3:do what i can.

Mykies POV
Why did Calum punch Niall? For...me?
I think I have enough courage to ask him, but my hands are shaking to the thought of talking to him.
Come on Mykie. You can do this.
I saw the tall boy at the end of the hallway.
"Ashton, I'll be back" I said, looking at Ashton.
He nodded and waited at my locker as I walked over to Calum.
He turned around before I could tap his shoulder, which made him bump into me, and made me fall.
"Ouch!" I said quietly as my butt hit the floor.
"Oh, sorry" he said, taking my fat arm and pulling me up.
"I uh, n-need to talk to you" I said quietly.
He nodded and moved into the less crowded hallway.
"What?" He crossed his arms and looked down at me.
"Did you punch Niall?" I asked.
"Maybe." He answered coldly.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Because he's a jerk, don't take it personally though, I wouldn't punch him for you." He said, coldly again.
My heart dropped, yet I gave him a small, weak smile.
He then walked to class, like if nothing happened.
Why would I even think of having a chance with him..?
I walked back to my locker, to see Ashton on his phone.
"Mykie! Hurry! We have class in two minutes!" He said.
We walked to our class and sat together.
"What did you tell him?" He whispered.
I looked over to Calum, which was sitting in the front corner of the class.
"I asked him if he punched Niall, he said yes, but not to take it personally since he wouldn't punch anyone for me" I whispered back.
Ashton scoffed.
"Jerk" he whispered.

Calum's POV
I walked away from her and to class.
I could see how I hurt her, by the smile she gave me.
I'm such an asshole.
But that's my reputation.
And I'm not going to let a girl ruin it.
But I want to know who Zayn is.
I turned to Michael, who was next to me.
"Hey, Michael" I whispered.
"What?" He asked.
"I need your help. Do you think you can try to get answers from someone for me?" I whispered.
"Sure, who?" He whispered back.
"Mykie" I whispered.
"No thanks, ask that guy who's always with her" he said.
I turned to look at the guy.
I think his name was Ash or something like that.
I have to talk to him.

It was now lunch and I was looking for the guy with long hair.
After 10 minutes of looking around the school, I found him sitting in the library.
I slowly walked up to him and sat right in front of him.
"Hey" I said.
"So he returns" he says, taking his eyes off his book and looks up at me.
"I need your help, you're the closest to Mykie and I need to know something about her." I said.
"What?" He scoffed.
"I'll pay you. Please, I need to know this" I pleaded.
"Fine. What do you need to know?" He asked.
"this guy, Zayn. I need to know everything about him, she dated him at some point" I said.
"Why are you so obsessed with her all of a sudden?" He asks.
I look down at one of his bracelets on his wrist, one spelt A S H T O N.
I think that's his name.
"Ashton, please help me. I'll give you 200$ for the answers." I said.
"Fine" he crossed his arms and sat back on his chair.
"I'll do what I can." He says.
