Chapter four: The jet

Tiara's POV

After going through airport security, I was sitting in his private jet which was definitely my first time. Travis's parents did not show up, so I figured they would spend a bit more time in New York.

I sat on the comfy plush chair and Travis was sitting beside me. Then an air hostess walked and handed me the menu, which I had been waiting for quite some time because I was starving.

"Please give me one plate of Mac and cheese, one plate of Lasagna and one mini hamburger" I said. She looked at me weirdly like she couldn't believe I would eat it all of this.

Travis was working on his laptop and when the air hostess brought the food to me, he left. "thank god" I said to myself so I can finally eat properly.

"Pardon" air hostess said. She might have heard what I said.

"Thank you for the food" I said and gave her a smile.

I started stuffing my mouth like a hungry caterpillar. Well, food always relieves my stress and on top of it, I don't gain weight whatever I eat.

I felt exhausted after eating, but I didn't sleep since I didn't want Travis to leave me here alone. It was four hour long flight and the plane landed and it was 9pm.

We got off the plane and Travis was calling someone and then he came to me, "Give me your phone, I need to call driver" he said or more like he ordered.

I unlocked my phone and gave it to him. There were chairs behind me, I sat on the chair and started waiting for Travis to call the driver.

Travis was calling and he walked to the corner, might be network problem. I looked in my bag searching for chapstick. I applied some on my chapped lips and looked at Travis in the corner and he wasn't there.

I waited and waited for half an hour. He even took the phone from me so I couldn't call anyone. He must have went home and left me here. I don't even know the address or any idea where he lives in California.

Tears rolled down from my eyes, I was dying from exhaustion and I missed my dad. It's almost 11pm.

"That asshole" I sweared at him.

I got up and decided to call my dad from a telephone booth. But then a middle aged man approached me, "Are you Miss Tiara?"

I said "yes". 

"Here is your phone! Boss told me to drop you at his mansion. I am his driver, please come with me." He told me politely.

He picked up my luggage. I slipped in the passenger seat and after 20 minutes I was at his mansion.

I walked in with my suitcase, I studied the house, it looks stunning and I noticed there was no one around.

I walk upstairs and left my luggage in the living room. There is a half-opened room with moaning noises emanating from it. I peered in and saw Travis and a woman kissing on the bed; he was shirtless and only wearing his trouser, while the woman was completely naked. So, he is cheating on me on our wedding night.

If he already had a girlfriend then why did he even bother to marry me. Tears blurred my eyes and I went downstairs. I drank some water from the kitchen and lied down on the couch in the living room. The sleep took over me.

I was woken up by a splash of cold water. I tried to open my eyes, but water was falling from my eyelashes, so I wiped them with my palms and opened them, only to see Travis smirking and holding an empty glass of water.

My hair is moist in the front and my neck is wet. I pushed my hair back and sat down on the couch, where I noticed a blonde girl standing beside him. Ah! the same girl I saw in his bed last night. She is looking at me with a disgusting face as if I look like a trash. May be I do because I didn't take shower or changed my clothes since I came from airport.

"Well! I thought you really loved airport and gonna spend the night there!" Travis said with an amusement. The girl beside him giggled.

"Could you show me my room!" I said standing up and holding my suitcase. I was not in the state of an argument.

"Elena! show her the place she deserves" Travis blurted. 

She clutched my wrist and led me to the room next to the kitchen. She slammed the door open, startling the middle-aged woman in the room.

"You'll be sharing room with our maid" She asserted while crossing her arms.

I went in the living room to pick my phone. I saw my phone ringing, Probably be my dad, last night I forgot to call him that I reached. Just I was about to pick up, Travis took my phone from the table.

"Give me my phone" I said looking at him.

