17: i need you.

Calum's POV
My arm searched for the red button. When I found it, my finger pressed it.
"Yes!" Dr. Grey exclaimed while walking into the room.
"Am I allowed to have visitors?" I asked quietly.
"Yes, anyone you'd like to call?"
"Yes um, My girlfriend. Here's her number." I said, handing her a little note.
A few minutes later, Dr.Grey came back in.
"She said she's on her way" she said and left.

Mykie's POV
Running the hell out of my legs, I got to the hospital.
"Where is he?!?" I asked.
"Who?" The secretary asked.
"Calum Hood. Where. Is. He?" I panted.
"Level 3, room 1145" the secretary said.
I ran past all the people to the elevator.
My head turned to the right, seeing an arrow pointing to the stairs.

My shoes clapping against the cement of the ground, my body going faster, reaching level 3 of the hospital.

My eyes dragging at each number next to the doors, finally reaching door 1145.
I twisted the doorknob, to see my boyfriend plugged to machines.
"Mykie" we said in the same time.
"I just learned today.. In gym class." He explained.
I slowly walked up to the chair next to the bed and sat down.
"They said I have Dilated Cardiomyopathy. I need a heart transplant. Do you know anyone close to death?" He asked.
I do.
"No" I lied.
"Whatever happens, I just wanted to say..." He started.
Don't say it.
"..that I'll miss you" he finished.
"Me too" my voice cracked.
And soon, tears we're rushing down my face.
"Don't cry. Please" he said, looking at me.
"I don't want you to..you know" I sniffled.
"You're one of the only people I have.." I continued.
"What's your estimated time?" I asked.
"A month." He said, giving me a sad, weak smile.
"Visiting hours are over" we heard a voice behind us.
I got up and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips.
"I'll find you a heart." I whispered, before leaving.

"Ashton, do you know anyone close to death?" I asked, looking at him. We were walking to our first class.
"No..? Why?" He answered.
"Calum, he needs a heart transplant and I can only give him a heart of someone who's close to death." I explained.
"No, sorry" Ashton said sadly.
"I think I do, but I'm scared." I said.
"Who?" He asked.
