Jungkooks POV

I put the papers down and sigh.

This is the tenth pile I have been through today and I'm exhausted, I can't do this anymore.

I don't want to be a CEO anymore. This high life doesn't suit me in anyway.

I was forced into this life and even though this is my own company that I have built up from the ground it's not something I wanted to do. But since I come from a family of company owners and CEO's I had to do the same.

So I've never lived a normal life. I've been groomed and set to be this perfect image since I was little and if I ever went out of line then I would have to suffer the consequences.

I want to get away from this life but how can I just abandoned my own company without a second thought? I'm the owner of JK corporations which I started myself but of corse it had to be approved by my dad.

I love this company but the people around me and the life it's self is not something I want.

I want to be able to make my own choices, to live my own life.

But that can't happen right now. Right now I have to go through about three more piles of papers and prepare for my afternoon meeting.

After I finish up the pile in hand my office door opens without a knock or a word of who's entering and I know only know of one person who is allowed to do that.

"Oh look at my little baby hard at work!" I look up to see Jin coming in looking as handsome as ever. That is the reason why he owns the number one fashion company in South Korea.

"Hi Hyung, how is everything going?" I ask as I get up from my seat to great him.

Jin is my closest friend, the only friend that I actually get to see almost everyday if he's not on a business trip or vacation. He's a very happy and cheery person. He cares for all and always makes sure the people around him are comfortable. He also really loves the high life and doesn't care that he shows off. He says that he worked hard to get where he is now so there's nothing wrong with showing off.

He loves to wear the most expensive and latest things. He loves to shop to no end and he loves to eat the most exquisite meals which tend to be expensive.

He pretty much eats all types of foods and since he has the money he says, "why not eat the most expensive food? You only live once." He surely knows how to live his life to the fullest.

"Everything's going perfect! Just wanted to make sure that you're still alive among these mounts of papers." I chuckle and bring him into a hug.

"Well I'm still alive, hopefully I actually last." He also chuckles and takes a seat on the couch and I sit on the one across from him.

"Why don't you just go out and treat yourself after you're done working?" I shake my head with a sigh.

"I'm really busy and I don't want to go to the spa or restaurant alone."

"Why would you want to go with anyone anyway? It's better when you're alone." I sigh again, knowing that he won't understand.

What's the point of doing anything alone, it's just lonely. Just because I have the money doesn't mean I want to do all these things alone. "How is it better when I'm alone? Don't you want to have someone beside you when you want to do something fun." But of corse my type of fun is not what his type of fun is.

"I told you to come with me to Paris just the other week, we would of had so much fun." I sigh as I shake my head.

"Not that type of fun, some normal fun. I couldn't even if I wanted, I was booked with meetings all of that week." Jin gives me a weird look and then starts to laugh.

"Kook, you want to live a normal life so bad and have his so called "normal" fun but can you actually live in the normal world?" I give him a weird look as well, why wouldn't I be able to live in the normal world? Aren't I living in it right now?

As if reading my mind Jin speaks up, "you've lived this high life since you were born and you might not like it but everything's been done for you since you were born. Normal people do things themselves." I let out a scoff and cross my legs, it shouldn't be that hard.

"Whatever Hyung, all I know is that I need a break." He nods his head in agreement.

"Hopefully your father actually gives you a break soon. Everyone has a breaking point and you might just be reaching yours soon."

I was about to say something when my secretary walks into the room without knocking which was very unlike him. I look at him with a questioning look and he bows his head in apology.

"I'm very sorry for interrupting sir but there has been a call for an emergency meeting for the developing team so the time was moved up." I immediately stand up and go to my desk to check my computer.

I see that the email for the emergency meeting was sent a minute ago so I quickly start to gather my things and get ready to go.

"Sorry that I have to end our meeting short Hyung but I've got to go." I give him a hug and he pats by back.

"It's all good kook. Good luck with your meeting." I nod my head in thanks and make my way out with my secretary by my side. I hand him my papers and we start to walk quick to the elevator.

