Same day

After the beautiful kiss, that made my knees go weak we decided to just lay in bed and cuddle.

He had his arms wrapped around my waist while I had my arms against his chest and my head rested against his shoulder. He was combing his hands through my hair and kissing the top of my head from time to time while we aimlessly looked at the tv in front of us.

But my mind was still stuck on the kiss we shared just moments ago. My fingers grazed my lips as I recall how Tae's lips felt on it and the way he held me by my waist. I was scared to kiss him at first since I've never been in a relationship before and I've never kissed someone either. But it felt so natural with Tae, I felt like I knew what I was doing and he sure did.

I know that I want to kiss him when I can and whenever but I knew we had to talk about what our relationship is first. We're clearly no longer friends and I don't want us to be. I want to be more.

I have to talk to him about what we are.

Finally deciding to talk to him I sit up and look to him as I do. "Is everything good kookie?" I nod my head as I slightly blush at the nickname. He makes me feel like such a child at times.

I sit up and sit with my legs crossed by him while he stayed lied down on his back. "I just wanted to talk about, what um, what we are, you know relationship wise." I say as I look at anything but him, afraid of what he might think or say.

He slowly sits up and then I feel a hand on my cheek softly caressing it and gently lifting my face up to look at him. "What are you being so shy about?" I give my shoulders a little shrug as I stare at him. He gives me a small smile and then leans in to give me a small kiss.

"Well what do you want us to be?" He asks as he pulls me closer to him, making me straddle his lap, my legs on either side of him. Which caused me to blush slightly but I quickly got rid of all those thoughts wanting to have a serious conversation.

"I want us to be more then friends."

"So do you want us to date." I nod my head and look at him while biting my bottom lip, nervous about his answer.

"Why don't you ask me then?" He smiles his beautiful box smile that made me break out into my own smile.

"Will you be my boyfriend Taehyung?" Without saying a word he smashes our lips together. I instantly wrap my hands around his neck and he rests his hands around my waist.

Before we can add any tongue he pulls away, "I will gladly be your boyfriend but why were you being so shy about it silly?" My heart beat quickens at his words, he wants to be my boyfriend! But should I tell him why I was shy? Should I tell him that I've never been in a relationship before? I guess he'll find out sooner or later, might as well tell him now.

"I...I've never been in a relationship before so I don't really know how to do the whole relationship thing. I was kinda of scared of what you might think about me if I told you. A lot of people that know tend to be mean about it and always tend to say 'wow, look at the twenty four year old CEO who's never been in a relationship and never kissed someone before." He caresses my cheek softly as I talked and it helped ease my worries away.

"Jungkook there is no labels in our relationship, none at all. You're not just a CEO to me. You're not just someone who's never been in a relationship to me. You're not just someone who's never kissed someone before to me. You're just Jungkook, my kookie. I'm glad that I'm your first kiss and that I'm also your first relationship. I'm proud that you took the lead even though it's your first time. I want to be your boyfriend and you be mine and there's no right way to do relationships. It depends on what we want out of it and the effort we put in."

This man in front of me can not be real I swear. How can he be so understanding and caring all at once? He truly is a blessing.

"Thank you Tae." I lean in and give him a peck on the lips and then rest my head on his shoulder and he lays us back down onto the bed and we cuddle up to each other.

"I do have a question though..." I hum so he can continue.

"If you've never been in a relatship before how did you know that you liked men? Like I understand that you don't have to be in one to know it's just that I've been in two relationships, well not really. One was with a girl which only lasted one day because I knew it wasn't right and then the second was with a man. It didn't end well but I knew I liked men." I nod my head in understanding. So he's only really dated one person. I don't mind about that stuff but how can someone as fine and beautiful as him only been with one person.

"Well I was always told to look at how pretty the girls were but I never thought they were really that pretty. They were pretty I guess but I just was never attracted to them. My parents never saw it as a bad thing because they thought I preferred my studies. But one day we had this family come over to see us all the way from Japan and they were staying a few nights with us. They had a son who was my age and I don't know but for some reason I just found him so handsome that I couldn't take my eyes off him. He made me feel so flustered and my heart beat fast. I think I was only eight at the time but that was my first crush. Ever since that day I knew that I only found males attractive and that's just what I like." I say as I play with his long beautiful fingers.

"So you've only had one crush?" He asks sounding a bit surprised. I shake my head no.

"Oh, who's your second crush?" I smile and answer, "you." He gaps a little and then pulls my chin up so I would look at him. "I'm glad to be your second crush but why does it seem like you won't let your self live a little? Why do you only allow yourself such little amount of time of living?" I look at him shocked.

Jin Hyung is usually the only one who questions why I don't live but now Tae is doing it.

It made my heart swell up with content because it showed that he cared. "I don't really care about that now because I have you." I rest my head back onto his shoulder loving how comfortable his broad shoulders are.

"I'm glad that you have me too. And I'm even glad you're mine too."

He kisses the top of my head once more  and we sit there in each other's arms comfortable and content.
