Chapter ten: Abuse

He lifted me up after applying ice. The feel of his fingertips on my bare legs sent shivers down my spine.

"I can walk," I insisted. He, on the other hand, completely disregarded me and tossed me on the bed in my room.

My alarm clock went off, and I didn't want to miss breakfast, so I got ready. I donned a light blue and white checkered outfit that, as usual, was inappropriate for the office, but whatever. I went to the kitchen and could see that Travis was not there, so I decided to have breakfast.

Carolina was in the kitchen preparing scrambled eggs for Travis. Because I had nothing better to do, I asked her to show me how to make. Except for putting Nutella on toast, I know nothing about cooking. If Only I had a mother, I'm sure she would have taught me these fundamentals, but my father never let me do anything in the kitchen. We had meals prepared for us by our cooks.

Travis emerged from his room, appearing agitated, as if something significant had occurred. I'm hoping he doesn't take out his frustration on me. "Your breakfast is ready, Sir," Carolina said.

But he rushed out and went somewhere no one knew. I'm not sure whether he'll take me to the office; I didn't ask because I didn't want to draw his attention. I went to my room and began working on a college assignment that was due on Monday.

It was 5:00 p.m. And yet, Travis was nowhere to be seen. I was relieved as well since I didn't have to go to the office and deal with that guy. I decided to contact Dad, hoping he wouldn't be too busy. When I called, he told me that Jason had been in jail for two days and had just gotten out this morning. My father assured me that it was all a misinterpretation. My father reassured me that everything would be OK.

That was a tragedy. I had no idea Jason was imprisoned; I hadn't spoken to him since my marriage since I didn't like what he did to Sofia. I was seated on the sofa in the living room when Travis returned and approached me. He grasped my wrist in his and began going outside.

"Get in," he said as he approached his car.

I didn't want to go with him since he reeked of alcohol. How would he drive in this state? Where 

is he going to take me?

"Can you tell me where we're going?" I asked not getting in the car.

"You don't have the audacity to ask such questions. Now pay attention to what I'm saying and get in this damn car" He blurted while holding my jaw. It was intensely painful.

He forced me into the car seat after opening the door. He got in the car and began speeding up without waiting for me to fasten my seat belt.

"Hey! Where are we going?" I inquired, but received no response.

He slammed on the brakes in front of a nightclub. It was the same club where we had gone the previous time to meet his friends. He stepped out of the car and opened the door on my side. He grabbed my wrist and made his way into the club. He led me to a room to a manager that's what 

person's tag says. He was accompanied by another female who was also a staff.

"She is your new part-time employee. Give her uniform and make her serve drinks." Travis yelled at the manager.

"Boss, she doesn't look eighteen. She can't serve alcohol to the customers." Manager told looking at my not so good state.

"Do I seem stupid to you? DO WHAT I SAY?" He yelled at manager who is trembling right now with fear. 

"Travis, I don't wanna work here. I'll do some other work please. Please, I don't wanna be here." I pleaded holding his one arm. 

"You HAVE TO baby! or else you don't wanna know what I will do to Jason and your father" He whispered in my ear and exited the room.

So he was the one who put Jason in prison. I'm not sure what my father went through; he has a heart condition, and I don't want to add to his worry.

The manager approached me and said, "Hello! My name is Benjamin, What's yours?"

"Tiara....I'm Tiara." I said while wiping my tears.

"Elizabeth is the one who will get you ready and tell you what to do. Please accompany her." Manager elaborated.

I went with Elizabeth and she gave me a black dress as this was the dress code. The dress was so short and provocative that it didn't even cover my thighs. She applied makeup to me and handed me heels, which were quite uncomfortable due to my sprained foot.

She then escorted me to the counter and inquired about the names of the drinks, which I had no idea about because I had never consumed alcohol or attended a party with my friends.

"It's okay if you don't know. It's your first day, as you'll learn. This is the cocktail, beer, and wine, and these are the glasses for our next clients' beverages. By the way, how old are you?" With a grimace, she inquired.

"I'm eighteen." I responded.

"That's just fine. Take this tray and deliver it to the customers in room 119. Continue straight until you reach the first door on the right. Just maintain a smile on your face and relax, okay?" She gave me assurance.