"Make sure you have all the stats sent to my iPad so I can check everything during the meeting. I need all the info on what they were planning on doing as well."

"Yes sir, I'll do that right now." He takes his own iPad out and starts his work.

"Thank you Donghan."


I rub my neck and start to stretch while still sitting on my chair.

Ugh, that meeting was way too long.

"Here's your coffee, sir." I grab the large coffee cup from his hands and take a sip and the strong coffee made me feel a little more awake.

"Thank you Donghan. It's gotten pretty late already you can go home. I'll be staying a little late to finish up some paperwork." I gather my things and was about to pick them up but before I could even touch it Donghan immediately picks it up.

"It's ok sir, I can stay until you finish up." He never listens, he always does extra work when he doesn't need to. I don't argue, knowing that he will just argue back, I nod my head as we head out of the room.

We take the elevator up to my office and as I entered I came face to face with my father.

"Father." I do a ninety degree bow and then stand straight up.

"Hello son, I need to talk to you in private." I look over to Donghan and nod my head to dismiss him, he leaves without uttering a single word.

"Yes father." I lead him to sit on the couch and I sit on the opposite side.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm having a dinner party tomorrow that'll benefit both of our companies. There will be important people who are interested in both our companies since our companies are both under the Jeon name and you are my son. But this dinner party is also important because I have a huge announcement for you. So you have to attended wether you like it or not." I nod my head, holding back a sigh.

"Yes father."

I just hope it's not something big. I don't think I'll be able to take on anymore. Just like Jin Hyung said, everyone has a breaking point.


I finally get home and lay down on my huge bed with no sound being heard through my house. I don't even know why I have such a huge bed when I sleep alone. I even have such a huge house for no reason.

Well there is a reason and the reason is to show off because it seems that every CEO needs a big house because they need to show off the money they have. I could have just gotten a pent house but clearly that isn't enough to show off what I have.

So now I'm living in a big house all alone because my father said people need to see how wealthy I am but I don't care for my wealth. For all I care it can go down the toilet if I can just have a say in my life.

I sit up and loosen my tie and get ready to get to bed.

I strip down to my boxers, discarding the dirty clothes into my laundry basket, not even bothering to put on any other clothes back on. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and get to bed.

As soon as I was about to get ready for bed, my phone dings.

I grab it with a grunt and open it to see that I got a message from Jimin Hyung. I give a little smile and quickly open my phone to see what he sent.

It was pictures of him and Yoongi on their trip to Italy. There was pictures of the two of them having fun without a care in the world.

I'm really happy that he's living his life with the one he loves.

I actually met jimin through Yoongi. Yoongi owns one of the biggest music companies, actually the number one music company in South Korea, his company and mine work together at times so we've gotten really close to each other. Jimin on the other hand is just your everyday average guy who loves to dance.

He was trying to open his own dance studio to teach people dance but he wasn't able to. The building he was trying to buy was taken by Yoongi's company. That got Jimin really mad that he ended up going to Yoongi's company and he started yelling at him. A couple months later they started dating and after two years they got married. It was such a beautiful wedding, you can truly see how much they love each other.

I want to be able to have a happy life like that. Yoongi's lucky because he doesn't have anybody riding up his ass telling him what to do and warning him about every little mistake he's done or might make because Yoongi grew from the bottom to the top.

I was already at the top so I could never go down no matter what, not even the slightest inch.

I throw my phone to the side and lay on my bed thinking about when this loneliness will disappear.

Having people around you doesn't mean you're not lonely, on the contrary. If those people aren't people that care for you or love you then you're alone. Your presence to them doesn't matter.

And this is how I feel with a majority of the people around me. Only a select few can make me feel less lonely but the minute they're gone from my side the loneliness comes crawling back in.

This is how I'm going to feel with the hundreds of people surrounding me at the dinner party tomorrow.

Not only am I lonely but I can't even make my own decisions and I pray to see the day that I can be able to be the true me.