"Take it," he said as he handed me the phone. But just as I was about to take it from his grasp, he raised his arm above his head. I couldn't reach it, so I stood on my tiptoes and tried to snag it from over a six-foot figure, and now our bodies were inches apart. I looked at his face, and he was staring back at me

His skin was flawless, and he had a razor-sharp jaw line. His lips were a light pink colour, plump, and soft. Then someone shoved me, and I landed on the floor. It could only be his girlfriend.

"Oops! are you alright. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Elena Travis's girlfriend" she said while sprawling her hands over his shoulders.

I got up from the floor and just I was about to take my phone, then Travis throw it on the floor which I am guessing of no use now.

"Let's have some breakfast, T!" Elena said to him and then they walked out to the dining room.

I took up my phone, which was now completely shattered. I tried to turn it on, but it didn't work. When I entered the room, the middle-aged woman smiled at me "Hello! I'm Carolina, and I'm a chef ".. She stated.

"Hi! I'm Tiara. I guess we are roommates now." I chuckled. As I didn't know if I can tell anyone that I am that jerk's wife because I didn't wanna make him mad and create any worse situation for myself.

"Oh! I don't usually stay here for every night,  just only when Mr. Anderson work till late night. You can have this room to yourself." She assured me.

"Could you please show me the washroom" I asked. I took a white dress out of suitcase and took an hour long shower.

I went in the kitchen. Travis and that blonde bitch weren't there. They could have gone to work. I brewed some coffee for myself and then went into my room to check my emails on my laptop.

I asked the wifi password from Carolina and thank god she knew it. I got an email from my college, it was for registration and today was the last day. It was almost 12pm now. I quickly took my documents and asked Carolina if there was any driver in the house.

There was none at the moment. I told her that I have some urgent work and I'll be back before 5pm as I didn't have a phone to inform Travis. I looked for some coins in my bag and there were some which were only enough for one ride but what about coming back home. So I decided to take taxi and I called taxi from Carolina's phone.

I had to wear the same wedding heels with my white dress to the college.

I exited through the main door, and the taxi arrived. I collected a map of the college from the reception desk and proceeded to the student centre, which had a long queue in front of it. It was my turn after 45 minutes, and after giving documents, I completed my registration, and now I had to choose my timetable.

I decided to visit the college library to select my classes. I had to take seven classes this semester, and I chose all of them before 2 p.m. so that I could find a part-time job on campus because I didn't have enough money. Finally, my classes were scheduled from Monday to Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

It was 5:45 p.m. when I checked the time. I checked the bus schedule on the library's computer. The bus arrives at 6:10. "Oh my goodness! I'm running late. I'm hoping Travis isn't at home." I was speaking to myself. I was starving, but I also didn't want to miss the bus.

When I stepped outside the college's front door. I noticed it was about to rain and looked up at the sky, which was filled with dark rainy clouds. I walked to the bus stop, and the bus arrived at 6:15 p.m. The rain began to fall as soon as I sat in the bus. I didn't have an umbrella, and I have a 10-minute walk from the bus stop to my house.

I pressed the stop request and the bus halted on my stop. It's raining and walking up to the house, I got soaking wet in my white dress. I opened the door hoping to not see Travis.

But the first person I saw was Travis. His eyes are dawned upon me and his jaw tightened. Well he looks angry or I would say horrifying. He was about to say something and I sneezed...well I couldn't help it.
I start walking past him to ignore but he grabs my hand and pulls me to him. He squishes my wet cheek so hard and asked fiercely "How dare you step out of this house without my permission!" I sneezed again which made him leave my cheek where I feel burning sensation. It must have turned red.

He shoves me up against a wall, trapping both of my hands above my head. I feel uncomfortable as his eyes wonders down my body. He may have seen it everything beneath my white dress since it was drenched. I felt embarrassed.

"I went to college for registration and I didn't have phone to tell you." I told hi
with puppy eyes.

He clenched his teeth and blurted "You little..." Then he let go of me and walks away.

I sighed.

Acceping this marriage really has ruined my life!!!