When I looked around, I noticed that there were other waitresses wearing the same outfit as mine. Some were clicking pictures, some were serving drinks and some were on the other counter

The club was noisy and packed; it was not the sort of place I would go for fun or for work. I missed my old life, and a tear streamed down my face as I thought about it. I wish my father was here in California so I could just hug him and feel safe in his arms.

I made my way to the room, walking carefully in heels since I didn't want to shatter the bottles and glasses. When I went in the room, I found Travis sitting there.


 Did he tell Elizabeth to send me in this room on purpose? Then I spotted Elena, who was dressed in a golden shimmer dress that barely covered her private parts and had one hand on Travis's thigh while the other was on the phone.

She looked up from her phone and laughed looking at me. 

"What is she doing here, babe?" She asked looking in Travis direction. 

She raised her head from her phone and chuckled at me.

"What exactly is she doing here, babe?" She asked looking in Travis direction.

He didn't say anything. His gaze was penetrating into my soul, making me even more terrified.

There was one more boy whom I don't know.

I had to bend in this ridiculous outfit to place the drinks on the table, which was really uncomfortable. I was going to stand up after setting the bottles and glasses, when Travis grabbed my hand and uttered in a flirtatious voice.

"Will you please pour me some champagne, wifey? Oh, why don't you just come sit with us?"

I yanked my hand away from him. 

"Oh feisty huh?" He chuckled.

Elena walked up to me and patted my cheek "This work really suits you."

I ignored her and began making my way out of the room, picking up two glasses on a tray. But then I stumbled over Elena's foot and ended myself on the floor. I began to get up with the help of my hands and I started getting up with the support of my palms and

 "ouch!" the broken glass pieces pierced into my palm.

The strange boy came to me "Are you okay? Lemme help you!" He said holding my hand which was bleeding now. 

I took my hand away from his hold and hided my hand behind my back. I don't want anyone's sympathy, Him, Elena and Travis all are same... Cruel and Mean.

 I thought to myself while sitting up from the floor. I took the tray and exited the room. But then Travis followed me and stopped me in the hallway.

"Where you rushing too? Don't you have to please your customers? How about you keep a smile on your face!" He said brushing my lips with his fingers. 

He took out his phone and showed my picture. The picture of me serving drinks in this black dress; when did he click this picture? I wondered.

"Should I send this picture to Jason and your dad?" He whispered bringing his face closer to me that I can feel his breath fanning my face. 

"No. please don't send it to my dad." I begged while looking in his eyes.

"But why not? Let me just send it to Jason right now." He smirked typing something on his phone. 

"And sent!" He grinned while putting his phone back in the pocket.

"Come! have a little bit of alcohol with me and have fun" He held my bleeding hand and pushed me towards him. 

"ahh ahhh" I flinched in pain as the glass pieces were still pierced in my palm.

He stopped walking and noticed my palm. He looked at me and started taking out the glass pieces out of my palm. I tried to take my hand away from him but his hold was tightened. 

"Lemme go" I faintly said. 

I walked back towards the counter and asked from Elizabeth the first aid box. 

"What happened on your hand honey?" She asked coming to a staff room with me.

"Nothing... I just fell and the glasses broke and penetrated my skin." I answered.

She rinsed my hand and sterilize the cut and wrapped the bandage around my hand. She told me to not take orders today and just greet the customers at the entrance.

It was 4 a.m., and the shift had come to a close. The manager approached me and informed me that Travis was intoxicated and sleeping in room 119.

We both walked to room 119 and he was lying on the sofa and where did his friend and Elena went. Did they just leave him here and go? I asked the manager if he could drive us because I don't know how to drive.

I patted Travis's cheek in an attempt to wake him up. But he refused to budge. So I took the car key from his pocket and gave it to the manager.

Benjamin and I put his arms around our shoulders and slid him into the back seat of his car. We were driven to the residence by Benjamin. Travis was carried into the living room and thrown on the sofa by Benjamin and myself. I didn't have the stamina to carry him up the stairs and into his room. I thanked Benjamin for his assistance.

I slammed the door shut and collapsed on the bed. Finally, around 7 a.m., I awoke to find Travis still laying in the living room. I hope he could be as innocent as he appears to be when sleeping. 
