16| hart hurtz

'hey! have you seen friday?'

you know that moment when you finally realise that everything will be okay? no matter the choice or course of action you choose to display, things will always be alright. thomas had finally reached that moment. it had been a week since his rejection, and he was feeling better than usual.

things at home were pushing him at the edge, but he'd think about there's only a few months till he graduates and then he'll be out of that house. things like that made him happy. normally it would've been the thought of friday that would make him happy, but that's all changed now.

oddly enough, he was keeping it all together. all his shit. together. in a bag. or whatever he keeps it in.

students watched the blonde with amusement as he skipped through the halls, it was their second period and his sudden outburst of contentment were pissing some of the students off. unlike him, they did not have their shit together. the young man bent the corner with his headphones blasting the icarly theme song, and swiftly bumped into a soft but sturdy figure.

"sorry," he apologised and quickly pulled out his headphones to stare at the victim. friday garrette, heart throb. the young lady had mumbled something along the lines of "don't worry about it" or "for fucks sake!". thomas did not know which, but what he did know was that she was avoiding eye contact and her voice sounded raw.

pulling her into the storage room, he quickly flipped the switch and lifted her face so he can get a good look. the young woman's face was tear stained, her eyes puffy and lips swollen from biting them.

"what's wrong?" he asked and she detangled his body from hers.

she hated not being in control of her emotions. she hated crying in front of people. and she especially hated that out of all the people, it was thomas. her attempts to move around the much taller individual had failed, he blocked her path.

"move." was all she said.

taken back by the sudden hostility in her voice, thomas stared, completely bewildered by the strong tone in her voice.

"not until you tell me what's wrong." he stood his ground.

friday wipes her face with the back of her jacket roughly, before trying the push past the boy. "can you fucking move," her voice wavered and she finally looked him in the eye. "i've had enough of everybody's shit for the week, so it would be nice to just be alone."

"what happened dayday?" he took a step forward in hopes that she would accept the comfort he was willing to provide.

"nothing that you should be worried about," the venom had stung him immediately. "we're not fucking thomas. so, if anything, you shouldn't be grilling me like this."

thomas' throats began to close up. he didn't know what he felt more, anger or hurt.

"so, we gotta be fucking for me to make sure you're okay?" his brow raised and his posture straightened in a defensive manner.

when friday didn't answer, he continued.

"you know, for a pretty girl you can be a real dick sometimes." friday only shut her eyes tight and clenched her fists. "you push people away, and then act like some bad ass who doesn't have feelings, but look at you now, cry-"

before thomas could've continued, she had slammed him against the wall. he hadn't expected her to be so strong, but then he remembered that she was a kickboxer, and he could've had his ass handed to him right there. no questions asked. but, luckily for him, friday wasn't up for it today. so with her elbow constricting his breaths, and fist in the air ready to punch, she only let the tears fall before giving him one last push and exiting the storage room.

guess who didn't have their shit together.

after he had gathered himself together in the storage room, he was no longer in a good mood. friday garette changed that. so, he skipped school.

driving down the highway, his phone was spammed with tons of messages from his friends.

japhethe 🐻:  wya? im tryna get hold of friday. she nuh answering my calls.

before he could've opened it to respond, another one rolled in.

fal🦅: yo! did dayday talk to you? she's been ignoring my calls, and i think japhethe got blocked 🤨

then another rolled in.

elise🧚🏽‍♀️: everybody's been messaging down my phone like i'm some kinda gps for friday. but you the one who been fucking her 🙄 so when you get in contact with her tell that bitch answer our calls 😤

elise🧚🏽‍♀️: i think i got blocked 💔 i'll call her on snapchat 🤪

then it pinged nonstop.

manny🦁 @ 'gang' : pulled up to friday's house, she's not there

fal🦅 @ 'gang' : wtf

japhethe🐻 @ 'gang' : she ain't in chem class either, but that nigga tre said he saw her leave school

elise🧚🏽‍♀️ @ 'gang' : she ain't at the diner either
elise🧚🏽‍♀️ @ 'gang' : but mae is 🥰🥰

'japhethe🐻'  removed  'elise🧚🏽‍♀️' from the groupchat

'best day of the week💋' added 'elise🧚🏽‍♀️' to the groupchat

best day of the week💋 @ 'gang' : tired. talk to y'all next week. 💯

thomas' jaw clenched as he pulled into his driveway, clearly upset by the distress friday was causing in the group. falon was the anchor that kept the group together, and friday was the heart that kept them pushing forward. japhethe and elise were the kids, not because they were younger than everyone but because they had the hearts of kids, they made everything fun.  emmanuel was the brain, the one that kept the group levelled and thomas was the mediator. so this entire ordeal was surprising. he tried fixing it before he found out that it needed fixing, and while the heart was stubborn, her hurt was hurting them.

they just didn't know what caused it.
