22| silver spoon

"i don't want you to think you're all alone."

two weeks had passed, and thomas was on his own. he had ignored japhethe's messages, and falon's calls. the others made no mistake in showing that they're on friday's side. he was far from bothered, or that's what he made everyone around him think. everyone had settled in the den, a few races had passed and japhethe even raced as well. during the intermission, music blasted from nearby cars, and everyone drank.

an engine revved from the entrance, and coming in late was no one other than friday, her music blasting out and she parked near her friends.

"i ain't playin'. i ain't really in the mood." japhethe rapped along to her music when she opened the door.

when she got out and settled on the benches, emmanuel headed straight for her car, popping the hood open and checking everything. she was racing tonight. her eyes caressed the crowd, landed on thomas' gaze, she just shook her head and moved along. not bothered.

thomas watched as aiden weaved his way through the crowd and stood at her side. the asian teen smiled down at her and placed his arm over her shoulders before eyeing thomas with disapproval and a satisfied grin.

he didn't understand it, she was exposed and yet everyone around her was still at her feet. it made him even more angry. they pushed away gemma's story like it was nothing, and was friendly to friday. he never understood how strong influence was until this moment.

growing tired of it all, he jumped in his car and sped off. murmurs clouded the air and eyes settled on friday, who only ignored.

"how are you?" aiden asked as he sat near her.

"i'm good. just tired." friday answered and watched japhethe do some weird dance move. she felt bad that she made him lose a friend, it was her fault, but japhethe always stayed around no matter what. "things could've been differently, but it is what it is."

"what do you mean? you wanted a relationship with him?"

"what i mean is; my friends wouldn't be having to deal with all this mess if they weren't my friends."

"they can always leave, you're not holding them at gun point." aiden bumped his shoulders with hers in hopes of lightening the mood.

"sometimes i feel like i am, they make me feel like i am. because no one in their right state of mind would stay around."

"that's just how some friendships work. they stay even when you fuck up because they believe in you, and you give them reasons to believe." he hugged her. "we all make mistakes, that's okay."

"yeah, but i keep making the same mistakes. i can't commit, but i'm selfish enough to pretend. and then when things start getting too serious i just... fuck." she passed a hand over her face, clearly frustrated. "serious daddy issues i guess."

"i can be your daddy." aiden winked and she playfully smacked him. "listen, i don't want you to think you're in this all alone, i'm here."

friday nodded and stared off into the distance.

"thankfully," falon sat in between them both and slowly peeled aiden's hands off of friday. "she has her friends, and she doesn't need you."

friday chuckled.

falon had never liked aiden, he gave her a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach and it made her weary of his every action, especially around her best friend.

"yerrr." japhethe yelped over the mic. "next race up about to begin. five hundred per person in the pool, three laps, four racers and only two spots available. first two to the tower can enter the race."

"that's me." friday stood. "see y'all at winner's circle with two thousand."

"not if demarcus wins." demarcus yelled from over the field. he stood at the hood of his rx8. friday wasn't worried, though his car was fast, he lacked the experience of control, she had this in the bag.

"yeah, okay demarcus. friday has this in the bag." she mocked before getting in her car and getting to the starting line.
