
All I could feel was pain so much pain but I had to do this not for me, but for Cassie and all of Terra Venture. I could hear Cassie say "Kendrix get out of there". I replied with " I have to Cassie ". I went in a little further into the whirlwind of destruction Psycho Pink had made. I could hear Cassie's anguished cry of "Kendrix, Stop". I still kept going. While walking through I was hit by flashbacks.

FlashBack: Ally had died two years ago and I was crying over the anniversary of her death. Leo came in and stayed with me till I was almost asleep, I heard him whisper in my ear "Its okay I'll always be here, you want to know why because I love you"

FlashBack: I was sitting on my bed reading when Maya came up to me and asked if we could hang out. I asked her about life in Mirinoi and she asked me about my family, at first I didn't tell her about Ally but eventually she got it out of me.

FlashBack: David had broken up with me and I went to see Kai. I jumped into his arms crying. When he asked me what was wrong i told him. He was going to kill David. But I told him not to. They promised to always be there for each other that day.

FlashBack: It was Damon's birthday and I wanted it to be perfect it got off to a rocky start but with the help of her friends I  got everything done in time and even with the rush of the day the huge smile on Damon's face was enough of a reward.

I called Leo on my morpher "I've almost reached the morpher". "Kendrix" I heard him call to me. "It's the only way to save Cassie". With that I pulled out my sword and swing it down. At first all I felt was pain then more flashbacks. Meeting my friends and most of all Ally's death.

FlashBack: "Come on" Kendrix my ten-year old sister called we were at the park having a sister day. After playing for a while I started the hour drive home in the dark,not before Ally wanted five more minutes. After driving for awhile I looked back to see how Ally was and saw her asleep I looked back up to see a drunk driver coming straight at us. I swerved but he still hit us. We flipped over a couple times before laying still. I jumped out and served the door to the backseat open to see my little sister barely breathing. I called 911 and gave them my emergency. While waiting for them I spoke to my sister telling her she would be okay. She looked up at me with a sad smile before saying " I'm okay I'll always be here. After she said that she was gone. When Ally died in my arms I felt dizzy, just before blacking out I thought " I should have given her five more minutes".

The pain finally everything went away and I felt nothing. I looked down to see I was only a spirit, now I floated a few yards from my friends. I demorphed and gave my friends a sad smile. I told Leo "Its okay I'll always be here, you want to know why because I love you" . I looked at Kai and said " five more minutes". Then looking at Cassie I said from the bottom of my heart "Cassie don't blame yourself it wasn't your time to go it was mine, don't be sad. Then looking at my friends I said the words Ally had said before she died " I'm okay I'll always be here.

Five minutes. Five minutes. I learned that no matter how much you want it when you die you don't get five more minutes. You know what, I was happy not to have five minutes because I would have had to say goodbye as all goodbyes are not forever. Also now I can  finally have those five minutes with Ally.

                                                        Five Minutes
