hmm?" she asked again as she grabbed a tshirt that laid on the other side of thomas and slipped it on before climbing into bed with him after turning off the lights.

"this," she saw him motion between his self and her, "i wanna talk about us,"

friday scrunched her brows together, clearly confused.

"i don't wanna be just ... whatever we are right now," he sighed as she sat on his lap.

"what do you mean?" she asked softly, with confusion clear in her voice.

"i want you," he pouted, "to myself. as my girlfriend, my girl, my bae, my love, my boo, my everything. y'know?"

friday sighed and slowly shook her head.

"you want a relationship?" she asked.

"duh," he chuckled and kissed her forehead and intertwined their fingers together.

"i don't know about that, i've never been into relationships," she frowned and slowly removed herself from his touch. honestly, friday had seen this coming, and she thought they were moving too fast. sex is okay for right now, but a commitment at that ? she didn't know.

"what do you mean friday?" he felt his heart drop and frowned.

"i mean, that i don't wanna be in a relationship," she sighed and turned her back to him.

"with me or ...?" he asked as he watched her shoulders slumped.

"in general thomas," she looked at him over her shoulders, "in general. it has nothing to do with you, but it has everything to do with me,"

and that was the last thing said that night. with both backs facing each other, they both tried to sleep with what had just happened.

things were going good, they both thought.
