
Trigger warning.
(Watch out for the POVS)
Ashton's POV
I sent the voice recording to Calum as I left her house.
It felt like a huge weight fell off my shoulders.

Niall's POV
I was chilling on Calum's bed while he went to the bathroom. His phone vibrated, showing that he got a text message from 'Ashton'.
The dumbass didn't have a passcode so I just swiped the screen and looked at the text message.
It was a recording. I pressed it against my ear just to hear what he got. Oh my god. It's Mykie's voice.
I forwarded the text message to myself and quickly locked the phone as Calum came back.
Well well well. Mykie's going to have a nice surprise tomorrow.

Calum's POV
The next day, I woke up and got ready. I can't wait to see Mykie today. I wonder what she'll be wearing. I hope she'll style her hair, make it cute.
What am I saying? This is just another girl that wants to get into my pants.
Is she?
I drove to school, listening to the voice message. Almost tearing up at her cries.
She's broken.
Who the hell is this Zayn guy? What's his problem?
When I got to the school parking lot, I parked my car and got out.
Took my bag and locked the doors, then walked over to school.
My shoes hit the ground as I walked up the stairs to get to my locker.
When I got in the hallway, I saw her.
And she looked so pretty.
She had her hair in a side braid and she was wearing a long sweater and leggings.
Her legs were skinny.
Yet, she looked so soft.
I wanted to just hold her in my arms.
I got out of my day dream as Niall bumped into me.
"Hey man" he said, looking at me.
"Hey" I answered.
"I hope you like what I have planned for today" he smirked, then walked away.
What was that about?

It was now lunch time, and I was sitting with the football team.
Niall sat down with a speaker in his hands.
He then looked around the cafeteria, and his eyes spotted something, he then smirked and went on his phone.
I looked around the cafeteria and spotted Mykie.
And damn she sure looked beautiful.
I could see Ashton watching me, with worried eyes.
I turned back to Niall and he had his speaker on.
"Watch this Cal" Niall smirked.
He turned the speaker up and stood up.
"Everyone! Listen to this story told from our very wonderful...Mykie!" He smirked and pressed play on his phone.
No. No. No.
It was exposed. The whole audio.
Mykie's story. Her own story.
I turned over to her and looked at her.
Her walls. Everything that kept her strong, fell apart, right in front of our eyes.
Ashton then looked at me.
Slowly shaking his head 'no'
Mykie looked over to him, and he looked over to her, trying to explain himself, as a waterfall fell down her face, she quickly ran away before he could blink.
I got up from the table, took Niall's speaker and threw it to the ground as it fell to pieces.
"You asshole!" I screamed before I ran to catch up with Mykie.

She ran all the way to her house, and I followed. Tears escaped her eyes as she tried to unlock the door.
She then got in and I'm sure she locked the door after her.
I ran up to the side of her house and took a big rock. The climbed the tree next to it, and threw the rock at the window. The window broke into pieces and fell apart. I got in by the hole the rock did and smashed the door open by kicking it. Then walked into the hallway, following the sobs.
I stopped at a door, the sobs were coming from there.
"M-Mykie?" I said.
"G-Go aw-ay" she cried.
"Open this door or I'm smashing it down." I said sternly.
"Leave me alone!" She screamed.
I kicked the door as it fell down.
I then looked to my left and saw red liquid everywhere.
She was bleeding. From her wrists.
She cut them.
I didn't realize I was crying when I felt drops of water fall onto my hands.

Mykie's POV
Calum smashed down the door and came in.
His brown eyes looked at my wrists and up to me.
Tears fell down almost as fast as they did on my face.
My vision started to get blurry, I took one last look at my fat wrists and everything blacked out.
For once, I felt happy.
Until I woke up to a beeping sound. I tried to open my eyes. Failed. I tried again and almost succeeded.
I tried over and over again until I was able to see clearly.
I looked down and saw bony legs, and arms. Is that me?
I blinked and saw my fat self again.
I looked at the wall in front of me.
It was just white. Plain white.
It made me feel empty, I felt empty.
I heard a soft knock on the door, I looked to my right and saw a young woman in a white skirt/shirt.
"Hi Mykie, I'm Demi, your Nurse." She walked over to my bed and sat down on the chair next to it.
"Do you know why you're here?" She asked.
I looked down at my bandaged wrists and nodded.
"You're very unhealthy honey. We've injected proteins and things you need to stay healthy, into you. Don't worry, you'll be healthy for a long time, but only if you eat correctly. Fruits and vegetables right?" She said. I nodded.
"There's a guest waiting to see you, he's been here for a week.
Yes a week, you were in a short coma due to your blood loss." She frowned.
"Would you like to let him in? He said his name is Ashton" she said.
I looked over to the wall as memories flooded in.

I looked at Ashton in pure disbelief. He recorded what I told him? I looked around the cafeteria and looked at Niall, him smirking to me.
Why Ashton, why have you done this?

I looked back at the nurse.
"Don't let him in. He doesn't deserve to see me" I said, my voice cracking.
"Are you sure? He spent every hour he could, to be here, just to see you. And he looks in a very bad condition." She frowned.
"Don't let him in. " I repeated.
"Okay. I'll check up on you every two hours." She said with a sad smile, and walked out of the room.

I was now left alone with all these thoughts that hurt me so badly.

I hope you guys liked the chapter. And again; please follow ItsSammiiieee since she helped me with the ideas.
Have a good day everyone, you're all sexy af😍
