
He could hear her voice as she said she had to do this. He could remember the last time they touched. He could see all of the good times that had together. He remembered the first time they met, when he knocked her down and he found himself staring into those beautiful brown eyes of hers.He remembered that when Mike disappeared how she was there for them. He could remember everything they had been though together.

FlashBack: Leo was walking past the girls quarters when He heard crying. He immediately knew it was Kendrix. He walked in and saw her sitting on her bed crying. He walked over to her and said "Kendrix can you tell me what's wrong"? He hugged Kendrix and in a teary voice told him that her sister had died two years ago. He held her while she cried until she could cry no more. She fell asleep in his arms and He put her on her bed and stayed by her singing a song his mother had sung for him when he was upset. When he was sure she was fast asleep he whispered into her ear "Its okay I'll always be here, you want to know why because I love you".

He yelled her name as he ran up that hill to see her and save her. He could hear Cassie telling her to get out of there, He could hear Damon and Kai yelling to her too. He could hear everything, from everyone telling to the "shink" of her sword as she took it out and swung it down with all her might. Then he heard nothing, no one spoke as they saw the whirlwind around Kendrix disappear. Then they saw a light a light pink light was floating in the air, in the midst of the light her could make out a figure, a pink ranger suit, Kendrix he thought. The suit in Kendrix disappeared leaving her just hanging in the air. Maya who was standing next to him started to run forward but he grabbed her arm. "Kendrix" he said he could hear himself say. He could hear Maya next to him say the same thing. He saw Kendrix lift her head and look at them, she smiled sadly at them and said the words that broke his heart. " I'm okay, I'll always be here" and before she disappeared he heard her say somewhere in the back of his mind "Its okay I'll always be here, you want to know why because I love you.

The moment those word were said he could feel the tears begin to fall and soon enough he was crying as badly as some of the others. He repeated those words in his head as he thought about her. All he ever wanted was to protect her, he would have gladly given himself to keep her safe. He remembered that tonight was going to be the night he was going to change their friendship into something more. As he was thinking about that, he thought about what he would have done with five more minutes. Five minutes to tell her how he really felt about her. Five more minutes to try and save her. Five minutes to just be with her. With that thought he looked up into the sky vowing to never forget the blond beauty that stole his heart.

Five minutes.
